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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/21/2018 in all areas

  1. I started this for the thread Never Would I Ever Write this Tag… but realised it was increasingly off topic and derailing, and if I finish my thoughts on all the current tags it’d lead to wall-of-text breaks in the conversation there so started a new one to keep it in place. If you’ve got a tag you wouldn’t ever write, click the link and talk about it there! Meanwhile, my thoughts on tags I have written and other tags and general stuff from a writer’s perspective. If it belongs more in aimless babble or something then I hope one of the mods will be happy to move it (Thanks if so!): 3Plus - Yep, have written this. The more the merrier but it can be hard for less talented writers like myself to keep track of where things are at any given time. So, you've written a cock up an ass and then you write another cock up the same ass and then you've got either a cocktinuity error or double anal. ABDL - If I was back writing and there was a challenge that really engaged me I could see me doing a story with it, but it falls squarely in the "very specific fetish that doesn't arouse me so is hard to understand" catagory for me. I'm semi-surprised it's even popular enough to have had a tag while more common weird fetishes like sizeplay/shrinking/growth don't, but of course some of the tags were very different in the early years and it's grown and changed. Abortion - I have a story that would qualify for this warning tag ("Revenge of the Ravenclaw" -self abortion sort-of-blood-magic) but doesn't have it. I think it may have been brought in after the story was written, because I was always pretty hot on tagging anything triggering that had tags available. Could have missed it though. Definitely a tag that you want not because there's any kind of fetished/meant to be sexy content in it (certainly isn't in mine) but because of the importance of helping people avoid content that would disturb them. Incidentally, while I fully support that for porn I think it's fucking stupid in an academic context. Abuse - Have written. Have had characters get the shit abused out of them. And indeed into them, but that's later. AFFO - I've got some AFF exclusives! I think all of the Slumber Party stories are AFFO. You! is too. Ageplay - I don't remember exploring this kink, but you could have some fun with it. Yoda/Luke for example... I guess I'd take a crack sometime if I was writing again. Anal - Written it from both the rough hard violent angle and the gentle more fun loving angle. It has it's place. Angst - This is a hard one to get right. Fanfic writers do like to see their favorite characters summer emotional torments that can only finally be soothed away by a spot of anal. I think I have had some angsty characters, although my stories having PWP tendancies tend to reduce the options. Anthro - Yiff in hell furfags! You and all your anthro loving kind can... wait, what? I wrote what? Loving furry yaoi? Oh, yeah. Let me rephrase that. Anthro's great! Can't go wrong with a furry fuckfest. BDSM - Me? Write anything “Safe, sane and consensual”? Not in this lifetime. This is a tag that I feel gets misused. If a character is tied up and tortured and raped and hasn't given clear prior consent, limits, boundaries and the rest or got the option to withdraw consent at any time it's not BDSM but it still gets tagged as such. And joking aside, I did write a consensual BDSM scene one time I'm sure, with an Orc/Elf, but it was in the same story as earlier rape and such. Beast - Have written. It's fine in fantasy, abhorant in the real world. Got a few requests that made me smile. Although throwing out the word "Horsecock" just makes me giggle like a schoolgirl. I'm doing it right now. Giggle. Bi - I've written Bi encounters. Bi visibility is something that could definitely be improved in this world of ours. Possibily not through one of my fics though. Bigotry - Ahh, trigger warning time. Yeah, I've done it. Lot of bigoted characters in my fics, generally because if I was writing someone doing something horrible to someone else it was easier if they were not a nice person. My List part 2 http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/topic/66607-on-tags-ive-used-by-a-writer/?do=findComment&comment=414406 My List part 3 - http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/topic/66607-on-tags-ive-used-by-a-writer/?do=findComment&comment=414416
    3 points
  2. The tag on AFF actually was “NC” instead of “rape” or “rapefic” for quite a long time, but the codes have changed and clarified since. I think NC was stopped a good few years ago now. The one that hacks me off is “Dubcon.” Either characters have established consent (whether it has been made aware to the readers or not) or they haven’t. And if they haven’t, it’s rape. If they have it’s consent. There’s no dubious consent. Bah. There’s loads more points I have to rant about this but, screw it, I don’t like the term, other writers seem to, and I’m a bitter old nobody left behind by modern events. Edit: ps Horsecock. chortle. Edit2: @CloverReef “Today’s seminar: The correct use of pegging in establishing a character as a right little bitch boy.” Edit3: The @ tagging didn’t work first time. So I’m also left behind by modern forum tagging. Bah and indeed humbug.
