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  1. Thank you, Khajiitophile! I’m so glad you enjoyed it, even if you did have to sleep with the light on, lol. I really wanted it to seem as if by taking home the cloak, she’d taken home the ghost, and it became resident. Even though the “ghost” really turns out to be herself in a way. Kathy is really an original character I suppose, so I am glad you liked her too. Despite her mental health issues, she seemed (at least to me) a very independent character. I kind of like the thought that the weakness in her began in the moment she picked that thing up as a child. So that the rest of the story is then an inevitable conclusion. Ah, I did write it so readers could get off on those earlier scenes (and probably set them off thinking in the process), and in my head it fits into an either/or compartment. I’m glad you could enjoy the story even though you had to give up on that aspect *g* Again, thank you!
    2 points
  2. Did you ever see Starship Troopers 2? One of those control bugs. Anyway, it’s pretty much finished but I’ll hold off putting it on AFF for a little bit so I can do another check over for typos that my brain* has been hiding from me. Thanks everyone for the assist. *or brain bug? Dah DAH DAAAAH….
    2 points
  3. Sounds a bit like the Goa’uld/Tok’ra from Stargate. Is the host merely remote-controlled by the parasite but still fully aware and sentient of what is happening? In this case, 3plus makes sense and the Rape tag would be appropriate twofold. I’m curious, even though it has nothing to do with the new President of the United States.
    2 points
  4. That’s a lovely review you got!
    2 points
  5. A baby ? ? ? Three-hour nap times ? ? ? Hopefully not any more issues with overactive cell growth locations ! ! ! I was joking about the dearth of commentary but not intending it to be accusatory. I figure that comments will appear once mommas and daddy are able to comment again.
    2 points
  6. Comment by C_Wade; “ I always get a little skeptical when people advertise their stories with 'good quality writing' and 'very detailed', but your's certainly didn't disappoint, in both cases. You managed to provide enough detail to give the reader (me) a solid impression of what was going on without going over the top and expanding on every little meaningless detail. ”
    2 points
  7. I created a thread like this on the WWOEC forum a while back, but since WWOEC is no more, I thought I'd begin it again here. Basically, this thread is for story ideas that you had and really liked but that had some fatal flaw that prevented you from incarnating them as word-flesh. Here, you can tell the world about your great idea--the working title (if there was one), the fandom (including "original"), the plot, and the fatal flaw. I'll start: Working Title: Dead Man's Curve Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Plot: Some time during season 4 or thereabouts, a couple of our heroes' male classmates are killed in solo car accidents on a stretch of cliffside highway people call Dead Man's Curve. They notice that another of their classmates has been lurking around that area and become suspicious, but it turns out that she's an applied math major doing a research project on the inexplicably high accident rate on this one segment of road. Ultimately, Buffy and the gang discover that a demon has been lurking in this area, appearing in a ghostly race car and brain-addling young men into racing against it and crashing. Giles' research determines that if someone were to actually race the demon and win, the demon, in its anger, would take physical form and attack, thereby giving Buffy a corporeal ass to kick. Giles somehow commandeers a muscle car, Xander races the demon to victory, and Buffy beats the crap out of it. Fatal flaws: I liked the basic idea, but it needed some sort of additional twist to make it interesting. While I was thinking about what that might be, a fellow fanfic writer who was a friend of mine lost her mother and brother in a freak car accident. I just couldn't write the story after that. Keeping or Abandoning? Abandoning
    1 point
  8. Hi, Thanks in advance for your time, site staff and any general passers by with two cents. Partly as a little break from wrangling Willow’s psychology that I’ve been working on again lately, I’ve bashed out a short scene for someone else and when it came to coding it I wasn’t sure if I just be adding the 3plus tag. For the sex there’s a man and a woman, but the man has a kind of brain parasite controlling his actions so an argument could be made that there’s three involved even if one of them is only inside another’s brain. Does this need a 3plus tag? I would like to clarify that this story is in no way political and has nothing to do with the new President of the United States.
    1 point
  9. Honestly, TCR, when I have my beta reader head on I am a total pain in the arse… just ask CL And I know I am woefully behind in my reading (of CloverReef’s stories too)… I hope to catch up at some point. Maybe this week with any luck.
