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  1. Lemme see if this works….
    2 points
  2. From Fairy-Slayer on February 11, 2017 Chapter 9 had some pretty powerful and critical story advancement, to say the least. SPOILERS! Yes, this is the, "Hey, what's that brown lump speeding toward the fan?" chapter. Easing into it with everything seeming fine (or better than fine) then switching to Star's nice dream… then discovering her minor mistake were subtle enough not to raise the alarm. Only when Star's agitated thoughts leaked out and then she caught herself was it clear the ooze was starting to affect her. The bit about the sheen the next morning was a nice bit of symbolism too as it represent encasing and trapping the real start. (Or maybe I'm just reading way too much into it.) Nope, you're not. Her insensitivity and hostility the next morning hit pretty hard. The slime had had several hours to take effect by then. BTW, I'm really surprised you didn't get my reference about her dissing the nachos, but perhaps I wasn't grasping the context of the story as well as I thought. No, I got it, but I didn't think the situation was quite the same. Kirk doesn't seem to be aware that he's saying something hurtful, whereas Darkstar is being deliberately mean. As for the emergence of the shadow personality, I found it very creepy and disturbing on a few levels. The bit about her image in the mirror flashing that mocking smile once Star realized what was happening – what had just become complete – was brilliant. The thought of being locked-in is pretty horrifying on its own, but I could feel (even relate) to her suffering as "she" started hurting those she loved, coolly and even dismissively. The cut-aways to her screams packed more punch than I think you even realize, especially as each verbal or emotional blow Darkstar landed on Marco made real Star weaker, less… (That's why I had to make such a terribly lame joke in the commentary to keep myself from being too affected, but I didn't want to be so cruel as to inflict it upon you. You don't deserve that.) Yeah, it's pretty rough stuff, I guess. The point, really, is to show the depth of Tom's depravity: that he's willing to do something that terrible to Star to have the girlfriend he wants. As for the lame joke, now I'm curious. Thank goodness for Rogelio – or as I like to call him, The Absolute Mostest Bestest OC EVER! His keen observations skills, no doubt fueled by his affection for his grandson and the cheerful princess, plus is eccentric similes make him awesome. His advice really got Marco to think – and more importantly, to act without hesitation. I'm so glad you like Rogelio. That line about the pig was the seed of the idea for his character; everything else grew from that. Aggressive Marco was fantastic, especially in his conviction as he confronted Darkstar a bit violently. However the switching to spankings was pretty funny, especially with real Star cheering him on. (Darkstar's comment was weird for such a bad girl, but perhaps she really prefers to give the spankings.) Remember that Darkstar is brand new. She only knows what Star knows; she has no life experience of her own. The fact that Tom didn't mind revealing his scheme and even gloating was a bad sign. Yes, it is. (As a side note, the fact that Marco could recognize Star's scent and, maybe to a lesser degree, his chosen method of attack, "intrigues" me a bit too. ) More on that later. However, even with all that conflict, pain, and even fighting, you still managed to add just the right bits of show-style humor, even in some dire moments, all seamlessly. That made it really feel like the show and much more enjoyable. Thank you! Heck, Oskar's unintentional bad-ass comment was a total win. Thanks for such gripping chapter. Thanks for another gripping review. Although I swear I didn't grip myself too much while reading it.
    1 point
  3. thx. dont be afraid to drop an idea, always up to listen to it.
    1 point
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