    3 points
  3. I’ve written scat. I’ve got one with Harry and Bellatrix, and it appears in a few others. It’s nice to do something different! ...and on today’s episode of “Why you don’t mess with BW”…
    3 points
  4. Omg a AFF perv workshop would be the awesomest thing ever. But on topic, I don’t think I’ve ever actually played with any of the fun tags before. I think the raciest thing I’ve done in my stories is 3plus. Otherwise, it’s usually the standard ‘anal, m/m, violence, etc’. Of course I’ve touched on a couple fetishes too, but they don’t currently have tags.
    3 points
  5. Alright, the list: 3Plus, Abuse, AFFO, Anal, Angst, Complete, FF, Fet, Fingering, HC, HJ, Humil, MF, MM, MCD, MiCD, NoSex, Oneshot, Oral, Other, SH, Solo, Toys, UST, Violence, WD, WIP - The typical tags, typical uses Abortion - only because I mentioned a character having an abortion, I’m not describing it. Bi – Sparingly, but it’s there Bigotry – More religious and/or LGBT bigotry. BP – My last halloween story is the only one with this, so far Contro – Generally due to the religious overtones. CR – General corruption, not sexual Exhib – My protagonists generally like roaming around naked Humil – From time to time MBP – That halloween story Minor1 – Doesn’t always imply sex, I’ll list this if the kid is simply running around naked a lot. Minor2 – More frequent. Teens give a nice balance (from the writer’s perspective) between being rational at times and irrational when I need it. Nec – again, that halloween story NoSex – yes, I’ve had a story or two, the holiday/halloween oneshots that were NoSex (sparingly, but they are there). Preg – not often, but this came more in on The Repair Guy than any other one. PWP – this is one I generally *don’t* write because PWP tends to attract the plot bunnies. (In fact, my entire orig universe comes from what started as a PWP...) Rape – Sparingly, normally needed for the plot Scat – This is typically CYA, however, my last halloween story was closer than any before. Tent – (pending...it’s written, not posted) Tort – Not strict torture, generally, though the angst/violence/bullying can reach that point where I’ll tag for it. Voy – This is more CYA than real voyeurism. WS – I kinda do like using this, not as icky as scat, but can be used as part of the bonding. Xeno – (pending … it’s written, not posted)
    2 points
  6. @KassX The thing is, once you put in the tag, you can go as deep as you want I’ve started to segregate my tags a bit, trying to make clear which ones are major parts of the story vs the lesser ones (or there as CYA); ie scat vs poop.
    2 points
  7. Trust me, when I’m moderating, if I see Dubcon, I look for Rape. If I don’t see Rape, I warn and hide. Trigger tags like Rape are not something I take lightly.
    2 points
  8. *renounces the internet in shame and retires to become a cave hermit for the rest of her life* Okay but in my defense, sometimes it is consensual, but yeah, mostly not I mean I use the rape tag of course and it's always clear that it IS rape. Can I just mention how glad I am that we don’t have a non-con tag? Like some people want to pretend there’s a difference and there really, REALLY isn’t
    2 points
  9. ROFL! Right? Scat gets no love here… I think the last time I had a warm and fuzzy feeling about anything, it was probably when I made my former mother in law pay for my divorce from her son.
    2 points
  10. I think the tags I will never write are Scat, WS, and any variation of DL—ABDL, TBDL, and so on. I don’t do furry stuff, either, so there goes Anthro. I probably wouldn’t use futanari, gender-bending, femmeslash, self-insert, tentacles, or WAFF. I suck at WAFF.
