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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/30/2017 in all areas

  1. Okay, lot of questions here... Let's get cracked <breaks finger while cracking>. Damn, been a bit… Personally, I like the subtle hints peppered throughout. When they all come back around at the end and you can look back and go, wait a second!" When reading, that's part of the fun. As for too subtle, I think everyone has a different interpretation of subtle and how much or little is required. While I'm sure I'll have tomatoes thrown, there are some people who don't read for the hints. Personally speaking, I don't always. (Put down the pitchforks!) I know people who read mysteries just because they like the author... And others will actively try to solve it before the character does... (One where I used to work would be reading a James Patterson with a notebook next to her, taking notes...) On a personal level, again, I can only say that I prefer not knowing a clue and solving or being surprised at the end... Like you, that's part of the fun. Hints are good (although I probably wouldn't have figured things out on The Divine Hand without a little prodding... Hopefully that comes around a little more...) All that incoherent rambling aside, best advice I can give, write what you want to read. If you like having hints strewn throughout, go for it. If you do, someone else will too.
    2 points
  2. I usually like to give my characters a name that has a meaning. I like using google translate and giving my character a name that means something in another language. Like for example my character Bai Hu, his name is white tiger: Bai – white, Hu - tiger in Chinese (according to google translate). And I use this method for naming places too. I also just like pick the names I like, you know, I like how they sound and shit. I tend to write down names I like so when I need a name I come back to that list. Or (like ppl already pointed out) baby name websites and shit like that.
    2 points
  3. s whaa I love u
    1 point
  4. Oh yeah, let me fix that. https://archiveofourown.org/users/Dextrousleftie/profile http://dextrousleftie.livejournal.com/
    1 point
  5. Eddie Forever is finished! 177 manuscript pages, 64,000 words. Whew!
    1 point
  6. Good news, got in several miles of walking under my new tire-blowout fitness plan.
    1 point
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