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  1. That’s why I like AFF so much too. Like with all the fucked up things I’ve read here, I’ve never genuinely thought “this person has stray cat carcasses under their bed.” I like to think if I read something a real psychopath has written, I’d instinctively know (I’m probably wrong, but I trust my instincts anyway.) But the more twisted your writing, the more human and relatable you seem. The more disturbing your writing, the more I admire you. (I didn’t glance in @JayDee’s direction there, I swear.) Maybe I’m weird, but super vanilla stuff where there’s a lot of overt romance and serenading and “I love you so much let me toss flower petals all over your squishy bits while you act super coy and/or helpless” creeps me out way more than tentacle porn and zombie rape.
    2 points
  2. It’s kind of funny because some of my partner’s previous coworkers were like “I bet [Keltiel] is super vanilla in bed.”. He came home and told me and we had a big laugh about it because we’ve roleplayed way worse things than I’ve written on here so far. But I feel like, for the most part, the people who write on AFF are just everyday people who, in reality, would never indulge in the things they write about. I think that's why I like AFF so much, it's a place where you can read or write about your wildest thoughts or fantasies without (much) judgement. Sure, there are probably a small few who are legitimately… “troubled” but that’s true of any population.
    2 points
  3. Time in the story where I most frequently have existential crises, and question all the skills I’m normally (over)confident of…? The first. Frickin. Sentence. And yes. I deleted and redid this status because of a typo. FML.
    2 points
  4. 1 point
  5. So the job program I’m in, that’s been taking up all my time and getting in the way of me writing awesome shit, is going to end in 2 weeks. Right on my birthday. Part of me really hopes I get a job out of this. Nothings more stressful than wondering how you’re going to survive the month. But a huuuuge part of me – the big fat hermit with the mullet and the shotgun that lives in the back of my shoulders – wants to get time to myself again. I miss being able to stay up all night, writing for 10 hours straight, and following that with a 4 hour betaing session for friends. I’ve been a writer for 18 years – more than half my life. I have no idea how the majority of you guys are able to work all day and still have the mental capacity to churn out a page or two.
    1 point
  6. I'm wondering if there's a way to turn that feature off on the AO3 site... I was thinking the same thing unfortunately. Honestly, I think there are other ways for an online author to profit, I guess as long as there's a way to get your stories removed if they are up for sale and you the author didn't agree, then it's there's a silver lining... Please tell me there's a way to get your stuff removed if that ever happens........
    1 point
  7. Just the thought made the little bloody thing in my chest flutter a little! I’d read the hell out of that shit!
    1 point
  8. There is no fail safe to keep someone from taking what is published on the internet, unfortunately. I wish there WAS. But having said that, I see no reason AT ALL to enable the theft and make it so much easier.
    1 point
  9. I’ll keep that in mind, maybe I have to write an M/M pirate horror just for you (That actually sounds kind of fun, I’ll let you know if it happens)
    1 point
  10. I have to respectfully disagree, good sir. Everyone should be writing solely to appease me.
    1 point
  11. Well I'm not against u going nuts (my stuff can get crazy too) but it is my job say my opinion and pointing out instances where something doesn't fit with already established stuff.So I encourage u to do it if that's what you want, but I probably wont wanna read it, cuz that's not really what I'm looking for.I have enough fucked up shit in my head as it is! I don't need urs too! And that's fine, to each their own
    1 point
  12. Lol. Not just you, MSM. Mine, too. Mine, too. Mine are probably some of the tamest... (Should that be maybe with an L?...) that CR has read. And probably a few other people have read... But, that said, the question is always: Is this in character for them? Because if you have a set characterization and you change Sexy Time (...) to appease one person and it contradicts established story... Then,to me, that's not a good thing.
    1 point
  13. Hell yeah! Embrace your dark side!
    1 point
  14. Hahaha! I let @sweetmamajama scare me off my more darker urges in my current story… I’m still recovering It’s cool to know I can go a little off the wall again once I’m done. I’m gonna do it! Rape for everyone!!!
    1 point
  15. Don’t get me wrong, I like romance too! Tame stuff can be fun (Though what you described didn’t sound tame at all!) It’s just the overly cheesy stuff that makes me uncomfortable lol.
    1 point
  16. Me too! Though when I read romance oriented fics, I tend to get bored with long fics if they’re JUST romance (short fluffy fics are cool though). But a long fic, especially if it’s set in Potterverse or some similar fandom, really needs some sort of adventuresome plot to keep my attention all the way through. So all of my own fics tend to reflect that. Well, when you put it that way (“...while you act super coy and/or helpless...”), yeah, that sounds really creepy… ...and kind of makes me think of all the OoC!Draco/OoC!Hermione fics in which they actually fall for each other. Personally, I would rather read a fic which is closer to canon!Draco and canon!Hermione in which Draco becomes a rapist and Hermione still hates him, because that’s the only thing I can take half-way seriously as being a credible take-off from canon. Same goes for Snamione fics. I’d rather read evil!Snape, innocent!Hermione fics than one where they actually fall in love But there’s a weird balance for me, I don’t like rape/noncon fics with brutalisation (bone-breaking, punching, knocking out teeth, blood etc), though some BDSM fics are fine for me otherwise (I like one of Wildkitsune’s in particular). And personally, I’m a huge fan of tentacle porn. I even managed to work in a (totally consensual) tentacle porn scene into Hermione’s Furry Little Problem. But ultimately, even though I enjoy some of the moderately darker stuff, and have written some pretty nasty stuff in notebooks, I figure there’s such an overabundance of Dark stuff online, that I’d rather post something positive that reflects my actual values rather than my weirder kinks. There’s still plenty of “excitement” for me in writing “first-times” and horny consenting teens discovering all of the fun things they can do together, especially in compromising moments where they might be caught in the act—mainly because there’s still a horny 11-13 year old lurking in my brain who just wants to be 13 and rediscover it all over again.
