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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/04/2017 in all areas

  1. I am back from my travels. I wasn’t sure we’d get off at all, since my mother had a gallstone attack (requiring an ambulance and hospital admission in the hours before we were due to set off), but happily they eventually gave her the all clear. Do NOT get me started on my aunt, who swanned off to the pub while I went in the ambulance, despite the fact that it was quite serious at that point. And we weren’t even packed. So when we were home, I got zero sleep. But… I got there, and I got to see some good dancers, listened to some great singers, and I got dressed up as a pirate for Whitby Abbey to see a shortish play based on Dracula, and lots of people took pictures of me, which means I probably did it right (or alternatively, very wrong). Internet evidence to the contrary should be kept to yourselves, please. I visited some castles. I stared at the sea, in the rain, in the hours before dawn, because I’m kind of weird like that, and because I hadn’t even had chance to look at the sea all week until that last morning when it was raining. But mostly because I’m a smoker, and it was either stare at the sea or just stand about outside the hotel looking at the wet road. I chose the sea. I might be back at work on Monday. I really can’t recall if booked the day off. I’ll need to find out before then.
    3 points
  2. Hello there, fellow fans of AFF. I’m in love with this site, and am just starting to post in the Archive. It came to my attention that you can promote your other stuff here, of course with all due respect to AFF. With it being understood that I love and admire THIS site, I wanted to let it be known that I am also at fanfiction.net and Ao3 (also under pen-name SesshomaruFreak) I’m at a couple of other sites, but I gotta double-check those LOL I write yaoi/slash and while I only have a handful of fics posted across the board, I have notebooks with many, many more written down. Long live FanFiction!
    2 points
  3. I second this! You MUST do it… ::makes pleading eyes::
    2 points
  4. lol! If you write that one, I promise to review it. I know your stories, you’re more than capable. Maybe she can mindspeak to the horse or something… that would be fun, especially if Shadowfax was all: “You want to what?! Are you insane?” and then threatens to tell Gandalf or something, and she has to convince him not to... *giggles* Ok… *waits to see what happens* Honestly, it would be hilarious. Please do it!
    2 points
  5. Thank you! I looked it over and saw where someone was trying to bash AFF. Just..uggh. What’s wrong with people? Anyways, you can trust that my post will be much more respectful Just cause I’m on other sites doesn’t mean I don’t like AFF. I’m newer to posting stories here, but I’m learning And like I said, I declare y’all as one of my posting places on other sites. Seems only fair. You don’t charge for membership or posting, you’ve got a pretty neat system set up, and there’s this lovely forum community. This is a great site, and I’m proud to be here. Thank you for having me
    2 points
  6. Galadriel / Shadowfax. I’ll… I’ll leave now.
    2 points
  7. I will admit to loving a bit of twincest (Elladan/Elrohir) and the threesome of Legolas, Elladan, and Elrohir. Positively delicious, those three…
    2 points
  8. Well, I’ve just come back from holiday, and seen this post. Now I’m all happy, when I was a bit post holiday blue (ish). But! I’ve come back with lots of inspiration, so who knows… maybe I’ll be prodding Bronx soon to carry on our tale at the very least. Writing with her is like a wonderful dream…. Thank you, Joyeuse! You are so awesome
    2 points
  9. Guest

    Favorite pairing in LotR?

