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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/28/2015 in all areas

  1. Ghosts Aren't Real, says the Vampire to the Werewolf - ChrissyQuinn I could so relate to this--not because I'm a gay British vampire (okay, I am, but I'm totally in the closet about the British thing), but because I remember well times in my youth when I was the more sensible friend who lets the not-at-all-sensible friend talk him into doing something stupid. This story captures that feeling perfectly. And the ginger joke was hilarious. Feed the Land - BronxWench This story is so atmospheric that I felt less like I was reading it than like it was being told to me by someone (maybe by a campfire, or in front of a fireplace in some remote cottage). Love the sumptuously worded descriptions of the scene and the characters. And I found the ending grimly satisfying. Thank you! I've always found it challenging to achieve the happy medium between "Yeah, totally saw that coming" and "That came out of nowhere and makes no sense." (And I'll admit it's not the most original idea in the world.) In any case, I'm glad you found it spooky. The admiration and envy of BronxWench are treasures beyond value. Thank you! Edit: My wife just read "Snap" and, being a social worker who works with a lot of people who have been in jail or prison, she pointed out that there's no way that someone who was arrested only a month ago would already be in prison--he'd still be in jail awaiting trial. She found this timeline issue so confusing that it ruined the story for her. So I guess I'll have to figure out a way to fix that.
    2 points
  2. that-one-guy

