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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/01/2016 in all areas

  1. So Lizzie called all laughing and crying and told me that basically Magus’s cancer is in remission. Not like a real remission since he has to still do his monthly chemo, but its stopped cold and not only is there no new growth, but it seems that they knocked it back some. Thank you guys for all the words of support and as you can imagine everyone is pretty happy here, I went across the hall to tell Mon and she went nuts, bet they heard her in the principal’s office LOL. So as I write this, she’s on the phone to Steve, I think we all just got our christmas present early LOL. I’ll be back later when I know more, thanks again everyone, I just know all the positive words of support and everyone keeping him in their thoughts and prayers helped
    2 points
  2. Advantages to online xmas shopping: Done in an hour, easy, get stuff for cheaper than out in town, get stuff you couldn’t get in town. Disadvantages: The delivery. I’m waiting for around thirty items, but today, if I’m lucky, the postman will deliver one or two of them at best. Also, I went back to bed at 8:15 am, then got an email at 8:26 which I didn’t read, advising me a driver would turn up between 9:25 and 10:25. Seriously!? I woke up at 9:45 to find an annoying card. They didn’t even manage to wake the dog up. They must have tiptoed to my door… *growls* Right now I officially hate Christmas. And I was doing so well this year. I can’t help imagining how much worse Scrooge would have become if he’d woken up on Christmas day morning to find cards from the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Future saying: “We’re sorry we missed you!”
    2 points
  3. CloverReef

    Blackbird (Original, M/M)

    Blackbird By CloverReef Summary: Blackbird is out for blood. Seven notorious criminals baited and raped his little brother, and he will do everything in his power to snuff them out. Enter Malti Arvika, one of the most infamous men of the city's underworld, and an irresistible opportunity to get the vengeance Blackbird craves. If only he could figure out whose side Malti was really on. Feedback: Brightens my day. Fandom: Original Warnings: M/M, M/M/M/+, Anal, Oral, Bondage, S&M, Rape, Violence, Minor character death Solo story or chaptered story: Chaptered URL: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600107958 I hope you like Blackbird. I like it, but it's possible I'm biased. Remote possibility, of course. Well, I had written this long, pandering thing here all about kissing the feet of readers and throwing engagement rings at reviewers, but I deleted it. After all the work I put into perfecting it too. Decided to go the dignity route, but this got real boring real quick... So... Um... Screw it. Where'd those friggin' rings go? Happy reading!
    1 point
  4. Rounding out the year, it’s the 2016 Holiday Cheer from the ChatBox collection of one shot original fiction with a holiday theme/element to them. Guidelines: One shot (50kwords) Winter Holiday Element Original Fiction Warning tags at the TOP of each story (Or, if none is required, say “No warnings required” so we know you’ve considered it) At the bottom, include a link to your profile And please, declare your intent here. You can add more than a single story, so long as they fit the winter holiday theme. On or about the weekend of the 17th/18th, I’ll start the post in the archives. If interested in contributing, please reply with your (archive) pen name, a title and a short description declaring your intent. (If these are unknown, that’s fine.) Story at: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600108443 Review Replies at: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/topic/64412-chatbox-holiday-cheer-2016-review-replies/ Participating Authors & Anticipated Stories: Author: Desiderius Price Title: Baby Shark Summary: (something) Authors: Magusfang & DirtyAngel Title: Unexpected Gift Summary: Mike and Tiffany literally run into each other and strike up a romance, but as Christmas quickly approaches they both are thinking of something special as a gift...and who is that fat man anyway.
    1 point
  5. On a side note, once you create that topic, I can easily split off the replies and conversation in this one, and merge them to it.
    1 point
  6. Glad you enjoyed the story. I’m not planning a sequel right now, but one never knows...
    1 point
  7. Then you’ll be pleased to know that I’ve just posted a new chapter. Thanks for the comment!
    1 point
  8. Oh… I didn't even realize, and I'm kind of surprised. But now I see that the previous review was only for "Darla's Dad." People need to check the series. As for "Candy, Little Girl," heh yeah, I've gone to dark places, though writing "My Absolute Mostest Horriblest Day EVER!" is what really twisted my brain beyond repair.
    1 point
  9. darthel0101

