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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/15/2015 in all areas

  1. Are any of you familiar with a podcast series called Friday Night Fanfiction? Basically, they find bad fanfic and read it aloud as a sort of drinking game. Anyone who trips on a word, laughs, or otherwise interrupts their reading has to drink. So imagine my surprise to hear total strangers reading my story “Rated F: A Phineas and Ferb Sex Comedy” aloud! They did a lot of goofily inappropriate voices and accents and such (although I liked hearing Buford’s lines in the voice of Carl from Aqua Teen Hunger Force), but I actually found a lot of it really funny. And it was gratifying that even though they all had a problem with the notion of an explicit sex story about preteen cartoon characters--which was the reason they chose it to read on the show--a lot of them liked the story anyway. (As one of them said, “I want to stay mad at this, but I just can’t.”) Ultimately, I think my reaction to their reading was the same as their reaction to my story: I kept thinking that I should be offended by it, but it was so funny that I didn’t care. In fact, I felt kind of flattered by it, kind of the way some musicians do when they find out that Weird Al Yankovic has parodied one of their songs. And what was especially flattering is that they picked one of my stories instead of something from JayDee.
    1 point
  2. @Guest_Tower, our Forum Moderator pointed out the rules for a reason. You're spamming the board. If you were planning to actually, you know, write the story, and were brainstorming, that would be fine. So, please, try and follow the rules, because if we have to remove the entire topic, no one will see the request at all.
    1 point
  3. I'm so glad you had a good birthday! Aww, happy belated birthday to you too Lisa! I didn't know or I'd have wished you a good one on the day. CL
    1 point
  4. DirtyAngel

    Magusfang's Corner

    yeah me too, time to kick some gorilla butt
    1 point
  5. COJimmyV

    Magusfang's Corner

    I know RL is heavily at play here but I was really hoping for a new chapter for Christmas. Praying everyone is sufficiently on the mend for that to happen. If not, praying all the same. We miss you!
    1 point
  6. its ok for us, we've accepted the darkside...but innocent civilians...
    1 point
  7. Oh, but George is a wonderful writer! JayDee is as well, actually. I'd love to see JayDee on a podcast.
    1 point
  8. Awesome! I'm not familiar with the podcast, but that is actually very cool to have been picked. We'll just have to hope they find a JayDee fic to read soon.
    1 point
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