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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/03/2015 in all areas

  1. Should Tahn, BW and I be offended by your stereotyping of those of us that write slash? For your information I wouldn't just be sitting there watching the naked men dance, I'd take a page out of DA's book and join in the cavorting! Oh well maybe that comes later... Anyway, good chapter and I liked the way you added a bit at the beginning, it didn't feel as rushed as before. It was fun to see some familiar faces pop up in your story. I'm finding that there are still no characters in this story that inspire the kind of hate that Alexsi did... Get too work, you have a villain to create! CL
    2 points
  2. So, there are more than a couple of us embarking on the insanity known as National Novel Writers Month, or NaNo to those of us who have been assimilated. One such dedicated novelist (aka our own CL Mustafic) mentioned that it might be fun to have a thread to share our progress, and possibly find kindred souls, and I think that's an awesome idea! So, here's what we propose: Leave a post on this thread with your NaNo pen name, your novel's title, and current word count, and from time to time, stop back, edit the post to update your count, and maybe leave a comment. How does that sound? And if we really want to get chatty, we can start a side thread for NaNo rants and therapy. I'll go first... NaNo Pen Name: MorwenNavarre (And I love buddies, so feel free to buddy me and I'll buddy you back!) Novel Title: Sins of the Father (for now) Word count: 50,378/50,000 on Day 25 Validaed, even though I'm still writing....
    1 point
  3. It's been a while since I read fics on AFF, and I've forgotten the titles of a couple of my favorite fics already! Any help would be greatly appreciated. 1. First is a fic with Harry masturbating with an enchanted dildo on the first chapter, I believe. I think it can even produce fake semen. The fic might be multi-chaptered too, and may involve a threesome with Harry and 2 other guys later on. 2. My memory is a bit hazy on the 2nd fic. The pairing is HP/LM/DM, and I think Lucius bought Harry as a slut (maybe?) from somewhere? The second chapter may have involved Harry or Draco trying to fuck the other while he's still asleep and Lucius may have joined in on the fun too.
    1 point
  4. Guest


    I am looking for Harry/Tom Riddle or Voldemort and deatheater/harry stories. Tom or Voldemort/Harry has it's own section so it's a little easier to find even though there don't seem to be very many but deatheaters/harry does not have its own section. So if anyone knows of any, please let me know. It doesn't necessarily have to be on this site. Years ago there used to be quite a few stories that had Harry paired with Tom/Voldemort and multiple deatheaters in the same story.
    1 point
  5. magusfang

    Magusfang's Corner

    Yep, still writing. Kinda got stuck but I think I'm on a good roll here. Should have a chapter up soon, and I promise we'll see this story to a proper end, just may take a bit.
    1 point
  6. Joe Long

    She is the One

    sounds reasonable to me!
    1 point
  7. I loved being one of the card players! Honestly, I'd have had one of those pretty things over my lap in a New York minute. Maybe two. It was a great chapter, and I still think I'm going to love hating Yorwrath. He's such a glorious shit, but I have a feeling Valentina will prove the stronger of the two. And Aneurin is just... damn, that elf is a tempting baggage. I'm not going to piss Valentina off, though.
    1 point
  8. Guest

