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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/13/2018 in all areas

  1. I saw this post and was going to pass it up because it’s absolutely embarrassing how many WIPs I have that are in various stages of writing and editing, but, maybe, if I post this it will shame me into getting my butt back in gear. (sort of like when people post pics of their pets with a sign around their neck, you know?) I have 37 WIPs and yes, I’m (sorta) working on all of them. Of those, 8 are finished and awaiting editing so they can be sent to the publisher or self published, 14 are half to three fourths finished and the others average anywhere from 3 to 6 chapters. The sad thing about this all is that even with all these stories unfinished, I can’t stop myself from starting new ones. *hangs head in shame*
    2 points
  2. I have 20 active stories. And God help me, it's only 20 because that's the maximum number that I allow myself to have at any given time.
    2 points
  3. Hello, I’m DP and I thought I had a WIP habit, but @CL Mustafic beats mine. I started focusing on Jefferey at the start of the year because I want to resolve the outstanding WIPs before moving on the main story – however, there is one plot bunny that’s festering that I may have to work on.
    1 point
  4. Uh… *thinks* If I count everything, four stories that are actually posted online, as well as three that haven’t been and which I’ve been working on on the side off and on. Did I say the word “on” enough times? I wasn’t sure if I should count all the Word docs I have in which I've jotted down some scene or bit of dialogue that I needed to get down.
    1 point
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