    1 point
  10. Blood and Honour: Again, thanks for the review, BW. It definitely helped lift spirits during the neverending pit I found myself in when I posted on the forum. This is off to a most intriguing start. Chapter one introduces us to the main characters, and I have to admit, Matilde is an extremely strong character, so much so she almost overshadows the others. Given that she has the greatest misgivings about the plan to hide in plain sight, I am rather glad, since I do believe she will be proved right. I'm glad to hear it's intriguing. I wasn't entirely sure how to start it originally. There were simply too many points to start. After a couple figurative and, sometimes, literal, slaps across the face, I admitted that Chapter I had become interesting. Wasn't sure if others would think so, but had to start somewhere. I did want Matilde to be the strong willed, and, indeed, strongest and most outspoken character, of the group. Whereas the rest were driven by a fear, she was supposed to be the voice of some reason. Chapter two is lovely, and quite nicely done. There's a tenderness, almost a tristesse to the couples during their lovemaking, and it lends a bittersweet charm to the chapter. For those of us who enjoy history, including the more warty bits not often showcased, knowing what could await them doubles the sense of foreboding. I'm going to admit, I wasn't sure how it would turn out. The M/M is the first attempt at writing it and I owe a lot to my betas for the chapter. They put in a lot of time, effort, sweat, possibly blood, and more frustration than I'm sure they wanted to. The F/F, while not the first, and taking less from the betas, is still not a strongpoint. That being said, I did want it to be bittersweet and the looming threat hanging over them, the fact this may be the last time they might see each other… And chapter three brings us to a glimpse of their fates. The lads will of course see combat as part of the infantry and the Panzer Corps, but it was the women's assignments which were of import, I think. Hanna will find Dachau a great trial, with her gentle nature. Nothing there will allow her to flourish. And Matilde, well. I find myself hoping she is indeed as good a shot as she claims, and perhaps she will one day use that to her advantage. But the deception of pretending to be male will be difficult. I can't help but see trouble in store for her. I saw Hanna and Matilde’s postings as the important aspect of the assignments, as well. Hanna’s assignment was intended as a foil, her gentle nature opposite to Dachau’s dark nature; her kindness a complete 180 from Dachau’s oppressive stance. Before I had written Matilde’s assignment, I had read online regarding a woman who, in World War I, had joined up, as a man, in one of the armies (forgive me, I can’t remember which right now), and served through the war. I found it remarkable and wanted to include something similar. I am definitely going to continue following this story. You have a clear and elegant style of writing, and I'm enjoying this immensely. I hope I don't disappoint. And now for the last, but not least… From Pippychick... Thank you Pippy, for your review. (And no, I didn’t mind the impromptu beta read.) This has a very intriguing premise indeed. We can only imagine how many of these sombre get togethers there were in the weeks and months following Hitler's election. I suspect there were a lot, not just between lovers, but among ordinary families and friends too. I've certainly read real life accounts of grown men literally crying over the kitchen table. You convey that atmosphere of hopeless despair well, yet the fear is present too, which of course is what leads to their agreement to join up. Of course in those circumstances it's not a silly fear at all. Soon, the light of suspicion would fall on two couples sharing living space, and suspicion in those days would be all it took to be consigned to a nasty fate. We’ve probably been reading similar accounts. I wanted to present that fear and hopeless despair as well as I could from those accounts. Suspicion was a very real chance to get back at someone. I read about people who would purposely spread lies and half-truths in order to get vengeance or political means. Even members of the General Staff were not above suspicion and persecution. But I’m rambling... Will they survive? Perhaps more pertinently, will their love survive? There's a lovely echo of Nineteen Eighty-Four about this situation. How much will it take to make the lovers renounce each other? How much will they see and do that deadens their hearts? If you or I were in that position, what would it take to turn us into informants to save our own lives? Self-preservation often conquers all, not love, sadly. I do believe you’re going to like the chapters as they keep coming. And now some concrit... I did notice you repeated yourself in the following two paragraphs… I'd also watch how many times you begin paragraphs with a character's name. Lastly, be careful of short sentences (I am terrible for using these myself) as they can kill the rhythm. If I notice I'm struggling, I'll often read my own work aloud to myself, making sure to include all commas and full stop pauses. Like I said, I don’t mind pointing out little things like what you have. Sometimes I miss things, sometimes it’s me forgetting (...YAY, forgetfulness!) to delete something after I work through it in an edit. Then I catch myself and put myself in a corner for bad behaviour… lol. Seriously, though, I appreciate that you’ve taken the time to note that there’s something wrong in there so I can go back and fix it. So, thank you for that. I’ve noticed (and I’m sure Cloverreef would like to beat me with a bat...or worse when she sees that) I have a considerable pain in the ass tendency to start with names. Been trying to break that, but apparently it’s not working too well… I’m sure CR would be the first to point at ‘read my own work aloud’ and be like ‘SEE? SEE?’ I admit, I hadn’t been doing that before, but I’ve tried in the last couple months, so hopefully there’ll be some change to be seen.
