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  1. True. He pretty much got more character development in Starcrushed than in the rest of the series put together and that still puts him far behind Ferguson in terms of development. But, yeah, in Oskar’s case I meant to say that he stayed true and consistent to the character you developed him as. Whoops. Then I literally have nothing but praise for you
    2 points
  2. So, you're next is the last. Honestly, I can't say I'm that surprised though it saddens me to see it go. Still it has to or you'll never get around to making something new. Any idea what fandom you'll be using next? If not, might I suggest Milo Murphy. It seems right up your alley, has a ton of usable characters, and is pretty much the spiritual successor to Phineas and Ferb.
    2 points
  3. Thanks! My ego is now fully inflated. Whoa. Time dilation… Thank you! Although Oskar is a canonical character, he has been used so little on the show that writing him is almost like writing an OC. That has given me a lot of freedom to develop him. When I first thought of writing this scene, the awkward start -- especially the hysterical laughter when they try to kiss -- was the first thing that came to mind. I love words and wordplay, so I like coming up with ways to use it in Star’s dialogue. Being from another dimension means that she isn't necessarily familiar with all of our idioms (nor are we familiar with all of hers, like “riding the unicorn”), so there’s lots of room for language fun. Thank you! It took me quite a while to figure out how that scene was going to work. Eventually, I realized that the action needed to flow from the two characters’ personalities, and that meant their letting loose and having fun. My bad: My original plan was to end with the 12th chapter. But as I wrote it, I realized that there was too much material to fit into one chapter, so I split it into two. Now the last chapter will be 13 -- which will be posted soon, because it's already written and just needs a little cleaning up. *blushes* Actually, the omission of the quotation mark there was intentional. When a piece of dialogue continues into the next paragraph, you leave off the end quote in the first paragraph as a clue to the reader that the same character is still speaking. Thanks so much for the review! Final chapter coming soon.
    2 points
  4. Thanks again for that--as you can see, your suggestion was very helpful to me. The parents'-sex-life thing grew out of a comment that Fairy Slayer (who is kindly beta-ing this story for me) made about Star seeming oddly comfortable talking about sex in the initial draft. I agreed, and decided to make it a little more uncomfortable for her. This is the chief aspect of the show that makes me want to write fanfic about it. I love the relationship between Star and Marco and how easy they are around each other, as though they've been friends all their lives. Thank you, and thanks for the review!
    1 point
  5. JayDee

    Writing Summaries

    One thing, whenever I see “Lol, I suck at summaries just read” or similar I don’t. Because if you can’t even put that effort in to write something then it doesn’t bode well for the story. And now I must fly off mysteriously.
    1 point
  6. When there’s going to be a long weekend, why the hell do people react like the apocalypse is coming and stock up on 12 weeks worth of food and supplies? Christ on a motorbike, it was a madhouse down the street!
    1 point
  7. I’m currently working on the third chapter of my latest Phineas and Ferb story, “Hot Yoga.” I’ve also got a Miraculous story in the works (to be titled “Miss Match”), as well as another The Loud House story (“The Loud House After Dark”). I’m definitely open to writing a Milo Murphy’s Law story, but I’m waiting for the right idea to hit me.
    1 point
  8. Thank you! I generally only write fanfics about shows with which I’m very familiar (because I want to get the characterization right), and Star Vs. is one of those. It’s my guess that the writers of the show coined the term “warnicorn” while they were writing “Mewnipendance Day,” and they liked the word so well that they kept using it whenever the opportunity arose.
    1 point
  9. Star has used the word "unicorn" on at least two occasions that I can think of: In “Star Comes to Earth”: “Some people have called me reckless and irresponsible just because I fight monsters, and tame wild unicorns!” In “Blood Moon Ball”: “My best friend is a unicorn...I'm not gonna bathe in unicorn blood, Tom.” And, of course, she loves Marco's ringtone song, "Space Unicorn." To the extent that there is any logical consistency in the world of Star Vs., I would guess that a warnicorn is a particular type of unicorn that has been specially bred and trained for battle. But there are other types of unicorns, too. Thanks for the comment!
