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  1. Mother’s Day was yesterday here, but a happy Mother’s Day to my lovely mum, and a happy Mother’s Day to all mum’s.
    2 points
  2. I treat the sex scenes like any other action scene, which can be a short skirmish or a multichapter long battle depending on the circumstances. My chapters run a little long, averaging around 10k words with the sex usually making up 3 to 5 thousand of those words. As mentioned earlier, redundancy can become a problem if there is too much sex (relatively anyways) and this is something I actually fear becoming in my works. Which is why I focus a lot on setting, plot and characters to diversify the scenes. It also depends on what you’re writing, my works are just fap materiel and I know it, so that’s what I provide. Were I to write a high fantasy adventure literotica story, the style would be a lot different. I am writing mostly harem anthologies, which are merely a compendium of sex scenes. In a more traditional story with arcs and such that just so happens to be literotica, the scenes should be stretched out a little better with more time and attention given to the finer points of a story. Ms. Figg was eerily good at having no sex chapters that were still entertaining and fulfilling. I do not yet possess the same finesse with dialogue, pacing and conservation of detail so I stick with smut fests loosely connected with narrative for now.
    1 point
  3. That's a good point there. It's something I try to do with mine on every chance. (Come Hell or High Water, for instance, doesn't have any sex until Chapter 21, but it flowed organically (at least, I thought) and worked in the context of the story.) I don't see the idea of "too much sex" so much as "does it fit naturally with everything in the story up to that point (I kind of broke that with Blood and Honour, but yeah.)
    1 point
  4. The only way to avoid stagnation is to stop writing. Really thats it. There’s also author stagnation and imposed stagnation. One is where the author themselves has no new ideas or point to the story and is just churning out stories strictly for the money, and to accomplish this they retain a tried and true formula. The second is where it is teh audience that is unwilling to accept new ideas and therefore the author is forced to basicallky conform to the expectations of the audience they have cultivated over the years. This is one of the reasons many authors have a pen name or two where they can actually break out of their moulds.
    1 point
  5. Generally speaking the sex scenes should serve some purpose. Like any other scene. If the scene only exists for the sake of having a scene, as in it is not the goal, nor does it change the character’s relation to the goal, then the scene can feel empty. IN short a scene should either be build-up to something else… or the climax at the end of the build up.
    1 point
  6. Mal

