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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/01/2015 in all areas

  1. Right Like Rain - Kokoa_b Jeezus Ko! Kill off the whole planet why dont'cha? Big meanie, killing everyone like that. Jeeze.
    2 points
  2. Right Like Rain by KoKoa_B Wow, that was pretty brutal. Very much a Halloween horror story. Tthe foreshadowing about the rain was good, and how it just went from everything feeling OK to an overwhelming attack. The dangers for heroes with families, I guess. Very thematically apt, anyway!
    1 point
  3. Hey, George! Thank you for the review and thank you especially for the typos part! (Todd kissed her? eesh! How did I miss that?!?) I'll compile a little list and then ask Chrissy to re-post the updated version when I'm sure I've got them all (I'll re-read it myself in another couple weeks and notice more!) I'm really happy that I had enough in there of the background for it to make sense, too! She's actually reading his memories from his orgasm - which was how she got Astrid's too - the semen was just for life energy, absorbing a little more power. I can probably clarify that too Yeah, definately a different set of powers - though I'm sure a, say, Spawn story where he'd had to fuck his way to redemption would have gone down well. -- I see there's another couple stories to review too, so I'll get onto them before long, tomorrow maybe
    1 point
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