    Magusfang's Corner

    A personal message to Kari, Lizzie, and especially, Steve. Treasure these days and make sure that each of you know each other's heart. Today is the only gaurantee that you have. There will be a tomorrow where one of you will have to sustain another when the third is no longer able. Steve, I will confess that I am hungry for more story from you but it is more important that Monkey and Mouse know your love. ... Gawd, I still miss her.
    1 point
  10. Re: “Darla's Dad” Thanks! I wanted to make it clear that Darla's situation is effectively inescapable, and her mother's silent complicity is an important part of that. I also thought that showing Darla’s home life helped to explain why she was such an attractive target for Kyle and Jay in the first story: because she has been raised to be passive and not to fight back.
    1 point
  11. Re: "Darla" I'll be honest: Initially, I was surprised that you had read and reviewed "Darla" and "Darla's Dad," seeing as how they're probably my darkest stories. Then I remembered that you're the author of "Candy, Little Girl," and my surprise diminished. I tend to embrace the notion that today's bullies are tomorrow's criminals. I envisioned Kyle as a kid whose understanding of girls and of sexuality comes almost entirely from pornography seen on his neglectful father's computer. Jay, on the other hand, is a straight-up sociopath. I just imbued each of them with some of my own fetishes and let the story write itself. Thanks for the review! (And thanks for being this story's first reviewer.)
    1 point
  12. I think in some cases, seeing something you are passionate about (whether it be religion or culture or race or something different entirely) written full of inaccuracies, stereotypes, etc, can be frustrating. Even more so if that writing is given credence, popularity or validation of any other type. I understand why some might get upset in those circumstances. But when it comes to fantasy like JK Rowling, where everything is just a product of her imagination, it becomes a grey area. On one hand, fantasy is fantasy. She is clearly not saying her universe is based in fact. On the other hand, if someone feels her portrayal demeans or trivializes their culture or something else they’re passionate about, their hurt and frustration is valid. But should writers and other artists cater to anyone and everyone who might be offended by their stories? Fuck no. I think writers and other artists should cater to the issues they’re passionate about. Whether you’re respectful within reason, hypersensitive to the feelings of select/all readers, or throw caution to the wind and go batshit crazy with weird verging-on-insensitive cultural theories/fantasies, all writers need to feel this out and decide where they stand for themselves. You know, so long as you’re not blatantly and aggressively mean-spirited.
    1 point
  13. Thank you! *bows* My philosophy of fanfiction is that it has to be faithful to the source material to the point that you couldn't just swap in characters from some other fandom and still have the story make sense. So one of my chief goals in writing this long string of sex scenes is to suit each scene to the characters involved. Good point about the fluids. As for the exercise, well, some consequences can't be avoided... No spoilers! Never apologize; I'm always happy to get your reviews. As for when I'll update next, I'm currently working on a couple of Halloween stories that I'd like to finish within the next week, so I may not get back to “Whoops” until after those are finished.
    1 point
  14. Yup. They are still rational, at least to the extent that it helps them to get what they need. Oh yes, there's plenty of both pleasure and guilt to go around. These issues will definitely come up, but maybe not in a timely fashion. Poor Lincoln... Luna actually plays a lot of different instruments, which surely would include the bass. We shall see. That's probably the trickiest part of writing this fic -- making the sex scenes believable but keeping them short enough that this story doesn't become the War and Peace of cartoon porn fics.
    1 point
  15. Probably no more than I got for my Phineas and Ferb stories, though. I’m used to that by now. Thanks! That’s what I was going for, because I started reading a story in which Lisa’s lisp was visible in every line of her dialogue and that made it almost unreadable. It’s powerful, but not mindless. More discussion to come. Lisa’s formula was designed to make her female mice want to mate with the male one. She didn’t want the females to just lez out on one another rather than mating with Pythagoras, so she made the formula very targeted. Also, it didn’t occur to her that Pythagoras might be freaked out by the sudden megadose of attention from the females. Responses to your other two reviews are forthcoming. Thanks for reviewing!
    1 point
