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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/18/2015 in all areas

  1. Are any of you familiar with a podcast series called Friday Night Fanfiction? Basically, they find bad fanfic and read it aloud as a sort of drinking game. Anyone who trips on a word, laughs, or otherwise interrupts their reading has to drink. So imagine my surprise to hear total strangers reading my story “Rated F: A Phineas and Ferb Sex Comedy” aloud! They did a lot of goofily inappropriate voices and accents and such (although I liked hearing Buford’s lines in the voice of Carl from Aqua Teen Hunger Force), but I actually found a lot of it really funny. And it was gratifying that even though they all had a problem with the notion of an explicit sex story about preteen cartoon characters--which was the reason they chose it to read on the show--a lot of them liked the story anyway. (As one of them said, “I want to stay mad at this, but I just can’t.”) Ultimately, I think my reaction to their reading was the same as their reaction to my story: I kept thinking that I should be offended by it, but it was so funny that I didn’t care. In fact, I felt kind of flattered by it, kind of the way some musicians do when they find out that Weird Al Yankovic has parodied one of their songs. And what was especially flattering is that they picked one of my stories instead of something from JayDee.
    1 point
  2. COJimmyV

    She is the One

    Joe Long? Johnny Banana? I'm pretty sure I've seen BOTH of those in the "credits" for 80's porn movies....complete with "the stache"!
    1 point
  3. thismy

    She is the One

    So let's first take a look at where it happens. Beginning of chapter 8, fairly early on in the story. He says it is in part important because it was his first job: "After all, its a first job. For good or bad, you always remember those." So he remembers it because it's the first time he's able to get real soild money to use. Stuff to take Kayla out with, buy new video games, etc. Joe, as far as I'm aware, hasn't gone back and edited the earlier chapters, so he may not have had a full plan. The story has somewhat taken its own path. Who knew what Joe meant then and what he means now. We're still missing a lot of the pieces of the puzzle. Second, look at with the frame of reference as him talking about his current life. No matter what you do, a job is going to be a pretty large part of your life. Jack's got Kayla, friends, drama, school, and GameStop. That's the most of it. So his job is, lets say, 20% of what he does. (Give or take.) Great, one fifth of his life is work. It's gong to influence time for school, Kayla, family, and so on. It's something else he has to manage. Third, I think Rhona is a big part. Joe has said multiple times that Rhona is based of a very good friend of his and that we've yet to see the full picture. Think about the chapters since she has been introduced. How many have gone without her? Nearly ever time Jack works, the scene is written out, and Rhona is in it. As I said, we don't have all the pieces. (I doubt we have the half of them.) I feel as though she'll continue to play a role. As well, remember those conversations about how everyone was impressed with Jack and they were talking about sending him to conventions and things? Well, we don't know what Jack is doing in the future, but maybe something happens at a convention. Maybe after Jack gets out of school, GameStop offers him a position high up, like in the corporate office, and he's there for a while. Or some coworker recommends him to someone. He might come back to work summers. Side note: this is my 201st post! I've contributed a total of ten pages to the forum.
    1 point
  4. Chester57

    She is the One

    ...And the Bride Wore a Green Hair Bow
    1 point
  5. thismy

    She is the One

    Ooo, no thanks, I'd rather not. But if it does happen, can Joe break the fourth wall and invite us to the wedding? Kayla: "Jack, who's Joe Long, and why is he invited to our wedding?" Jack: "I don't know, I just had this feeling we should invite him. Family friend maybe?" Kayla: "Chester57, that-one-guy, thismy, YNP_Refugee, dark, Johnnybanana, Mr_fairplay, jc1138, Bill, beepboop, no_one, Delta4, dark lust, anduril38, COJimmyV, Nagyaki, DarkRomantics, AyeAyeRonald, Conman, Shaden, Ishmael, BigMan7307, starkz, Walrus lover 69, guest(s?). Jack who the fuck are all these people?" Jack: "Honestly, Kayla, I've no fucking clue. But something was just telling me to invite them. Like, I feel like we should." Kayla: "Jack, this makes no sense. Who's name is Walrus lover 69? Why on earth would I want them at our wedding?" Jack: "Baby, I don't know. But just trust me on this. I just have a gut feeling."
    1 point
  6. JayDee

    Plot bunnies must die

    Let it go!
    1 point
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