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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/01/2017 in all areas

  1. This new muse is doing okay so far. Very inspiring. While at work, I didn’t have to think about work, because I was busy thinking of the fic and characters, and how I can get them to do what I want so they get a nice, happy ending. Clegane is developing a very dirty little laugh. In the meantime, IRL, I have already used up my quota of ‘c’ words for the year. It’s lunchtime. Time for a little nap.
    2 points
  2. Aw, thank you both! I’m actually excited for this one to come out and a little scared too.
    2 points
  3. I use a publisher, because I am exceedingly untalented as an artist, and because I know I need an editor, and a proofreader, and all that jazz. But my first publisher was all about self-marketing. I like Twitter, because you can schedule a tweet and have it released weekly, or daily if you’re at release time. Facebook is great for launch parties, and I did a Rafflecopter giveaway thing, and all sorts of fun stuff. If you have a blog, blog about it and link the blog to other places, like an Amazon author page (free) or a Goodreads page (now owned by Amazon, but they pretend to be separate). As far as where to sell it, even if for free, I would strongly advise not to have anything to do with Kindle Unlimited. Keep your options open, so you can distribute your work on other sites, like Smashwords, Barnes & Noble, or via your blog itself, if you’re so inclined. KU will restrict you to only their service, and when you decide to offer something for money, they have a very odd algorithm to determine how much you earn, one which is not fair to the authors in my opinion. Kindle itself is fine, but Kindle Unlimited is not.
    2 points
  4. “Stop scrolling! Are you ready to read the best story you’ve ever read? Great! You can read this piece of shit until you find it. Rape, snuff, MAGA”.
    2 points
  5. It will be available on November 7th in paperback as well.
    1 point
  6. when is it coming out in paperback?
    1 point
  7. Thank you, Bronx! Oh, Brienne… I’ve got to say, without going the whole hog and writing from her point of view (which I might do, next chapter, having read this), she hasn’t really chosen anything. That reaction to Clegane was all about not allowing him to frighten her. No matter what it entailed doing, even if it meant touching him like that. He’d kind of backed her into a corner with his confession. Her thoughts on it ran along a well travelled path, just like a flow chart. How can I anticipate danger? How can I protect myself from it? Where is the power in this situation, and how do I get it? Do not show fear under any circumstances. In my original draft of the chapter, he said: “Are you frightened now?” but I changed it, because I felt it was a little bit too perfect to draw Brienne out, and I didn’t want Clegane cottoning on, lol. Aside from that, if our two boys think she’s on the same wavelength as they are, they’re sadly mistaken. She’s never thought of them in that way, and the only thing that’s turned her head is this new experience of pleasure, which has probably come as a bit of a surprise to her. And I’m talking about the kissing as well as the rest. If not more, actually… she’s really very happy with the kissing. That’s where she is, really. If Tormund does love her, he should start doing some of it. But, it occurred to me that she might also be quite easily seduced, especially if she doesn’t see it coming. She’s a traditionalist at heart, and a romantic, but I think she long ago realised she’s not “waiting” for anything, because nothing is going to come her way. Now it kind of has, against all the odds. And it’s not traditional, and it’s not exactly quite what she might dream of (Clegane has her number in that respect). I’m just not sure if she sees it for the rabbithole it is. Explore too far, and she will fall. Luckily for her, something is going to stop the boys from going all the way for a while. Something they end up seeing Tyrion about, which will be terribly amusing for him. And a great excuse for me to have Tyrion wandering around in my mental room of muses… yes! Sorry for the long reply, but the review deserved it. You always leave such wonderful responses. Now I’m back at work for a few days, so updates will slow, I’m afraid.
    1 point
  8. This is all great advice, thank you @Tcr @CloverReef@BronxWench@SirGeneralSir@JayDee@Desiderius Price <3
    1 point
  9. Seriously, this story is like that IX one… I have to possess it, and my pre-order is in too. I thought I’d have to wait until I get paid tomorrow, but they don’t charge for pre-orders until delivery… yes! Also, for UK peeps, the amazon uk link is here: Amazon UK So excited to read it again! In fact, I might have to find out all the the old beta docs, lol… I adored being your first test subject for this – it was so awesome! Mostly because I got to read every chapter before anyone else… For me it’s one of those stories. I’ll never forget it for as long as I live.
