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  1. While a bit slow for an extended weekend (mostly due to a game distraction), I did finish Jefferey episode 12, which won’t be posted for a while, the usual reasons (that and wanting to get the entire episode arc more or less done before I begin posting it).
    1 point
  2. *Spoilers below for events up to “Sadie Killer”* Given that the story takes place before Lars ends up in space and Sadie quits the Big Donut, not ending it that way would have made the story incompatible with canon. And canon-compatibility is kind of a thing with me. However... You know, I’ve never done an alternate ending for a story before, and I have to say, I’m intrigued by the idea. I will consider this.
    1 point
  3. yukihimedono


    In regards to the article, I agree with Desiderius and Dirty. It was only 187 words with no real explanation of how to use Histrionics other than to say “don’t use it”. (And yes, I actually checked his word count.) Honestly, in my opinion, that article was a joke. Just telling others that such devices shouldn’t be used is a little presumptuous considering there is no context to the advice being given. The author does not know the degree of writing experience of his audience and does nothing to exaggerate on the meaning he is trying to convey, which leaves the readers confused and unsure of how or whether to use this literary device. That would be like having a gay character not be flamboyant in any way or having a surfer not use any beach slang. It also constrains the character and his/her actions within the work and, if a writer is attempting to create a realistic situation with real characters, then such actions like slamming a door or punching a wall or throwing a book would be necessary as they are real-life actions taken by real-life people. Okay, I’m done ranting now.
    1 point
  4. TimeofAngels

    Billion Dollar Harem

    A few points This is the best piece of erotic literature I’ve ever read. Far better than 50 shades. Emma being give a phone and the “excellent cell reception remark” felt like an obvious trap to me. The first thing I thought of was that Alex was monitoring the phone and could switch it off at any moment. But then again I thought that because it what I would do in Alex’s position. I find it a bit implausible that Emma didn’t think of this. But her circumstances need to be considered. I would of had Alex arrange an opportunity for Emma to acquire a phone without her knowing it came from him to better ensure that she didn’t work out that Alex was testing her. But that is more difficult to arrange and there’s no guarantee that Emma would notice such an opportunity such as being left in Alex’s room because he had to leave suddenly to deal with some sort of crisis. Emma may or may not find the phone Alex has in his room while Alex is dealing with this FAKE crisis he set up. However I liked how Alex came across as being in love with Emma and appearing to show his complete trust in her when in reality that wasn’t the case. Which wouldn’t have been the case had Alex put in some effort to make it seem like he hadn’t given Emma a phone. Really liked “Bella’s Revenge” especially since i wasn’t expecting it. I felt like this chapter needed a section of Ariana and Dove just to continue the build up of anticipation and suspense. The anticipation died down a little for me. It Probably cold have been paced a little bit better so that we had a section of them in every chapter leading up to Alex’s induction of them into the harem.\ If the vote is still ongoing then i vote for Kendall Jenner and Karen Gillan. Kendall because she’s young and I’d like to read about her far more than any of the others. Karen because she’s a redhead, the harem has too many blondes and because i don’t remember who the other redheads were. I think Bella’s punishment should be pretty severe and be the worst so far imo raping another member of the harem is the worst thing anyone has done (out of the girls) I hope Alex treats Ariana worse that Dove because she resisted. Why is Emma Watson everyone’s favourite Brit? She’s not mine.
    1 point
  5. Hmmm interesting idea. I can see how the basic concept of the first story would, in some ways, continue over to the new story, enough at least for it to not be too jarring for someone who has read the first story. Thanks for that idea! I’m going to have to let that percolate for a bit and see what bubbles to the surface.
    1 point
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