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  1. @Desiderius Price I’m entirely in support of free speech, but your right to free speech ends at the point at which you impugn my character, which was the point of the OP’s post. The OP decided to tar us all with the same brush, and I am not a weak-willed, spineless malcontent who meddles in other people’s lives and causes harm for amusement simply because I write fiction for adult readers. Gods help us all if the OP ever decides to write children’s fiction, or inspirational literature. The mental health services will experience a surge in demand.
    2 points
  2. Chapter 16’s now written, so that means 15 will go up later today (most likely) for “the repair guy”.
    1 point
  3. ::puts snow in boxes and mails to all of Neko’s friends::
    1 point
  4. Well, at least he made his reasons for leaving clear so all his readers don’t have to wonder? Of course, he also made unfounded judgements and claims about everyone on this site. People he’s never met. I dunno why I’m saying he, maybe it was a woman, or somewhere in between; I’m not sure that matters. I’m not really offended by it, I’m just baffled and incredulous, because of how fricking presumptuous their rant was. In my case, yes, my family would be shamed if they found out what I write. My family is made up of seventh day adventists and uber catholics and bigots. They’d be ashamed of me if they knew I was a feminist, or if they knew I was pro-choice, or if they knew I didn’t believe in a cosmic hierarchy. Or even if they knew I didn’t completely hate the Canadian prime minister lol. The pro-choice thing would probably horrify them more than the writing smut thing. (My grandmother founded a pro-life movement in our area.) Writing smut and violence is healthy. Unless you’re a psychopath and what you’re writing is actually your personal memoirs about rape and cannibalism… It’s therapy. At least for me. It’s a way to vent. I hope y’all never feel ashamed of the depraved things you enjoy writing and reading. People on this site are a million times more creative and open-minded and kind and supportive than any of the anti-smut people I’ve known.
    1 point
  5. @Desiderius Price As far as the reason for the OP to post that diatribe, I would respectfully point out confession belongs in the confessional, or in the witness box, but not on a clearly defined adult fiction archive.
    1 point
  6. Okay… so: I object to having it inferred that I don’t know the difference between fiction and reality. I do. I may at times describe myself as a hobbit, but on official documentation, I tend to go with British, or human if they ask for it (they usually don’t). I object to being expected to feel some kind of additional shame for sexual writing, because frankly, bollocks to that. As someone who has written dark things, and some spectacularly dark themes on despair, I consider that portion of my work falls into the horror/erotica genre, which is perfectly acceptable. While I write fanfiction, a lot of authors who write original fiction have made a lot of money out of that genre. It’s popular enough. No doubt there are people in my life who would be shocked at some of the things I’ve written. Just because I can touch them, doesn’t make a difference. Don’t like, don’t read still applies in their case. I have no intention of changing anything about myself merely for the sake/comfort/enjoyment of others. Ever. Frankly, bollocks to that too. Life is too short for that nonsense. As to you, OP (ForgetMeNaught), I have no idea what you wrote, or of your problems, then or now. I would simply ask that you do not include others in them. You may have changed your mind on what is acceptable, and you are free to do so, but your change in opinion does not mean you should come here and accuse this community of being sordid, distasteful and reprehensible. Nor should you come here and urge others in this community to stop enjoying their activities here. Your issues are your own. I wish the best of luck with them. That is all.
    1 point
  7. @WillowDarkling Thanks for moving them, I didn’t really want to stop talking about this topic so soon (and have the usual digression). @SirGeneralSir With just their post, we don’t know what happened. Could be something they did, or, they found religion, or it could be a legally pressured sort of thing. @BronxWench Yep, we’re all adults here, and from the literary perspective, I’d say that bartender would make for a more interesting character. And I don’t like using the word “porn” because that’s derogatory, IMO, to the works that portray that particular aspect of the human condition.
    1 point
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