    1 point
  10. Lol… I think she did that to deflect any piss-taking that she though Tormund might be engaging in. She really doesn’t believe it’s possible for anyone to want her that way. She’s got a shock coming. I’m hoping she’ll be curious enough, and forget herself for just long enough, to realise she needs something else in her life besides oaths and violence. Because I think Clegane could do with that, too.. *g*
    1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. Thank you so much, Bronx! You are like a fan to the flame of my creative mind And yes, I kind of get the feeling Clegane is sick to the back teeth of having women be intimidated by him sexually (even those who pretend otherwise – he’s not an idiot). It also leads me to think he’s going to be awfully considerate of Brienne’s virginity, and I suspect there may be a short non-adult Tyrion cameo at some point in the future, where the two giants go seek out his advice, with lots of threats to ensure his silence, of course. That should be fun. I want to write Tyrion the way Clegane wants to do Brienne, lol. As for Tormund, they’re going to develop some kind of friendship/partnership, but the banter between them will develop and continue. There will be slash content, but whether it’ll be true slash content remains to be seen. As ever, I can only put the characters into adult situations and see how they respond to it. Wow, what a compliment! Thank you! To be honest, I never really envisioned myself writing for a fandom where most of the characters are knocking each other off. I tend towards those odd pairings, and well look I kind of found one. I’m not going to claim to have done oodles of research, or to be taking this entirely seriously. I’m seeing it as a useful stepping stone to getting my groove on again, so I’d appreciate having any canon mistakes pointed out to me for correction. But I really am enjoying hanging around inside Clegane’s head a bit. He’s fascinating. And I swear he has no fear, whatsoever.
    1 point
  13. And chapter two has landed, being as I’m now partway through chapter four… Chapter Two
    1 point
  14. Honestly, I think there’s been way too much censorship in the history of man… the reason we’re so morbidly curious about topics like rape is because it’s so taboo. I’ve always been interested in taboo stuff, so I’m not really surprised I’m drawn to more darker topics in stories. I’m not saying we should glorify it , and you said that yourself tcr, but idk, i just wouldn’t say rape and i guess murder in stories isn’t simply ‘shock value’, it’s a window into another (and severly twisted) individual’s mind. Rape and murder are part of the human existance. How can it be ‘bad’ to write about it?
    1 point
  15. When it comes to puuuure porn, I feel like anything is game as long as it’s not like saying ‘hey reader, go out and rape a bunch of school girls with your tentacles right now’. Well… I kinda feel that way about non-porn too. I think a lot of the appeal of pure porn is that we can play with and glorify depraved things that wouldn’t necessarily appeal to us in reality. (I hope). You mentioned murder. I can totally write or read a sex scene murder and get turned on whereas if I saw it on like a snuff film, I’d get sick. So yeah, lazy writing is lazy writing, I think. I don’t think it can be blamed on what’s happening in the story, whether its rape or deus exs or the koolaid man making a random cameo in a downton abbey fan fiction. The only thing that makes writing lazy is a writer ceasing to care or improve.
    1 point
  16. Because rape is one of my fetishes, I’ve written several purely pornographic rape stories, and by and large, they attract a lot more readers than most of my consensual-sex stories. (The ultimate reader-magnet seems to be father-daughter rape, given that the stories of mine that have the most dragon prints are titled “Daddy’s Rules” and “Darla’s Dad.”) So I think “shock value” only tells part of the story; some authors write rape scenes because they know that such scenes appeal to a decent chunk of their readership—whether the readers will admit it or not. But in non-porn stories, I agree with Tcr that rape is not “lazy writing” if it advances the plot or character development in some important way. (The same goes for murder.)
    1 point
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