    1 point
  10. From Fairy-Slayer on August 22, 2016 Chapter six is awesome. First off, the opener was a great resolution to the cliffhanger that led into some nice exposition: Oskar's fangs make sense now, plus Marco's teasing about it later was cute; I’ve always thought that some kind of explanation for Oskar’s fangs was needed. Given all the time he spends in direct sunlight (usually on the hood of his car), the vampire thing didn’t seem plausible, so…half half demon. I also like the bit about Star's excitability and Oskar's unflappability evening things out. Some couples I know seem to have that kind of compatibility, so it made sense to me. Next, no surprise athletic and strong Jackie has a hardcore father. Nice of Marco to suggest the Nachos, and I especially like the quiet reverence Star used when backing up his claim about them. Everyone knows super-awesome when they see it…or taste it. J It's refreshing to see Tom being a bit more self-aware as he works really hard on his new plan to win back Star. The amount of effort and discipline comes through, especially keeping himself from fuming and instead directing his efforts into something much more useful: Janna. I love how you touched on her thought process while sticking to the effective narrative tone of the story. (It's not safe to get too close to the crazy, perhaps. ) I like getting into Janna’s head and trying to show how and why her internal logic doesn’t quite mesh with everyone else’s. It's great timing – well, a great lucky accident – on Tom's part to make contact with Janna just after she discovered "the plan" and the pieces had fallen into place in her mind. It was no accident: Tom had been remote-snooping around the school for weeks by that point. Were he a bit more perceptive, he probably would have identified Janna as a potential ally sooner. (But what is it with Tom and public bathrooms?) He was very suave and smooth in the in-(full)-person meeting, not even needing to do a full brainwashing but just a light rinse to take advantage of all of her bubbling feelings and wants. LOL at “just a light rinse.” But yeah, you don’t stay Prince of the Underworld for over a century without having at least a little game. She rationalized away any down-sides to his requests quite nicely, plus we know she's used to being a bit odd and a troublemaker, so any missteps are easily covered. Oh, but I must respond: "What more did she have to do to show him that she was interested?" Answer: Finally graduate from third grade. Janna attends the same charm school as Ronnie Anne Santiago. However, I loved her romantic imagery of Marco as her boyfriend, though Tom then made the excellent next step with his comment about him being between her thighs anytime she wanted. The guy really knows how to make a sale. I'm pretty sure I know what "the gift" for Star will be, If you can guess that, I’ll be very impressed. I’m not saying it’s impossible, but it’s probably not obvious. but now I'm really looking forward to how he's going to implement his own plan and how he's going to make Jackie Lynn look bad in Marco's eyes. Is that even possible? Scarily enough, if Tom says so then I kind of have to believe it's true… No spoilers. *demonic laugh* Anyway, excellent work. I hope this story stays high on your lengthy to-do list. Thanks. Thank you!
    1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. Thanks! One of the great ironies of being a teenager is that you want to be treated like an adult, but you really don't want to turn into your parents. I'm really quite fond of Boner. I envision him as having complete job security, because even though he's only moderately competent, he's probably the only person in the Underworld who has the temperament (and immunity to death) to last more than a week.as Tom's servant. If Tom were any more of a dick, he'd wear a condom as a hat. I think Star and the Diazes get along in part because they are weird in similar ways, so it made sense to me that Star would be able to predict how the Diazes would react. Particularly because Star was out of earshot at the time. He didn't just say it for her benefit; he said it because he believes it. Why, thank you. You know I can never resist a good cliffhanger. Thanks for the beta and review!
    1 point
  13. Thank you! I love these characters, so writing in their voices is fun.
    1 point
  14. Heh heh, I'm a dedicated second-baseman. I ain't sayin' nuthin. Oh, yes indeed. Or maybe just a lot more lame. Thanks for another fun review!
    1 point
  15. Thank you! My interest is piqued. Any idea when we might expect your next chapter? (Feel free to say that you have no idea; I usually don't. ) IMO, part of the fun -- and the challenge -- of writing fanfic is coming up with original characters that will work well with the canonical ones. Glad you like this one. Yeah, things went pretty far for a first date, but...yeah. Definitely some fallout coming.