    I’m patiently waiting for that story. In fact, I hope you can find your muse again, so that you can go on writing all those incredible stories you used to write, Pippychick (Some of them with Tafkab / BronxWench). My favourite pairings: Erestor/Twins Sauron/Maglor Thranduil/Legolas Elrond/Young!Thranduil Glorfindel/Erestor Glorfindel/Gildor
    2 points
  10. Eh, they might bash us from time to time, but that’s usually when we ask them to play by the rules, or fail to notice their sparkly specialness. We’re big enough to take a little bashing. I consider it a badge of honor, because it means we’re doing our job. I’ve posted elsewhere in the past, and still have accounts open in some places (as BronxWench because I’m creative that way) but AFF is where I feel the most comfortable posting my work.
    1 point
  11. Thanks. My last update, I think, was five years ago. I do intend to finish it, but alas, I find my original universe to be more captivating to my attention span.
    1 point
  12. I like Potter-verse I’ll give you a look sometime over there.
    1 point
  13. I’ve got a profile at ff.net (under the pen-name Dragon Voldemort), and those are in the Potter universe.
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. @BronxWench Ok, sounds about right. It makes sense not to mention other sites in certain areas of the forum. I don’t put any links (seems rude to link other fanfiction sites) And if I mention other sites I post on, it’s only in passing. Like ‘Yeah I’m there, too. Now, about AFF...’ because again, it seems rude to talk overly much about another site. Like talking to a boyfriend about another guy or something lol And I do mention on other sites that AFF is one of my places. Ohh I wanna find those ‘Great Wall’ threads though That sounds fun. I like making new friends Actually, since I moved and left all my RL friends behind, I NEED new friends Love the quotes you have there. English is a bully hehehe Thank you for your reply, and I’ll behave myself
    1 point
  16. We don’t mind stories being posted on multiple sites, but we’d rather not have those other sites mentioned on this thread. We have the “Great Wall of...” threads where it’s absolutely fine, and you can mention in your profile that you post on other sites. You can give the name of the site and your pen name there, but linking to other sites is not really encouraged. If that makes sense…
    1 point
  17. ... How to tell when you'retoo tired to actually post a new chapter on here? When you add the chapter to a oneshot and don't even realize it until you're actually awake again... You win this round, exhaustion, you win this round… On a positive note, it's all corrected... I hope...
    1 point
  18. I’m pretty much into elf slash, and I’ve written my favourites. So those would be (in no particular order): Sauron/Maglor Elrond/The Mirkwood Three (and combinations thereof), which is to say Oropher, Thranduil and Legolas Elrond/Young!Thranduil Acutally, Elrond/pretty much anyone, including Celebrian Thranduil/Legolas (with Tafkab) Erestor/Twins (with Tafkab) Glorfindel/Erestor (I lost a lot of chapters when I got rid of a duplicate story in the archives, and I never really got over that) Glorfindel/Gildor (with BronxWench) Legolas/Gimli I’m sure there are more. I was starting to enjoy writing little bits of Celeborn/Thranduil and Galion/Legolas when I kind of lost my muse. I was also getting to know Curufin/Celegorm, and I’d just begun advancing the S/M into Melkor/Sauron territory. Maybe it will come back. I hope so. I mean, The Teacher is kind of like my life’s work of the past 10+ years, and I’d like to finish it someday.
    1 point
  19. @Desiderius Price I kind of know what you mean about feeling cheated. My first introduction to Tolkien was in 1973 as a reading assignment for my literature class. We were all supposed to read 'The Hobbit' and write a review. I absolutely loved it! Unfortunately though after graduation I joined the Army and for a long time, I didn’t really have much time for reading of any kind much less fantasy worlds. Around the mid 1980’s I joined the Science Fiction Book Club and have built up a rather large collection from different authors. As far as the movies, for me I think it was like spending years watching old black and white silent movies, then all of the sudden someone hands me this awesome widescreen color version of those old worn out B/W’s! Yes, there a lot of deviations from the books, but I think they helped add a degree of depth to certain characters, even though I still pick apart the movies.
    1 point
  20. I felt a bit cheated, with the movies, I mean, with the Hobbit at three, then certainly the LoTR could’ve been six, or even nine! Imagine, the scouring of the shire, a nice little short story by itself, could’ve made it in.
    1 point
  21. I realize this may be an ‘older’ forum thread, but I’m still new and weaving my way through this site. I’m loving what I find though! I don't think I actually had a favorite, I loved all the elves! I read a lot of different author works that take place in their specific fantasy realms much like Tolkien does with Middle-Earth. However, once the movies were released I was first infatuated with Legolas. Then came the Hobbit movies and I absolutely and completely fell in love with Thranduil! Of the stories I’ve read so far, the pairings I like most are: Thranduil/Legolas and Glorfindel/Erestor I think I need to read a few more!
    1 point
  22. The first thing you should know is that this forum is for promoting your own story that you’ve uploaded to the AFF archive only. That is, no stories that you’ve uploaded to other websites not connected to AdultFanFiction. With that established, the first thing you need to do is to click on the ‘Start New Topic’ button. In the ‘Topic Title’ area, the simplest thing to put is just the name of your story. The main body of your post could begin with a brief intro, telling people you’ve posted a new story, or a brand new chapter of your story. That isn’t required, but the following information is: Author: Title: Summary: Feedback: Fandom: Pairing: Warnings: Solo story or chaptered story: URL: Review Reply thread: An example of what it should look like is below: Author: Melrick Title: An Interesting Story Summary: A really interesting thing happens, and then something else even more interesting happens! (Here you can write as detailed a blurb as you want to. A catchy summary to entice the reader.) Feedback: Feedback and constructive criticism much appreciated. Fandom: Original Pairing: N/A Warnings: M/F, Oral, Anal Solo story or chaptered story: Solo story URL: http://original.adul...ion.net/FakeURL Review Reply thread: Link to review reply thread in the appropriate forum, if and when you make one. You could, if you like, finish your post by thanking people for reading, or that you hope they enjoy it. And you really should make sure that your spelling and grammar is good, otherwise it won’t exactly leave a good impression about your writing skills! And that’s all there is to it!
    1 point
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