    femHarry ideas

    wrong boy who lived and for the reason I cant think up a better name femHarry is called Rose Like many story's with Harry's brother or in this case Rose brother is made the boy who lived the night that Voldemort attacked by the wizarding world and raised to be a spolt brat by Lilly and James whyll Rose is raised like a house elf biter about her treatment and some how still becomes the hero the end maybe with Lilly being secretly on her side and James is often cheating on Lilly who only stays with him because of being under a potion or for Rose sake. Well in this world Rose would grow up abused and belittled with little self esteem dispirit for her parents approval and loyal to her brother. Things that I wont to see in this are Rose being lectured on how to dress and act by her mother so as not to embarrass her brother. 2nd year Rose being sent a pensive and using it to store memberys of girls changing in the dorms or taking showers for her brother.or as an incest option her mother lechers her on her brother developing needs and starts sends her polyjucie potion telling her to let him pick who he wants her to be. summer before 3rd year Lilly starts teaching her to make love potions why ll also teaching spells like obliviate and if you don't follow the incest option her magik lessions are followed by instructions on how to use her developing body for her brothers friends. 3rd year whyll using her potions to get her brother any girl he wont's she is often sent on dates with his friends.incest option she use the love potions on the girls keyed to her with orders to prove there love by making them personally invite her brother to join.for a rape option she sets up girls to first be raped by him and then obliviateed or feeds them a love potion after words and makes them degrade themselves for resisting him. and to be honest that's all I got for this one so hope folly someone can make something with it. Living with the Dursley After the defeat of Voldemort Rose Potter is sent to live with the Durslys and like many worlds she grew up abused but unlike many worlds this instead of just beating her Vernon decided that having his own pet freak was to great an opertonity to pass up and begone to teach her that her kind where meant to serve normal him and that he was in the right to treat her how he wishes.thoroughly warped Rose goes to hogwarts with the goal to learn magic to help her serve him. Things I wont to see are Rose supplying Dudley with love potions at hogwarts Rose collects hairs of her female classmates so she can take there form in the summer for her uncles and Dudleys amusement and pleasure. Forced marriage The Weasley often feed Harry and Hermione love potions to get them to marry Ron and Ginny often with Dumboledors help or orders. In this world they start feeding Rose and Hermione the potions in the summer before 4th year, things I wont to see are Rose trying to get Rons attention with money or Hermione offering to do his summer home work for him as the relation ship prograsis Hermione gives him her virginity after telling him how she could never be worthy of being his wife but hoped she could have the honer of being his mistress. Rose begins giving him credit for defeating Voldemort throughout her school years and gives him her virginity why ll wearing the ring to her bank vault on her neck for him to take as he please In 7th year not only dose Rose give him the credit for killing Voldemort for good Rose and Hermione encourage him to use his new found fame to sleep with other women.
    1 point
  9. Hahaha, the fact that you actually went through with using it makes me laugh. I actually started laughing out loud when I read it and was all, "I can't believe she did it!"
    1 point
  10. Tricky Treats - DirtyAngel Hahaha, Oh jeeze, I'm dying. That was freaking funny. I love how you put the stuff about Marvin in there. I hope Ko reads this story, hahaha.
    1 point
  11. cl.mustafic: I'm glad you're enjoying this story. I tried to take a step out of my comfort zone and yeah... it required a lot of research to get there, so I'm glad that it comes through BronxWench: Welsh just seemed like a perfect fit for me, it has such a pretty soft sound to it. I was going to do Gaelic but changed to welsh after listening to someone speak it in a youtube video lol. I'm also so incredibly happy that you like what I've come up with so far Also, Yorwrath will prove a problem but as to how... you'll just have to wait and find out KoKoa_B: Yay another familiar face. I'm glad you're willing to give the genre a shot! Hopefully I'm able to keep you entertained! And don't be embarrassed it's pretty awesome stuff... though I won't go PWP! No matter how tempting it is with a character like Aneurin rawr! Tahn: I'm glad I've earned your squee of approval lol Mona Thompson: I'm glad you're enjoying Valentina's badassery! You won't have to wait long for an update, I'll have the next one up by next Wednesday And last but not least... the Mutton Dagger! I had to add it, there's something just hilarious about the word combination that makes me giggle like a twelve year old when I hear it, and I felt like sharing it with you all
    1 point
  12. Im looking for a fic that harry has joined voldemort and they are lovers. Harry can become pregnant. i read the story a while ago but cant remember the title, but in the story some order members are cought and moody can has the ability to see if a male can carry children im not sure if he verbaly called harry a whore or mentaly but i know that at first didnĀ“t know that voldermorts lover was harry . does anyone know this fic?
    1 point
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