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  1. I deleted my works too from AO3. I left a note on my profile, lightly plagiarized from Bronxie but I think that’s ok. Pippychick.
    4 points
  2. I like it here. Been to a few sites where either the moderators only slam people who they don’t like and everyone else gets a pass, or where there is literally no moderation and you just put up with the stupid crap. Gets annoying fast too. But I haven’t really seen much of that here, and when it does pop up you guys deal with it pretty quickly. I think the Mods do a great job here. Ok, enough sucking up
    4 points
  3. It's my mother in law’s pet name for me
    3 points
  4. OT, but when I took the dogs outside this morning, there is a terribly ominous red crescent moon… quite spectacular really.
    3 points
  5. Honestly, the clear TOS and standard warns make it incredibly easy to work here. It’s all about the content, not about the person, or any drama they might indulge in. All we need is for the TOS to be followed. That is it. Being a moderator here has a definite feel of serving the AFF community as a whole. It’s that old thing about power, and people feeling like they’re something they’re not. That doesn’t happen here. We are all just writers and readers. The TOS is easy to understand, simple to follow, and it works. And if my situation was subject to the AFF way of doing things? A, they wouldn’t have been able to hide their bad behaviour, hence I wouldn’t have bothered to point it out, since they would have done that job all on their own. B, they would have automatically been told over review board chat for all the childish dramatics while someone was going through the sweep. End of. All sorted out without any escalation whatsoever.
    3 points
  6. It is done by committee according to the OTW site. But mostly, I think they’ve looked at the “Oh, woe is me!” comments of the troll to their anon friend, and the: “She’s being meeeaaannnn to me, and everyone hates me, and fandom is ignoring me, and I am so scared and sad and no good at standing up for myself!” posts, and not looked any further than that. Even though the reason the troll is reacting like that is because they didn’t expect to get called on what they did, ie. by being quoted. They don’t want to take responsibility for themselves, and especially not for their nasty actions. I’m actually starting to wonder if this person is even an adult.
    3 points
  7. I nominate DA as the official AFF Succubus.
    3 points
  8. Exactly. It’s why we use standardized warns, not because we’re lazy, but because it is impartial. Everyone is warned in the same manner. The standard warns work, and our members know we’re not playing favorites. On those rare occasions when a situation is outside our usual warns, we work together to come up with a proper approach. Are we perfect? Nope, but we’re pretty damned good, and I’m proud to be a part of the AFF staff.
    3 points
  9. ..and this would be why we STOPPED that kind of nonsense years ago, now. We have a ToS to work within, and a staff that works together to enforce it. If any one of us feels we cannot be impartial, we ask for an assist and step away from that particular issue being handled. Moderation by committee doesn’t work.
    3 points
  10. Thank you, Garethan! I’m glad you enjoyed it, despite the slight language barrier. Honestly, I admire bilingual people. I am just a lazy native Englander *g* And I am happy the feeling of succumbing worked too. Of course as an adult, with an adult’s twisted desires, there’s some argument to be made for her bringing most of the really nasty stuff on herself (ie. rape fantasy). The dream was of her choosing, after all, even if not consciously.
    2 points
  11. Since I have access to site stats, I can tell you for certain we’ve seen STEADY growth over the last few years.
    2 points
  12. Thank you, Willow… With any luck, between us all we’ll bring more traffic here. Another little bright side, perhaps.
    2 points
  13. AO3 actually moderates abuse reports by committee, or so I’ve been told. This means it depends on the phase of the moon, the state of mind of the team, and any other random factor up to and including the availability of sufficient amounts of chocolate, wine, and other mood altering substances as might be required to render a biased and partial ruling. It’s fuzzy group think taken to extremes, and it’s ridiculously inefficient and utterly arbitrary. In my opinion, of course...
    2 points
  14. BronxWench

    Current Work

    I’m in awe! I’d do this myself, but it might scare me.
    1 point
  15. That is completely possible and will be added to my to do list. right now I’m still debugging the archive skin so that it dose not cause weird draw issues.
    1 point
  16. And roast some trolls while you’re at it. How much ketchup does it require to smother out the flavor of troll?
    1 point
  17. pippychick

    Trolls - Advice needed

    Also, I’m writing a lot of last chapters at the moment as parting gifts to my readers, old and new. So on the bright side it’s making me productive this week!
    1 point
  18. pippychick

    Trolls - Advice needed

    Thanks, Des There has been no “summons” though, so there’s no reason to believe all the troll’s friends have chimed in. They won’t have been informed of anything during the – and I use the term very loosely – “investigation” I have wondered if there has been personal dislike of my content amongst the abuse team. I agree, as a strategy it’s not going to go well for them long term. Oh, AFF is my home! And it has been since before AO3 even existed, back when it was the occasional Yuletide Treasure rarepairing challenge, so no worries there. It’s why I put my personal time in as a volunteer here. I will leave AO3, but I won’t go altogether quietly – sod that. Which means… well, I’ll be as adult as possible. *g*
    1 point
  19. I know nothing about the situation, but it’s not like that stopped me from responding before! It’s a shame that those mods aren’t doing a better job at protecting an author from abuse (where they can reasonably do so). Assuming the mods aren’t being malicious in this, I can think of some reasons. 1) the horde replied to the summons, so you’re now one voice vs many on the matter, and they chose to believe the majority. 2) The mods don’t like your pairing either (or one of them has become part of the horde). 3) Way overloaded, and, well you’re one vs many. Trouble with trolls, it’s like weeds in a garden, let one stay, and you’re soon overran by them; chasing good authors away isn’t a good long term strategy. I second JayDee’s opinion, be the adult. If AO3 isn’t a good fit for you, well, AFF’s archives are open
    1 point
  20. It’s definitely a what the actual fuck moment, enough so that I’ve removed my solo work from AO3 and amended my profile to reflect (politely) how I feel about their behavior. Now, given Pip and I have a co-written piece still up there, I do hope the troll drops by that story. I doubt it, because it’s not their OTP, but just in case they are indulging in personal harassment of Pip, I will document it, send it to the Abuse Team, and tell them if the troll isn’t warned, I will require an explanation, in writing, from their Legal Team as to why they are choosing not to enforce their Terms of Service in a fair and impartial manner, with the understanding if I don’t like what the Legal Team has to say, I will ask my attorney to review it to determine if AO3 will be considered culpable in any action I might take.
    1 point
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