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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/05/2017 in all areas

  1. We’re not in denial about other archives existing. I started on the Pit myself but when I found AFF, I decided I’d found home. DG was awesome, the mods made me feel welcome, and before I knew it, I was volunteering. AO3’s Terms of Service is deliberately obscure, because they moderate via committee. That translates into nothing much ever getting done, and they are fond of making decisions which directly contradict their own ToS. Point that out, and you might get warned for something. Anything. They’ll invent it on the spot. And then there’s the “choose your preferred format” download button, resulting in a good many works there winding up on Kindle for sale, and not by the original author. (And yes, they do sell fanfiction. They just don’t mention it’s fanfiction, and if it’s AU enough, no one notices. 50 Shades, anyone?) Tumblr is not a fiction archive as much as it is a haven for malcontents and cyberbullies, and Wattpad gets hacked with dreary regularity. The Pit enforces their ToS with sporadic urgency and periodic purges, mostly when an advertiser gets a complaint about their ad appearing on a smutty site. Fiction Press is just the Pit for original work, and many of the fandom-based sites are gone because it’s not cheap to host an archive. Our small advertising revenue pays for our hosting costs, and every single member of staff is an unpaid volunteer. We do this for love of the words. But we never ask our members to post here exclusively. We love that people share the words. We just ask that they don’t use stories in our archive as free advertising for other sites.
    4 points
  2. No, not wolves, an ancient race of giant alien seahorse shifters. I’m not sure most would find it horrific (it’s tame compared to some things I’ve read) but I managed to weave together a little bit of necrophilia (just a tad, the guy was alive when they started), kidnapping (not an actual kid though), rape, torture (physical, mental and sexual), murder and to top it off squished a new born baby’s head...oh and mustn’t forget the dog… Yeah, Backdoor Politics was one of the uglier things I’ve written. It’s no longer posted because it’s being published by a publisher who likes those sorts of twisted tales. And there’s nothing wrong with soppy romance junk! I tend to write a bunch of that sort of thing too.
    1 point
  3. Time in the story where I most frequently have existential crises, and question all the skills I’m normally (over)confident of…? The first. Frickin. Sentence. And yes. I deleted and redid this status because of a typo. FML.
    1 point
  4. I know it involves me being perpetually in unimaginable pain, but I like it. Now they all have to star me. Y’all can thank DP for that!
    1 point
  5. CloverReef, the cabin boy, was cursed by the Mighty Dragon Wench to be in a perpetual state of MPreg, experiencing the contractions of labor on a daily basis.* * disclaimer: all similarities to real people is purely coincidental.
    1 point
  6. I put one of mine on two others (AO3 and FictionPress, if anyone's interested in knowing...). One from a recommendation for a good amount of traffic and reviews (after all, reviews are great to help improve , but, also, it helps to get a wider audience...). Both sites are a bust in my case. Very few views and less reviews... While I might keep the written work up on one, the other, the one with good traffic, I'll probably delete, as that hasn't helped at all. Trying out other sites hasn't been bad though. They've shown what a great place this is. Not to mention how glad I am it was recommended to me. To be honest, my loyalty lies here. I post here first and I see views climbing. I'm quite happy with how that is, I'm happy with fellowship of writers, and with the admins. There's quite some restrictions on others (CR's example of AO3, to use it) or things are outright confusing, or the set up is... Mind blowing... And I mean explosive, nuclear detonation explosive... The admins here can be approached and talked to, active in the environment (Forums, archive), and are friendly. Perhaps others on other sites are, but on the ones I've seen, they haven’t been, which only cements my loyalty further. Okay, so, hopefully I'm not going to have chairs thrown at me... I know it was supposed to be about other sites... okay, that yam was uncalled for... At least throw an orange, I'd eat that.
    1 point
  7. I’m supposed to leave for Boston tomorrow on business, so of course the corgi had a seizure, and my mother is having gastrointestinal issues and my son is celebrating his 19th birthday with a flu.
    1 point
  8. JayDee

    Adult Roleplaying

    I tried adult roleplay once. Instructions unclear. Had a hell of a time getting the 20 sided dice out of my ass.
    1 point
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