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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/24/2018 in all areas

  1. So a mare goes into a bar and the barman says, “Why the long face?” And the mare says “They won’t write anybody fuckin’ me!”
    5 points
  2. 3Plus - I love this tag!!! It's so much fun to write. I tend to write in first person but I usually have a lot of characters running around in the story, so it's nice to write scenes that don't just revolve around the MC and see how other characters interact with each other. Trying to do more of this in the rewrite. ABDL - This falls under the scat umbrella (which sounds like a useful instrument for when the shit hits the fan ) for me as well as Minor1 in a weird way so it makes me uncomfortable in multiple different ways Abortion - I write this tag to be depressing; I use it as character development (please stop rolling your eyes at me...). Abuse - Oh look, it's child abuse, my favorite tragic backstory! As well as domestic abuse, my second favorite plot device! Lol, I get mileage out of this one. AFFO: I had to take this off recently and it made me sad. You guys are still my faaaaave! <3 Ageplay: That's kind of interesting, I wouldn't mind trying it. Anal: Lol, I write M/M so this is my bread and butter. Angst: I don't write stories with an intent to be angsty. I mean, there are a few angsty moments in there I'm sure, but this seems like unnecessarily typecasting a story (she says as she uses the tag... I did tag one that tends to get more angsty than the others). Anthro - Furry isn't a particular fetish of mine but I still like writing it. I want to do more of this if I get a chance. Actually, I was thinking of humanoid monsters when I used this tag, not furries. BDSM - Yes, yes, sometimes they actually like it - or is it just Stockholm Syndrome? Now there's a tag I need! Beast - I have no issues with this tag, but it pisses me off that I've only done the 'basic' animals like dogs and horses (actually, that's it). I feel like I can probably get more creative with this tag. I'm thinking classic Fisherman's Wife with the octopus? No, a squid! No, an EEL! NO A JELLYFISH! Okay, wait, I do have one problem with this tag: I don't like writing animals as the sub/receiving end, I just don't. Kass, y u have so many weird and hypocritical double standards? Bi - TECHNICALLY almost all the guys in my slashfic are bi but they only have other men to do it with. They do get to do it with android ladies at one point, so I'm using that as evidence. Bigotry - I thought racism or sexism when I read this tag and I don't really do that for whatever reason. Lack of opportunity in the universe, I think. B-Mod - THIS IS A GREAT TAG I'm trying to do more with it. You guys see those freaky-deaky engagement ring finger piercings on Insta? Those would be so hot as a modernized version of a slave brand, fr. Also working on ideating a corset piercing scene. (look that up if you didn't know *whistles*) Bond - One of my all time faves, not going anywhere soon <3 BP - Hadn't done this before (which is weird because there are tons of vamps in The Human Rayce), but I'm starting to like it the more I experiment with it! Kinky serial killers are best serial killers <3 CBT - I wanna say kinda, but I don't think I've done this specifically. Which is a travesty, I should do it. COMPLETE - I bet anyone who's ever read my stuff wishes I'd stfu and finish already. I might just do a oneshot for the sweet, sweet release of finally using this tag T_T Contro - Well gee, I was thinking about politics when I read this tag, but I guess what I write is technically controversial. CR - I used to play Corruption of Champions back when it was cool, so I thought it was that very specific type of corruption. I have some corrupt government officials in my book, but I figured that's not what you mean Ds - Of course! I like switching the roles to spice things up and get different perspectives on the character relationships. Dom - Umm, now that I'm looking at this, I'm not sure how it's different from above. DP - YES. GANGBANGS. ALL THE GANGBANGS. I've done it with the same hole too, and it kind of sounded impossible even as I was writing it, but hell it was fun so who cares? Exhib - Pretty sure my MC enjoys watching his harem go at it so long as he has lube and a box of tissues. Forced Exhibition is also my favorite device for breaking down the really prideful characters. OK WOW this list is longer than I thought, I’ll be back
    2 points
  3. It can be really effective if used well. I think that’s what I’m going for with my newest story, like the MC is a total trainwreck and horrible things are happening but you just can’t look away
    1 point
  4. This tag just means the plot to justify the porn is still under construction …
    1 point
  5. Weird, I didn’t expect that getting the ashes back would help, but it is, a bit. Obviously, I wish I had the living cat instead, just a subtle measure of peace. He’s on the table that I’ve used as a desk for years, appropriate because he used to lay/nap underneath it a lot.
    1 point
  6. JayDee

    On tags I've used by A Writer

    Oooh, I missed one! Yeah, so, I have used this so I can answer. Although the site is called Adultfanfiction it doesn’t just mean adult for sex. There are lots of other adult stories folks can tell, which’re welcome here, and the site admins are also okay about adult-writing authors also sticking their PG-13 stories on here. So, I’ve done a few pieces that don’t have any sex in them, some inspired by forum prompts here. Now, some readers are here at the site for just one thing: Manual stimulation of their genitals until they achieve climax. Those users, barring specfic sex free fetishes, generally don’t want to waste time reading JayDee making meta-jokes about Mary Sue or second person writing form, or writing about one dimensional stereotype characters having a sex free slumber party. Or a cat woman being friendzoned by an Orc, although that’s a great fic and everyone should totally read and review. No, those people want to masturbate furiously to sex scenes. The NoSex tag is therefore a great way to let folks know that a story doesn’t have sex in it and hey can scroll on looking for all the good tags that will get them closer to the kind of post orgasmic shame that comes free with every JayDee fuckfic. @KassX It’s a sad sick world.
    1 point
  7. KassX

    On tags I've used by A Writer

    OMG, NOOOOOO that’s not okay
    1 point
  8. JayDee

    On tags I've used by A Writer

    ‘fraid it was. Musta made Thanksgiving dinner awkward that year.
    1 point
  9. KassX

    On tags I've used by A Writer

    Okay, I just had one question: WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK? Please tell me Incest wasn’t a companion tag on this fic
    1 point
  10. Yes and no. Pictures can only be uploaded to the Art Room forum – which is member’s only access – and then only of the drawn or digital variety; i.e., no photographs of real people. And no photo manipulations of any kind. Any pictures uploaded to any other forums will be deleted. Also, no pornographic pictures beyond mild nudity will be allowed to be used in your Signature, Cover Photo or Profile Picture. So, why have we decided to do this? Well, firstly, this site always has been and always will be primarily about written smut, not smutty pictures. But perhaps the main reason is that different countries have different laws about what’s illegal visually and what isn’t, and we want to make it as difficult as possible for people to accidentally stumble on pictures that would be considered illegal in their country. Outside of the Art Room forum, you can provide a link to a picture hosted elsewhere, as long as there’s a clear description of what the picture is of, and do not use any link that means the picture is downloaded to their computer as soon as someone clicks on the link; it has to be a picture that is viewable without needing to be downloaded first. This is to ensure no one tries to force a virus or anything else unsavoury onto an unsuspecting person. Any link not meeting these requirements will be removed and the member warned. If you’re unsure whether or not a picture you have uploaded to your profile or signature is acceptable then please don’t hesitate to ask a moderator.
    1 point
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