  16. The Caster idea on the previous had me thinking: Caster decides that, aside from Assassin as a guard dog, having a team to be out in the city fighting the War would be helpful, too. And, being tied into the leylines and being a mage from the Age of the Gods, she knows basically everything that goes on in the city, as long as she chooses to pay attention to it. By that, and by impressions gathered from Issei and Kuzuki, she finds Shirou summoning Saber to be a godsend. Caster manages to mind-fuck Shirou (not that hard for her) into working for/with her. He has the same personality, and it has no effect on things completely unrelated to the War and magic, but once she wants him to do something, it happens. Probably just something such that he believes helping her is the best way to save people and be a hero. On top of that, she also put a magic kill-switch inside him, so that, if he gets to be a liability, she can get rid of him instantly, but also so he serves as a hostage. Saber is still in control of herself, but can't afford to oppose Caster or Shirou will die. But after the first time she got too uppity, Caster decided to punish her, leaving Saber in a similar state to UBW: bound, dressed up like a doll, and under constant pleasure that never actually lets her orgasm. Until, after a day or two, when she begs for relief, as a reward, Caster lets Shirou have her. Only, since she's taken a liking to them, Caster insists Saber has to be a virgin for their wedding night, and Shirou is only allowed to fuck Saber's ass. Then she finally releases the spell keeping Saber from cumming. Shirou is still in control of himself, just in a state where he wants to follow Caster's instructions. Saber hates Caster, but is broken-in and too attached to Shirou (and his dick) to disobey. Eventually, on top of her happy life with Kuzuki, Caster intends to "reward" Shirou and Saber for their assistance by giving them a similar "happy life." She especially looks forward to seeing Shirou impregnate Saber. Saber's "Knight on the Streets, Mind-Broken Fuck Slave in the Sheets" ending. Alternately, Caster may also decide having even more help would be good, leading her to vaporize Shinji and Zouken and recruit Sakura and Rider, especially once she finds out how Sakura loves Shirou. Of course, they won't be allowed to break up her OTP, but having Sakura as a mistress and Rider as a slave isn't out of the question. Even better, since they're not wives, there's no need for Caster's romanticism, and they can get fucked in any way. And it makes for a great show: Saber, still being punished but getting more and more turned on and jealous as Shirou fucks Sakura silly, then Sakura orders Rider to join so she can enjoy Shirou, too. Only Rider doesn't really want to, and is being forced into it, until partway through when she realizes she's enjoying it. Rider's "Betrayed and Broken" ending. Rin tries to oppose them, only to get captured, largely for Sakura's benefit. She gets enslaved, subject to Sakura's whims, who is intermittently a loving sister, a brutal master, and a voracious lover. Then she gets told about how Sakura was treated, the "training," and how, because of the worms, Sakura can't have children. "But that's okay, nee-san. Because you're here, and we're sisters. We can do it together. You, who couldn't even find love for your sister and shouldn't raise a child, just get pregnant and give birth to Senpai's children over and over and over, and I, who can't have babies of my own, will raise them and love them in your place." Rin's "Baby Factory" ending. Illya is still around, still wants to kill Shirou, but with the overall team they've got, keeping Berserker occupied long enough to get to Illya isn't really a problem. Really, even with just Saber and Caster, it works. Although she could summon a different Berserker, like Mordred, another homunculus with daddy issues. Of course, while Mordred is fixated on Saber, Caster swoops in to use Rule Breaker on Illya, stealing Mordred away and capturing them both. Mordred gets the same treatment as Saber, only with the added bonus of seeing Saber acting like a pet, eager to please Shirou, and then seeing the King of Knights panting and moaning like a common whore while being fucked up the ass. She eventually succumbs to the pleasure and the idea of finally getting her father's love and approval, while also coveting the idea of stealing Shirou away. Illya gets well-treated, from figuring out she's the Grail and Shirou's sister. As she figures out he's a nice guy, but under Caster's control, SHE tries to control him, to help escape. But Caster expected that, so attempts by lesser magi to control him lead to violent responses, and Illya is punished by way of brutal rape from Shirou, under Caster's orders and the watchful eyes of everyone there: Caster, Saber, Mordred, the maids if they got captured, Rin, Sakura, and Rider if they got recruited. Saber realizes how broken she's become when she gets aroused by watching Illya, who she knew as a child and who is the daughter of her friend Iri, screaming and crying while being violated by Shirou, and that she loves Shirou in spite, or because of all of this. Once it's over, Illya recognizes Shirou's lack of responsibility, and realizes she loves her onii-chan. Illya and Mordred's "Big Happy Screwed Up Family" ending.
    1 point
  17. My favourite reviews are the ones full of analysis. Where they ask questions or ponder events that occurred, or when they question motives or make guesses at what will happen after a cliffhanger. I love it when they say why they love or hate characters and who they think the chars should hook up with. Those are the reviews I go back to years later for a little motivation when I'm lacking. Of course, I love the concrit, the blatant praise, and the quick li'l, "plz rite more"s too.
    1 point
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