    1 point
  16. Glad you're liking the story. As for Janna, her romantic future has yet to be written--literally. Thanks! I've been making a conscious effort to keep the pacing semi-realistic--but not dull--in terms of how quickly the plot (and especially the 5-step plan) moves forward. Yeah, it's gonna get a little- well, you know the theme song. Thanks! I loved writing that scene. I originally wanted to make it three rhyming words that dealt with the three main scenes in the chapter (this was before I decided to add the park scene at the end), and I came up with “Dreams, _______, and Evil Schemes.” But for the life of me, I could not think of a rhyming word to put in the middle that had anything to do with sparring or bouncy armor, so I had to try something else. In any case, thanks for reading and reviewing!
    1 point
  17. *Note: The text editor is telling me that I'm using too much quoted text, so I'm putting the quoted text in red instead of quote blocks. Disclaimer: I'm the proofreader, so all typos and such are my fault. For starters, I like the little recap of Marco's and Star's love-live situations, both to ease into the discussion and also provide enough background for those who aren't as familiar with the series. The series doesn't make it entirely clear where Star and Marco stand with their respective crushes; we don't know, for example, how Marco's conversation with Jackie on the bus went at the end of “Interdimensional Field Trip.” So I wanted to give a clear indication of where Square One is at the beginning of the story. It strikes me a little that many teenagers fret almost non-stop over how to appeal those of the other sex, yet at the same time they could pretty much write a book on what they've picked up about various types of people among their own gender. If they just used some of that observational power… Yet on the other hand, there's still a hint of the blind leading the blind as both have their confidence shaken here and there Part of the reason why I liked this story idea enough to actually write it up was the obvious advantage of having an opposite-sex best friend to give you romantic advice. But nobody is omniscient about what others of their own sex want, so yeah. However it's awesome how they both keep perking each-other up. Morale is critical to the success of Operation Wingman. So it seems to be working, and I won't complain. Setting up the plan and negotiating the number of parts was perfectly in-character and rather adorable on both kids' parts. It ran rather smoothly, thanks to the small number of entries; the last item though is great for proving that this is going to be one hell of a sexy story. Thank goodness Mewni is a bit more liberal about sex. Star's being from another dimension, whose culture and mores we don't fully know, provides a lot of helpful latitude. Also, Star's line “If you need to measure it, it’s not awesome.” still cracks me up. Talk about your soft endpoints. Then the restless night and all that deliciously sexy talk was fantastic, and it's cute that Star is not above teasing Marco a little bit as she gets him all flustered. That bit was inspired by the moment in “Freeze Day” when Star briefly pretends to be frozen just to mess with Marco. The goings-on of chapter two played out well with each accomplishing their first checklist items so well. Marco was terrific for calming Star down after she jumped ahead on the list – especially being The List Guy, but it's clear that he cares more for Star's happiness than anything else. Perhaps even getting with Jackie Lynn, if it came to that; at the same time, I wonder if Star would also care more about her best friend succeeding. This could make for some interesting complications; Hmm, perhaps. Janna too seems like she'll be sticking her face into their business and raising havoc. Niiiiice. Every game needs a wild card. The subtlety of "that face" was pretty cool, though it was good you pointed it out for people like me. And people like Marco, who might not catch such things on his own. (I was about 18 when I realized that the girl with whom I had had a summer-school romance 2 years earlier had subtly offered to let me see her naked, and that I had been completely oblivious to her innuendo at the time.) Also, giving us the pronunciation of Rogelio was clever and just a really nice thing to do. Well, the spelling isn't exactly phonetic for us speakers of inglés, so I figured it couldn't hurt. Finally though, another night with Marco and Star together in her room turned out rather nicely. She's such a carefree yet considerate young woman. I'm glad that for all of Marco's fretting he was able to fall asleep without ruminating on the situation too much. Part of the point there was to show how relaxed Marco and Star are around each other. It was a bit of self-indulgence on my part; I love that aspect of their relationship, so I wanted to highlight it for the reader. Let's just hope the puppies don't start crawling around inside his pajama bottoms. (Or maybe that's just what Star will claim happened… okay, maybe not in this story. ) Is there a tag for pseudo-bestiality? So thanks for all the fun, and I'm really looking forward to seeing how this adventure goes. Thanks for sharing. Thanks for betaing and reviewing!
    1 point
  18. Thanks! I hope you'll like this story just as much.
    1 point
  19. Always my top priority. Thanks! Right--I didn't want to get into anything heavy early on, but I definitely wanted a little "action" in the first chapter, and the fantasy-sharing came to mind as a good way to do that. Thanks for reviewing!
    1 point
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