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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/15/2015 in all areas

  1. omg, dude just grab your butt and pull the wedgie out already...your distracting me
    3 points
  2. Nope, for once I'll take the high road and say nothing...and its killing me
    2 points
  3. Clearly he's wearing toe socks!
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. Currently on chapter 6, at about 22,800 words my self.
    1 point
  6. hi KoKoa, what's a nice girl like you doing in here?
    1 point
  7. Jashley13

    She is the One

    Hey everyone! Sorry for the lack of updates (again) but I've been working like crazy. My wife and I are planning to take a trip to visit the Midwest at the end of December so I've been working extra to save money. Hasn't stopped progress on the story but I am sorry that the updates here have been lacking. Hasn't stopped me from reading all of your posts and theories. Always a treat! Anyway, onto the Reality Check for the past two chapters: - Jack's voyeuristic streak is somewhat of a personal confession. I haven't experienced it the way he has but I am self-aware enough to know that I probably would have reacted the same way were I in the same situation. It was difficult writing about it but it has introduced new dynamics for the character. - The prom night (sans the sex parts) is almost exactly like how my Junior prom was. - Jack dancing with Rhona is based off of something I did with a high school coworker of mine at my last job (she was 17, I was 22 so there was no funny business). She'd been unable to attend prom so I gave her a short dance to the music over the PA system. Wasn't great music but it was something, at least. - What happened at Craig's party is a combination of something that actually happened at a Halloween party I attended and something that happened with a couple of guys I knew (their reactions were identical to Joe and Sam's) - Likewise, Jack's fears of how the school would react once they heard all about it were very similar to my own. - The way Jack described Catcher in the Rye was exactly how I described it to my English teacher after we were done reading it. My feelings on it have changed since then. My teacher was delighted with my response. - I had a blowup like Jack's when I finally had enough of my campaign buddy's obsession. It may have been almost word-for-word, come to think of it. Hope everyone's doing well and keeping warm. I know the winter is coming on fast (Winter is Coming) so hope you're all bundled up and ready for the holidays. I'm going to endeavor to get the next chapter out before Thanksgiving. See you all soon! On a more sober note, please send your best thoughts and prayers to the people of France. I don't know if I have any French readers but I have had a couple of friends in France (they are safe) but let's come together just for a little bit and keep them in our thoughts. <3
    1 point
  8. Rescue25

    Magusfang's Corner

    From one vet to another and all who visit this thread HAPPY VETERANS DAY. B
    1 point
  9. Review Replies for Chapter 20 of The Heart Wants Thanks once again to all who read, rate and review! You know I love you guys! Okay so I know you all are waiting for more updates but I have more bad news... I've decided to do Nano this year so I'm going to be focused on that for the month of November. I will be putting my Nano project on Smashwords if anyone's interested in checking it out. I'll provide a link when the time comes. I also wanted to mention that I have a short story included in AFF's Tales from the Shoutbox so if you're interested in checking it out, here's the link http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600107953&chapter=7 that will take you directly to my story but make sure to check out all the other stories from the amazing authors here on AFF. If you leave me a review I will reply to it in this thread also. Okay so on to review replies: Tahn: Yeah I'm sorry, them's the breaks when you become an unofficial beta. Thanks for the encouragement to post it once again. Lisa: LOL I'm sorry, I didn't mean to go walk about for so long! I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter and you're right Shane needs a time out. Justin's parents surprised me too, I was worried I'd have two boys moping around about their families reactions (three if you count poor Zeb). I'm working on a pill for the withdrawal... Well that's it for now, thanks again to Tahn and Lisa for the reviews, you know they keep us writers going! Chapter 21 is up now!
    1 point
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