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    Fate: Gamer Night - Shota Edition

    So apparently from what heard in /fgog/ translations and spoilers Emiya Alter is basically Emiya who chased Kiara. From the wiki “Afterwards she reformed the Tachikawa Eiten School, rapidly increasing the number of believers over the net and became the leader of the cult. Kiara Sesshouin saved many lost people with the doctrine of Tachikawa-ryu as her foundation.[4] The Church also acknowledges Kiara Sesshouin as a modern prophet, due to a certain opinion of a Cardinal; one of the candidates for the next Pope.” Her cult basically uses sex and pleasure as a path to enlightenment, they’re basically a sex group plus magic. Emiya in this timeline, before kiara went crazy in fate/CCC, might have misunderstood the rumors and though Kiara was somehow an enemy of justice because of blah,blah magic. Think of it as Emiya entering a group of men and women having consentual sex and him killing all of them lol. And by the end of his journey Emya got guilty killing Kiara’s followers ended up falling to the darkside. TL;DR: Emiya turned Black and became her bull. Shit is damn unbelievable. Really WTF Nasu?
    1 point
  3. Yo! I’m still alive and kicking. Life has been giving me a difficult time recently, but I’m still working on Fate Gamer Night.
    1 point
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