    1 point
  11. Thank you! The full review is on the story but I figured I’d use a small piece to convince people that my story is worth a read. Got to be creative when you sell it xD
    1 point
  12. Maybe the art of writing is knowing which plot bunnies are better left to the reader’s imagination?
    1 point
  13. I… I now find myself wondering the difference between [Abortion], [Abortion+] and [Abortion++] is it like one’s through planned parenthood, the others are wire coat hanger or falcon punch? “Mpreg’s the disease, Captain Falcon is the cure!” So reading through It sounds ultimately that 3plus is probably for the best – while some readers will be a little disappointed there aren’t three people going at it at the same time, and I can see where GG is coming from, the control by the parasite is central to the story and it is self-aware so it’s more than just a voy thing. And I just realised I probably need to throw a Necro tag in there too for the last paragraph or so. Better safe than sorry even if it is just solo over remains. I’m also putting a Rape tag on because it’s clearly rape-by-deception not to explain you’re actually a meat puppet controlled by a parasite. Pippychick – It’s a PWP snuff fic (brain parasites being bad for health) crossover. I’d suggest most forum users and quite a few site readers would be best avoiding it - one of those niche stories! I know you’re great at dark themes yourself but this is on the ponographic filth side rather than the arty atmospheric literature side !
    1 point
  14. I’d go 3+ just because, especially if the parasite is self aware. The appropriate tag for any content involving an alleged new president of the United States is actually NMP, Not My President, and might also require a WS tag along with Contro.
    1 point
  15. Well on the face of it, I’d say it doesn’t require the 3plus tag, but then it kind of depends. If the parasite is actually self-aware then things change, and definitely if the parasite is self-aware and getting some kind of vicarious sexual thrill out of screwing the female of the species. In both of those instances, I’d use the tag. I would like to clarify that this post – at least on the face of it – has nothing to do with the new President of the United States.
    1 point
  16. GeorgeGlass

    Mary Sue How-to

    I wonder whether playing role-playing games early one helps one avoid the Mary Sue trap. Character creation in an RPG usually involves tradeoffs (or at least the odd bad die roll), so unless you are crazy lucky (or cheat like mad), your character can’t be perfect. As a result, you’re always thinking about characters in terms of their strengths and their weaknesses.
    1 point
  17. Read The Warriors by Sol Yorrick. Dead serious. It’s all about black adolescent street gangs, their lives and how they form. Their mentality. Granted it’s set in like the 60’s or earlier, but it paints a vivid enough picture that it could easily be applied to inner city youths today. After all, war...war never changes.
    1 point
  18. Working Title: Sherlock Homeboy Fandom: Sherlock Holmes Plot: Sherlock Langston Holmes is a poor teenager from Chicago's South Side. He has a gift for solving crimes that variously earns him respect and enmity in his community and among the police. He survives by his wits and with the help of his best friend, Johnny Watson, a varsity linebacker who dreams of one day going to medical school. Fatal flaws: 1. There's no story here -- characters and setting, but no plot. 2. I don't know jack about what life is like for poor black teenagers on the South Side. 3. Does anybody still say “homeboy”? Keeping or abandoning? Abandoning
    1 point
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