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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/24/2016 in all areas

  1. Now that I’ve gotten over my childishness earlier, on this Thanksgiving day, I am toying with the idea of writing a comedy/horror story where the ranks of the ghosts of the working class, past and present, conspire to terrorise their enemies. Wherein the first idiot to say: “Yeah, but they’ve got a widescreen tv to watch Jeremy Kyle on!” will be decapitated by a horrifically angry child in rags. Where London’s biggest Waitrose branch becomes a food bank. And every beautiful old building we’ve got that’s been converted into a luxury anything is immediately reclaimed as a public library/art gallery/place to hang out. Those hiding in the Ritz and Harrods will find themselves in a converted factory, on an production line where they have to sort stones from pebbles as piecework. Forever. The first of them to say: “I’ve worked hard for what I’ve got.” will lose a limb, teaching them a valuable lesson about what they’ve actually got, and how little it relates to imaginary work that they’ve never had to do. Until now.
    1 point
  2. A very happy Thanksgiving to all who are celebrating today. I’m grateful for family, and friends, and that includes the family I’ve found here at AFF.
    1 point
  3. It’s not my birthday, but I just wanted to take a moment to thank my mum for squeezing out my 11 pound 5 ½ ounce hulking frame naturally all those years ago. And my 11 pound brother, 11 pound other brother, and 10 pound sister. All naturally.
    1 point
  4. While I’m not getting as wildly fanciful in this story as I did in my other P&F dream story, “Sweet Dreams,” I definitely wanted Phineas and Candace to take advantage of the freedom that the dream environment gives them. I also wanted to dig into the potential complexities of the neurotic Candace’s psyche. Exactly. And given that this story shows a lot of male domination and female submission, I thought there should be at least one scenario that showed the opposite. Physical affection among the members of the family is something that I always felt was lacking on the show. So I’m making up for that a bit here. Phineas ages himself because he wants to make Candace feel secure in the knowledge that he has all the power—and, thus, all the responsibility--in the situation. Exactly. There’s a kind of parallel here between this chapter and chapter 4: Phineas is going outside his comfort zone to give Candace what she needs, just as Ferb did for Linda. I appreciate the effort! We’ll get into that a bit more in the last chapter. That bit was meant to be an amusing aside, and also to show that Phineas’ mind contains the barest beginnings of his adult sexuality (even if it will be years before his attraction for Isabella manifests itself consciously). But I see where you’re coming from. Thanks for the review!
    1 point
  5. Given Candace's tendency freak out over everything, I figured that her guilt over her illicit desires would be paralyzing for her--even in terms of the fantasies she allows herself to have. So she created a "safe" fantasy in which she and Phineas do all the things she wants to do with him, but without her being responsible. Phineas never does anything halfway. Thanks! The unreality of the dream environment makes it easier for Candace to open up to Phineas (as it were), and vice versa. You will find out. And thanks for another great review.
    1 point
  6. Re: “Country Summer” One thing I've learned from my time on AdultFanFiction is that there are plenty of gals out there who like the M/M thing, and I figured Geraldine would, too. Also, their activity in this chapter is a hint that bisexual behavior is pretty normal among country folk in Geraldine's universe. They generally make an effort to be equitable with each other. Keeps the peace. You won't have long to wait!
    1 point
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