    2 points
  11. Okay, “Horsecock” made me giggle, too. But I’m going to agree entirely on your take on BDSM. The misuse of that tag drives me nuts, right up there with D/s (which I write) and M/s. If you aren’t in the lifestyle, and can’t be arsed to do a little research, stick to something else. It’s just irritating to see poorly disguised rapefics masquerading as BDSM. If there’s no consent, it’s rape. Period. Own it. And yes, I’ve written Rape, too.
    2 points
  12. Edit: I wrote quite a long thing before deciding it was a bit thread derailing, so will move it to another topic. On topic – I get why Scat is a major dealbreaker, but honestly WS can be pretty fun!
    2 points
  13. Hi aff fam! I was briefly entertaining the idea of doing a kink anthology with a oneshot for every tag in the archives, but as I was going down the list, I realized I would probably never do that because there are some tags I just won’t touch (lookin’ at you, WS!). I thought it might be fun to see where everyone else draws the line. So what is that one tag that you don’t think you will ever bring yourself to write and why? I mention WS, but the biggest offender for me is probably Scat – it just squicks me the hell out, but that’s the great thing about kinks! There are as many as there are people on the planet!
    1 point
  14. I totally read this in a uber posh academia voice. I’m a writing-tips-ophile, and now I am completely disappointed/outraged that all the podcasts I follow don’t cover this shit!
    1 point
  15. DUBCON what fresh pussyfooting-around-morality hell is that? @JayDee So where do we report for the seminar? Okay, so I went to college in California and they drilled it into my head there that no means no, maybe means no and silence also means no, so there isn’t a whole lot of wiggle room to get out of a Rape tag! Since I like rape as a conflict setup, and my characters don’t ask each other for permission all that much (ever?) I just tag that bish and proceed on my merry way.
    1 point
  16. Bite your tongue, @Desiderius Price (Toying with her was when I framed the divorce decree and mailed it to her. ) I was thoroughly delighted when I found out the daft bugger had been estranged from his mother for years before we even met. I don’t seem to do well with MILs.
    1 point
  17. Fucking savages? Got a link… to the...erm...exotic research materials fully documenting human rituals and interactions, preferably with plenty of visual evidence to back up any claims. Scat’s not my thing, but I will write if it’s necessary to the character/story. As I tend to mention characters taking a dump, I’ll toss in the tag in as CYA. (Or, if it’s once or twice, a [poop] tag).
    1 point
  18. I second the WS endorsement! Perhaps its a nice middle-ground between clean vs scat, adds some of the same peculiarities without quite the same ick factor.
    1 point
  19. I want to believe we have at least one active forum member that actually likes writing scat but all signs point to no Okay, can we talk about how fucking savage this is?
    1 point
  20. This thread has turned into the Scat Hate Club, where KassX is the founder and President, now accepting new members I can’t used WAFF because I DON’T UNDERSTAND IT
    1 point
  21. Sure! It’s a discussion forum not a lecture room
    1 point
  22. I feel like we have a lot of similar opinions on tags; hope you’ll add to this! Oh, can we chime in too?
    1 point
  23. Hehe, I read it before you moved it and loved it anyway I think I’m honestly just a little prissy about bodily functions; I didn’t even like fart jokes as a kid lol. And hey, if you or anyone else has a WS scene in a story that you’re proud of, please recommend because I’ll try anything once…
    1 point
  24. Not happy with the erotica thesauruses I’ve found online so I’m making my damn own. So there. This isn’t just another way to procrastinate on my fics, I swear.
    1 point
  25. @Melrick I completely get it. I think to most writers it's hard to think of their characters as fictional and that's a really good thing. If they're real to the writer, they'll most likely seem real to the reader. Obviously there's no shame in not wanting a woman to experience the horrors of rape. @KassX now you've gone and inspired me gol' dangit! I want to tackle all the tags in a single series with a single protagonist... Maybe make it open so people can add chapters. They probably won't but its fun to think about Lol.