    Magusfang's Corner

    Imagine what a new chapter of northstar would do to our heads, I can't even remember what the cliffhanger was!
    1 point
  3. Ok, somehow I got tasked with writing our combined reviews so this is from me, Magusfang, and of course ThinLizzie: Ghosts aren't real, says the vampire to the werewolf: Loved it, who says you aren't funny? Werewolf as a cat LOL Love Garret's playfulness and Evan's long suffering love of his energetic lover. Great story and even had a good scary part. Feed The Land: Wow, Magus is right BW, you're good. Loved the story and I need to read more of your work. Yep, made me cry, but more importantly it made Lizzie sniffle. Becky's grave: Good story Joe, little predictable but well written still. Loved the dialogue. Girls Who Wear Glasses: Magus recuses himself, obviously but being the good little girls we are - this is by far the best! Just kidding...I did like it though but I may be biased... The Phone: Great story, loved the tension of the return texts but we are split. Lizzie says they were actually dead and splitting their time between the graveyard and the moon, hence wanting the one guy's grave moved, I say they faked their deaths and are hiding out on the moon and the whole move the grave thing was just a joke, and Magus thinks they are ghosts living(?) on the moon. Loved it though, but I think to really get everything out of it the reader needs to read Star Rebels...which we have Glory hole to hell: LOL, so a shoe-in for best title LOL. Still LOL...made me sniffle a little that he had to watch his lover die and then die slow but they seam pretty happy as ghosts...considering...oops, almost a spoiler Fucking Halloween party: I so love Shannon and I have more stories on my reading list, so love your irreverent style, sorry no sniffles but we laughed a lot From the ashes: Already told Tahn what I thought and Tahn, it made me cry all over again. Beautiful story, It's Lizzie's favorite by the way, she a big ole romantic! SNAP: So made me cry when I thought about the kids...you meanie. Very scary and I loved the hints you gave without actually giving it all away, great job, was so mad at whatever it was at the end! Nightmare's Dream: So sad, poor girl. Wished it was longer, hated to see it end...yep you get a pregnant woman snively too Death has an ugly Face: Great little vignette but the Vincent Price thing put the song Thriller in my head...so thanks for that All Hallow's Eve: My Baby can write huh? Too bad she only does poems, I think I did say something about her being a hopeless romantic... Thank you all for the great stories, we really enjoyed them and some were even safe to read to the kids...so not your's George, or your's CL, didn't even read the title to them
    1 point
  4. The inclusion of her cycle is all thanks to ForgetMeNaught, it was one of the details included in the prompt that just worked out so well. I'm glad you liked the details and descriptions so much, I strive to show, not tell, the reader and I feel that's always tricky with sex since everyone's sexual experience is unique. As for the ending, I was quite happy with how that came out, mostly because FMN's details for what he wanted really helped inspire that bit.
    1 point
  5. I won a karaoke a couple years ago with that song. My dad had a sticker with that "Beware the owner" message on his back door, so I thought of that being on a sign at the end of the driveway. Then I had the character ask, "What's the sign say?" and as soon as I wrote it down, "Long haired freaky people..." just popped into my head, so I had to include it. I'd forgotten that the song also had "trespassers will be shot on sight!"
    1 point
  6. true, maybe just a good old fashioned kneecapping
    1 point
  7. Fucking Halloween Party I really enjoyed this fic, JayDee. The characters are fun and well described and the sex is awesome. I really liked how each time Shannon's expectations about the killer were proved wrong. 'oh its the nerdy guy! oh its an angry jock!' Turns out not to be either. And she saves the day through understanding and seduction. Not say pulling off limbs or sexing people to death. The redemption and helping people arc on all parts was great. All in all, a very enjoyable well written fic.
    1 point
  8. From the Ashes by Tahn This was another story with a good bit of emotional impact. I don’t mind admitting I hear tears in my eyes at a couple points. The idea around the ending was pretty cool, it certainly got around the lack of touching otherwise. Snap by George Glass I did get an idea what was coming there, which goes to show how well you did the foreshadowing! Definitely spooky. It’s funny, I like violent stories normally, but I’m pretty glad it wasn’t detailed here. Nightmare’s Dream by Peverted Pages I thought that was pretty damn sexy! Yup, time to remember that vampires are monsters, not glitter salesmen. One odd thing, where it says “grabbed her hair**” with the ** I scrolled down for a ** footnote! What is the meaning of ** in this context? Death has an Ugly Face by Tahn's 2nd story. The fiend! It also works read in the voice of Bonny from Family Guy. Not the first character to face death with a knob in the hand. See, this is how you do 2nd person seriously and give it good atmosphere. ‘nother campfire classic in the making! All Hallow’s Eve by ThinLizzie Is it bad that I’d rather have ghouls knocking on the door than kids trick or treating? I mean, come on! Even the guard marmots hide when they tromp up the path. I read this aloud too! The old ways aren’t so bad. Well... some of them. Poem shows the counterpoints skilfully. -- Having a story in in this collection has brought more hits than my last two original fic uploads, but I suspect rather less for some of you with the big original fanbases. I hopes I am not dragging you down! -- I still have Signs going around in my head. The rest of you can suffer too. Go on. Listen to it.
    1 point
  9. Alrighty, I'm gonna post my review stuffs here. Ghosts Aren't Real, says the Vampire to the Werewolf - ChrissyQuinn I laughed so hard at this. The Harry Potter and Doctor Who jokes just made this all the better Feed the Land - BronxWench A sad ending, and I wanna know more about the world and characters, but well done. Is this part of another series by you, or straight up original? Becky's Grave - JoeLong I was hoping for more interaction with the ghosty. I do, however, get that this is part of another story, so you probably can't do that and it still fit in. Girls Who Wear Glasses - Magusfang Dang man. Well done. You overachiever you. I like the concept, and how it all plays out. Can't wait to read the chapters that you are making about these characters. The Phone - Desiderius_Price I did skip reading this one cuz I don't want spoilers. Gonna hafta come back to it later. The Glory Hole to Hell - C.L.Mustafic The bigotry in this makes me wince, but the fact that it is a crucial part of the story makes it all better. Through it we begin to hate those characters, and feel a sense of justice when they die. Good job. I also find it sad that they only have one night to spend together, and most of it is spent getting victims, covering up the deaths, and reliving their own deaths. So sad. Fucking Halloween Party - JayDee This was funnier than the summary let on. It does leave me wanting to know more about her though. We get snippets of her past, but I wanna know more. I think I'm gonna hafta look up those other stories. From the Ashes - Tahn Yeah...moving on... Snap - GeorgeGlass Holy crap dude! That was freaky, good job! Nightmare's Dream - Perverted_Pages Wow, gruesome. Also, ouch! Death has an Ugly Face - Tahn ...I really hope everyone knows who Vincent Price is.
    1 point
  10. At some point, Chapter 4, which has no story and was written as a mini research project by me to find out real world equivalents to the ryo currenc in Narutoverse, is probably going to be moved either here or just deleted. So this is a strictly informational post, which is going to be very relevant within two chapters. In my version of Narutoverse in which this story takes place, here is how much a ryo is worth. 1ryo= 1.6 cents 1USD= 62.5 ryo. 10,000 ryo= $160 USD 1 million ryo= $16,000 USD 100 million ryo= $1,600,000 USD Tsunade's Hokage salary = $200,000 USD or 12.5 million ryo so on and so forth. Chapter 4, which may or may not become a forum post later, explains how I came to this conclusion. Economics plays a very concrete role in The Legendary Sucker Chronicles, so the purchasing power of everything absolutely matters. When the price of something is mentioned, there is a reason for it. In other news, just because I have chapters 6-10 written does not mean the plot of the entire fic itself is set. 6-10 is a comprehensive arc that starts Tsunade into the world of Kunio, setting up a lot of necessary back bone for future arcs or subplots. It is highly advised to read everything that is written, because I guarantee the sex is way better if given context, and chances are those of you who skipped even the smallest sections may end up needlessly confused. I'll admit I'm sometimes guilty of jumping forward to the sex scenes of other author's works. 99% of the time though I go back and reread the non-sexy bits, and usually, end up kicking myself for not having read it the way the author had designed it. Onto spoilers for those who take the time to read this post, don't read past this point if you don't like things being spoiled. SPOILER ALERT:
    1 point
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