    Billion Dollar Harem

    Hey everyone! Thought you guys might like to know that even though its only been a little more than two weeks since I published chapter 30, that Chapter 31 is here! I am really really excited about this chapter. In my opinion its one of my very best. While 31 is full of awesome moments, the one I am most excited about, is the one I’ve been telling you guys about for a few months now. That scene I’ve been wanting to write since near the very beginning of Billion Dollar Harem is finally here. (I’m sure you guys will recognize it when you see it). I won’t give anything away, but to me, this moment is a real game changer in the harem and should have long lasting effects. Chapter 31 is exclusively focused on the continuation/resolution of Emma’s storyline, and of the Taylor’s choice storyline. More or less, we see these two resolve but those resolutions open the door to a whole bunch of new things. Honestly, after this chapter, there will be so many things to deal with it might take two or three chapters just to get through day 38. I’m very excited to see how things play out. I can’t say for sure when I’ll get chapter 32 up, but I should have a little more time to write for the next couple months. But I also plan to work on the next chapter of Emma Watson’s Blowbang Spectacular. Which I plan to work on next. The next EWBS will also be relatively short, I’m guessing around 8-10 pages (for perspective, chapter 31 is 23). It will feature the next stage in her devolution into a cum craving cock whore. We’ll see her visiting at least one smut shop’s glory hole, and will likely learn the origin of the photo. BDH 32 will definitely see us going to the punishment room to check in on our newbies. Aside from that, I don’t really know for sure. With so much going on, we’ll just have to see what I decide to focus on. But likely there will be at least one scene with Emma, and one with Margot and maybe Cara and or Taylor…. Its really too hard to say at this point. There haven’t been too many comments lately, but I’ll go ahead and address what comments there are before I wrap this up. Well: I’m glad you like the Taylor stuff in 30. I had a lot of fun writing that scene. As for getting more of that with Taylor...well, we’ll just have to see. I’m not sure if I’d ever do anything like your paper idea. Honestly, there is enough drama going on in the harem to add random commands from a third party to things which the girls are responsible for. Lastly, as for punishment… well, you’ll see PlayerOne: Thanks man! and Welcome to my thread. Always nice to see a new voice here. I think its a huge compliment that you put my work on par with One Piece, even if its only in terms of anticipation. I really appreciate it. I can honestly say that Kaley Cuoco will never be in BDH. I have a poll going for the last two spots and she isn’t on it. That isn’t to say that I’m not a fan or that I don’t find her attractive. She just isn’t on my radar for this story. Sorry. Now, on to your two critiques. I’m actually very glad you bring up number 1. I think the important thing to remember is that there is a big, a massive, a HUGE difference between giving in, and being wholly willing participants. I think Cara is a perfect example here. She comes into the harem and almost immediately starts fucking Alex, sans compulsion. But that doesn’t mean that she wouldn’t leave at the first opportunity, or call for help or betray him if she thought it would get her out. It means that she cooperates to avoid worse punishment. I mean, when the choice is being tied up and getting the ever loving shit gangbanged out of you two, three times a day, or fucking one handsome man who really really knows how to give out the dick once a day at most… that’’s a pretty easy choice. She saw the Taylor Swift video, she knows the punishment for not fucking Alex. Does that mean she’s wholly willing? Definitely not. At this point in the story I would say there are only three girls who wouldn’t leave if given the chance. Taylor, she’s addicted to Alex. Chloe, is mind fucked and broken. She couldn’t make a choice like that if she wanted to. And Emma because she is in love with Alex, and he shows her love and respect in return. Even Margot, who I would say is the next closest would escape if given ample opportunity. Its really hard to say that they’ve given up too… I mean look at the situation. They have no way out. No way to even reach the elevator without being gassed and they know that escape and failure to comply will result in harsh, brutal rape and torture. Just because they’re choosing the easy option doesn’t mean that they’ve given in or given up. It just means they prefer Alex and his soft touch to the guards and rough, harsh and nasty… Seems like an easy choice to me. Sorry if that went on for a bit, but I think its an important distinction. Now your No. 2. Alex is being more lax with the girls. They have had an effect on him, just the same as he has had an effect on them. Alex isn’t perfect, he makes mistakes. I know most people say they prefer the hard, harsh Alex who has zero tolerance, but I assure that Alex would make this story very dry in a very short time. I also find it funny that since Taylor slapped Alex I’ve had half a dozen people tell me she should have been tossed in the punishment room immediately. But, not one person said anything, in fact, no one batted an eyelash, when Emma did the exact same thing in chapter 15. I guess my opinion of his laxness, is that it causes problems, which a) show Alex’s own vulnerabilities, and b) create more plot twists. I will also add, that after the events of 31 we will be seeing at least some of the return to cold, hard, harsh Alex… Thanks again for the kind words, and I hope that helps clear things up. ALKK: Thanks for the Votes! Ok guys, I’m out. thanks again for reading along. I hope you enjoy the new chapter, I know I really enjoyed writing it. I hope to see more comments and questions in the future. I write this story as much for you guys as for myself and its your contributions to this thread that show me you guys are still around! Anyway, I hope to hear more from you guys soon. I should be around to address any comments… Till next time, -Mal
    1 point
  7. I have cover art! NineStar Press is republishing my Witch’s Apprentice series, and Ghost’s Sight, the first book, has cover art. I’m really excited, and I can’t wait for the release date!
    1 point
  8. CloverReef

    The Big Question

    Based on my personality and plethora of anxieties... The ability to fade from attention. Like a stranger sees me and is all like "that creature looks totally approachable and not terrified of me at all so I'd better make it converse with me." Then i could just smile and nod and with my epic power i could make them lose interest and go away. I think I'd get that power because i already kinda do it with awkwardness. Edit: excuse the errors. Wrote this on my phone.
    1 point
  9. Other than a name change, identical to the stories stolen. Of course, not being satisfied with one theft, this one made a trifecta! That’s okay, you’re toast now!
    1 point
  10. Gotta love allergies. ugh. My eyes will be gritty until I mow again, and then I go back to the eyes glued shut the first day after.
    0 points
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