    1 point
  26. @CloverReef Scat is big one that really turns me off like a light switch. I’m not really into WS either. Rape I just can’t write about, although I’ve tried. I end up feeling so sorry for the woman that I simply have her enjoy it instead. There’s no point in telling myself that she’s not real, that I just made her up, because it doesn’t matter. I guess because rape in the real word repulses me so much that I just can’t bring myself around to writing about it.
    1 point
  27. Ha! I love it. Minor1 is a toughie for me too; I try to be real specific that everyone involved is an adult or at least 15+ but I love, love, love it as a tragic backstory tm Just don’t really find myself going into details with that one or trying to make it titillating. I never thought I’d be doing Nec or BP but here I am trying to figure out how long a corpse can maintain an erection. I blame @Arian-Sinclair for this It’s new to me but kind of interesting to experiment with. Anthro, Beast, really I was doing centaurs and werewolves and didn’t see a huge jump to straight-up animals. XENO I would be doing so much Xeno if I had the right universe for it!!! Seconded, TELL US
    1 point
  28. @Desiderius Price I seriously admire that ability to tackle things that make you uncomfortable. I misread that at first and thought you were grossed out by Xeno, and that really shocked me! That’s one of my favourite tags, and everyone should be okay with the shit I like because that’s how the universe works, right? But then I read it again and now I am wiser. @Melrick Which ones put you off the most, if you don’t mind me asking?
    1 point
  29. I think Minor1 was the first one to fall for me, and I had tried so hard in the beginning to avoid it. I did come to realize that in the end, it’d have to come in anyways due to the nature of the universe that I’m creating and the realism I’m trying to embed within in. Kids will experiment with it, its not like they will avoid all sexual thoughts until they turn 18 or even 14, especially as it’s in our media all over the place. I had shifted the line to puberty, but even the current story I’m working (Jefferey) has challenged me there, and the line’s shifting, again, due to the setting (which, I had first avoided with a four-year time jump that I balked at when I started working the revision). I even know the scene that started to chip at the minor1/minor2 distinction in Alaska Trekkers, and I was trapped, because I needed the main characters at specific ages (as they couldn’t be too old), which meant the younger sister couldn’t really get older (biology). WS isn’t a squeamish one for me, so there’s really’s never been a line on that for me. I’ll try to make sure I don’t overdo it within a story, but I like how it can basically show a gain of confidence and trust in a relationship, to lose the inhibition and that sort. Nec was one that I had avoided too, though I finally decided to embrace it as a challenge for my last Halloween fic, in the process, MBP decided to tag along. Hard scat is definitely one I still try to avoid, it still squeaks me out. I will list it, though, as there are situations where I’ll describe my characters taking a dump and it can become a bit pervasive at times (all the reasons, whether its illness at a rather inconvenient time, or somebody’s scared, or to just plain embarrass my character – though I do have one who’ll do it as pranks). So for my stories, the [scat] tag is typically CYA. (However, that last halloween story challenged me a bit there, brought it closer to true scat.) Xeno is about the only one that can’t enter, simply due to the construct of the universe I’m writing. (ie, there are no plans for aliens) So, of the list, the one I seem to most actively avoid is …. SFW And, thanks for that vote of confidence @CloverReef.
    1 point
  30. Yup, I definitely wouldn’t want to cover many of the tags in the archive, that’s for damn sure. I like challenging myself, but that only goes so far!
    1 point
  31. Honestly, I wanna hear @Desiderius Price’s answer to this. For obvious reasons For me, though… Scat I -probably- wouldn’t touch either. But I do get covered in cat shit all day at work, so I’m getting pretty desensitized to the grossness factor. So who knows. Maybe if I get super ballsy? I think the ones I definitely wouldn’t want to write are… Loli, Minor1, and SI (Because having a character similar to me makes me super uncomfortable.). I’d probably shy away from bestiality too, but not anthro, so… who knows how blurry that line could get if I set my mind to it.
    1 point
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