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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/02/2017 in all areas

  1. Having broken the $10 mark on BN.com, I can officially add "Paid author" to the resume. I think, technically, this puts me at Z list status. Y status here we come!
    4 points
  2. I use a publisher, because I am exceedingly untalented as an artist, and because I know I need an editor, and a proofreader, and all that jazz. But my first publisher was all about self-marketing. I like Twitter, because you can schedule a tweet and have it released weekly, or daily if you’re at release time. Facebook is great for launch parties, and I did a Rafflecopter giveaway thing, and all sorts of fun stuff. If you have a blog, blog about it and link the blog to other places, like an Amazon author page (free) or a Goodreads page (now owned by Amazon, but they pretend to be separate). As far as where to sell it, even if for free, I would strongly advise not to have anything to do with Kindle Unlimited. Keep your options open, so you can distribute your work on other sites, like Smashwords, Barnes & Noble, or via your blog itself, if you’re so inclined. KU will restrict you to only their service, and when you decide to offer something for money, they have a very odd algorithm to determine how much you earn, one which is not fair to the authors in my opinion. Kindle itself is fine, but Kindle Unlimited is not.
    2 points
  3. I’ve actually been thinking of throwing something into KU, maybe a short novella. I’ve heard it helps as far as exposure goes. I guess I’m just nervous because I don’t want to lay out tons of money on editing for so little return if it doesn’t extend my reach for the books I have with the publishers. What are your thoughts on that? Think it would be worth it, basically giving a book away on the chance you might get discovered by the KU hordes?
    1 point
  4. I’m not sure it will ever be in hardback but if you’re willing to wait until next summer, I can probably do the signed bit on the paperback.
    1 point
  5. Tamper-Resistant outlet: 0, Me: 1. Victory! (well, it helped to remove the stupid thing and put in a proper one.)
    1 point
  6. Don’t forget to register the copyright (I’m assuming US law here).
    1 point
  7. Yes I think so, its a side story from my main series so its kinda a promotion in itself.
    1 point
  8. Is The Hound a mad bastard? – Yes. Would he deliberately do something that was likely to endanger his health? – Yes. Would he do something that was likely to end in his death? – Yes. For the sheer anarchy of it? – Yes. Ok, then… *writes*
    1 point
  9. Wow that really helps thank you. Yeah I use kindle because you get to actually copyright your shizz before casting out into the world. And I did some reasearch this week on where else to put it and you have mentioned all the places I have found so thank you Have you had an experience with KU then? My first ebook is with them and I want to follow your advice this time and not use it but I wondered what you have seen from it...
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. all you “need” to do is just give a quick blurb of what the story is, like what I did. you present a quick but not fully detailed snip of whats going on with the character or world, what may be standing in their way and how it really sucks or is something they are enjoying. also works well with chapter titles
    1 point
  12. Are you planning to make the price free permanently? Or just as a temp promotion? My downloads went really high when I made one free, but it did not help much with my other unrelated releases. Some authors make one free permanently, but that seems to work for multibook series to get readers into that universe.
    1 point
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