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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/07/2017 in all areas

  1. Eh, a lot of that comes down to Extra, which kind of plays fast and loose with a lot of universal mechanics. Like, the “representation of nameless heroes” thing is something that I’ve basically never seen brought up or taken seriously. As for why, maybe because it makes his power level unquantifiable, or because it goes against a preferred idea of him being (comparatively) a normal guy who just took wanting to be a hero too far and happened to have the right skill-set to go as far as he did, or because people think having EMIYA be the face of ALL the nameless heroes throughout history is just wanking. Even all the stuff with Kiara is debatable, because a)video game mechanics means you have to be able to fight and defeat the final boss, even if it doesn’t really work with the logic of the setting, b)the Sakura clones that she absorbed to become the final boss resisted from within because they wanted to save Hakuno, and c)Kiara became the demon god by using Andersen’s Noble Phantasm, which works on the basis of the story and Andersen’s own vision as an author, and he couldn’t allow something as convenient and simple as her becoming the “ideal self” she imagined just by absorbing them. And the stuff that he did in that alternate timeline also came with having the Regalia that gives control of the Moon Cell. Compared to, for example, Karna, who did the same thing (soloing Nero and Altera’s factions, as well as the Velber) on his own abilities… I like EMIYA. He’s one of the most interesting characters in Fate, and a better portrayal of the flaws in wanting to be a hero than most fiction. But within the universe, his role is to be Batman: smarter, more knowledgeable, and more prepared than basically everyone else. And making him that much stronger, making him actually physically comparable to other Servants is basically like making Batman from Krypton: now you have someone who is smarter than everyone, has a plan to defeat everyone, and is also strong and fast enough that he can still fight everyone without those things, and who really wants that?
    2 points
  2. DemonGoddess

    Babble Chat

    Hey all, look at the top menu and tabs. You’ll notice that the far right is titled “Babble”. This is the new chat! Registration not required to use it!
    1 point
  3. DirtyAngel

    Magusfang's Corner

    I am home yay. Face still aches but it's still better in my own bed where there's room to cuddle i got a written apology from the student who hit me, seems sincere and from what I know about him he usually does feel bad after he calms down. Talked to his shrink and, while not telling me anything specific, he did say he thinks he can help but Rome wasn't built in a day :-/ I really hope he can. Steve and Lizzie keep giving me the “he belongs in juvvie” look but Sarah is on my side so there So thankfully even though everyone, including Monkey, wants to go kick this kids butt they’ll hold off because I asked them to and so far that's the best part of this whole mess, everyone doing what I asked even though they have honk I'm nuts. I know they all love me but this proves they respect me sometimes that's even better!
    1 point
  4. Thank you right back! Your comments were valuable. It occurred to me that I ought to provide some kind of explanation for why they’re called “skin demons.” “Blood Moon Ball” was obviously a very important episode, but its potential significance wasn’t addressed at all in the rest of season 1, so I decided to get after it in this story. Thanks! You put the idea in my head with your comment. So thank you again for the beta, and thanks for the review!
    1 point
  5. Re: “Rough Night” Writing it was a guilty pleasure, too. Thanks! I don’t have plans to write more about this characters (although that can always change), but I’ve got other stories in a similar vein. Thanks for the comments!
    1 point
  6. “God Emiya” is Mumei Emiya. He’s ridiculously strong at end game. We’re talking about the Emiya that could take BB with Potnia Theron (EX), an ability from the original earth goddess The goddess who is the mother of the earth goddesses who created the earth is, in other words, the “root” that created all creation. It basically means any divine spirit, heroic spirit, or generally just anything from earth automatically lose. BB can also wipe reality using Potnia Theron BB, then comes Kiara absorbs the Sakura faces and turns herself into demon god. Mumei goes SSGSS and uses his full power as t”he representation of the will of all the nameless heroes in history” by doing so he can negate the ten crown by being on the same tier or power. This allows Archer to move at faster than light speeds, as in being able to literally travel from the Horsehead Nebula to the moon in a few seconds and fight on equal footing with Kiara Sessyoin in her Heaven's Hole form. Divine Spirits have also ridiculously powerful capable of doing something like this. Ishtar and other goddess (including Tiamat) basically very watered down version of the original earth goddess seeing as they don’t even have Potnia Theron. Tiamat and other goddess are way below the Buddha, Kiara and BB. Hence why I call him “God Emiya” he’s hangs with the people on top; at the least when he’s on this form. Basically what they did was remove the servant container limiters and access their servant’s Origin stored in the root. Another version of Mumei, Punished Mumei managed to solo the Moon Cell Holy grail war while being half dead (to the point that he’s unrecognizable). Another version is Extella Mumei from a time line where he won the holy grail and managed beat everything else but Sefar. “Fought Sefar and survived what legions and pantheons of divine spirits could do at their height of power”. He also solos gilgamesh, iskander and saber. IIRC he once mentioned that nothing good will come out if you try to kill yourself. He’s pretty laid back version of Archer when he’s not trying to kill himself. Bobmiya is the second strongest after he countered Moriarty’s meteor strike, which can’t normally destroy the planet because of the Human Order, the counter force, and Alaya’s CF putting a stop to it. Buuut since this happening in the singularity (blind spot of the human order) the idea becomes possible.
    1 point
  7. DirtyAngel

    Magusfang's Corner

    Got a get well card from all the students, principal had all of them sign it, all six grades! best job ever and thanks sniper, already getting my hugs lol and I definitely can't wait to get back to my kids
    1 point
  8. Hi everyone, I'm doing good, face hurts some but everything went well and no, I won't be punishing the student in question any more than the suspension, it wasn't his fault I had to have surgery, this would have happened eventually anyway. Besides he’ll get the help he needs now so small price to pay for me to hopefully turn his life around. I know, he deserves what he gets, Steve and Lizzie keep telling me but I'm a teacher and he's a student and I take that very seriously. I can't throw a student away anyhow, I'm fine and should be getting out of here in the morning, thanks for all your prayers and thought
    1 point
  9. magusfang

    Magusfang's Corner

    hello everyone, been awhile, sorry about that but my family keeps me pretty busy. So Lis is with Kari in recovery and our girl is doing fine, the surgeon found a few more problems when he got in there but isn’t that how it always works? So the repairs went well, she got 20 cc’s of cadaver bone, three metal plates and 24 titanium screws, the surgeon is very happy with the results and she did very well and if she does’t have any significant pain, swelling, or bleeding during the night we get to take her home in the morning. She’s still in the recovery room waking up but her docs tell me she should be back here in her room within the hour, she’ll be groggy and grumpy but I’ll rest easier when I can see her. Don’t worry, she’ll probably be on later to tell everyone all about it LOL, and of course it’ll be all my fault.
    1 point
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