    1 point
  17. I used to go there to find bad fics specifically! Why are they all so bad… Jk but the best and only story I was subscribed to there was eventually abandoned and I never found my way back….
    1 point
  18. That's ADORABLE @Keltiel!!!! Omg! Now I'm imaging you and your ex laughing while you're tied up in crazy bondage or something!!! Then he cracks the whip and PLAY TIMES OVER! Lol sorry, I'm easily amused Also, I really appreciate your assessment of AFF. I think you're right, this place, the fourm especially, is populated with people you can *talk* to. I'm feeling comfortable here . I think the creepy stories I'm referring to (which aren't even posted here) and which MAY in fact be written by psychos, are the peeps I'm afraid to meet :-P But you never know, I was afraid to meet ya'll and you guys are turning out to be... Awesome!!!
    1 point
  19. I’m trying to fill a position at work, and today someone named Marcia Brady applied. Kismet?
    1 point
  20. Dunno, though I lol’d a bit that he got himself temp-banned from QQ because of it. That’s irony for you.
    1 point
  21. No, not wolves, an ancient race of giant alien seahorse shifters. I’m not sure most would find it horrific (it’s tame compared to some things I’ve read) but I managed to weave together a little bit of necrophilia (just a tad, the guy was alive when they started), kidnapping (not an actual kid though), rape, torture (physical, mental and sexual), murder and to top it off squished a new born baby’s head...oh and mustn’t forget the dog… Yeah, Backdoor Politics was one of the uglier things I’ve written. It’s no longer posted because it’s being published by a publisher who likes those sorts of twisted tales. And there’s nothing wrong with soppy romance junk! I tend to write a bunch of that sort of thing too.
    1 point
  22. I looooooove Mpreg Idk. I’m attempting my first one now, but I haven’t gotten him preggers yet! Awwwww, it’s so adorable! OhhhhH! What’s a shifter? Are we talking wolves here? I kinda expect more of us are kinker than we let on! What kinda ‘horrific’ content have you attempted? I suspect some of the people writing these off the wall, disturbing fics, are like closet maniacs I’m crazy in my own way, but…. I’ve got no murder fantasies bouncing around in my noggin, it’s mostly soppy romance junk! Lol, yay!
    1 point
  23. This is an interesting subject. I used to wonder sometimes about the people who write the horrific things I’ve read but then I wrote something that was probably equally horrific and figured someone was probably wondering the same thing about me. So in short, yes, I’ve written smut that doesn’t excite me in the least. Oh and I’m writing a shifter MPreg because BW needs something new to read.
    1 point
  24. We’re not in denial about other archives existing. I started on the Pit myself but when I found AFF, I decided I’d found home. DG was awesome, the mods made me feel welcome, and before I knew it, I was volunteering. AO3’s Terms of Service is deliberately obscure, because they moderate via committee. That translates into nothing much ever getting done, and they are fond of making decisions which directly contradict their own ToS. Point that out, and you might get warned for something. Anything. They’ll invent it on the spot. And then there’s the “choose your preferred format” download button, resulting in a good many works there winding up on Kindle for sale, and not by the original author. (And yes, they do sell fanfiction. They just don’t mention it’s fanfiction, and if it’s AU enough, no one notices. 50 Shades, anyone?) Tumblr is not a fiction archive as much as it is a haven for malcontents and cyberbullies, and Wattpad gets hacked with dreary regularity. The Pit enforces their ToS with sporadic urgency and periodic purges, mostly when an advertiser gets a complaint about their ad appearing on a smutty site. Fiction Press is just the Pit for original work, and many of the fandom-based sites are gone because it’s not cheap to host an archive. Our small advertising revenue pays for our hosting costs, and every single member of staff is an unpaid volunteer. We do this for love of the words. But we never ask our members to post here exclusively. We love that people share the words. We just ask that they don’t use stories in our archive as free advertising for other sites.
    1 point
  25. The Uchiha Clan is rebelling negotiations have failed Kushina heads to the main house in order to talk to Mikoto but instead find Fugaku after trying and failing to talk him out of it she make a deal in exchange for sparing Naruto she will not only support the uchiha clan but offers herself to Fugaku to which he accepted
    1 point
  26. http://elliquiy.com/ If you haven't already, come join us!
    1 point
  27. 1 point
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