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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/13/2015 in all areas

  1. I will state, as one of the archive moderators, I rarely warn an author if the only tag missing is NoSex, just like I don't warn for a missing M/F tag if the story is in the Het subcategory. It honestly shouldn't matter, and I say that as an author as well as a moderator. Adult fiction means a great deal more than erotica. It can mean dealing with darker themes: loss, anxiety, depression, and the like. There's no requirement that stories here have sex, and there's not even a requirement that stories contain "adult" content. Many authors come here simply because we are an actively moderated archive, and we respond to our members promptly when there is a question or an issue, such as suspected plagiarism. It makes the authors feel safe, because we care about their stories as much as they do. There are sites that only permit erotic content. We are not one of them, and I for one am quite proud of that.
    3 points
  2. But sometimes there is sex, it's just not in the first chapter... I myself have been lambasted for the lack of smut and/or the fact that it takes a few chapters to get to the smut in my stories. I'm sorry but I prefer to advance the plot a bit and give my characters a reason to have sex. I suggest you look for the PWP tag if you're simply looking for something to fap to and leave those of us that actually like a little plot with our erotica alone to enjoy it. CL
    2 points
  3. Guest XxX, we are a moderated archive, and therefore we enforce the rules on required tags, etc. So, the moderators do make sure that stories are correctly tagged, and if they are not, the moderators ask the authors to fix the missing tags. Since our mods are human (mostly ) there can always (on rare occasions) be mistakes, or missed tags that are not addressed. And if you find a story like that, it would be highly appreciated if you could let us know, and send us a link to the "offending" story. To do that, you can either click the little "Report" button at the bottom of each chapter (this is the best option), send an email to: tos_team@adult-fanfiction.org or post a report here: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/forum/97-all-other-tos-violations/ No matter which option you use, please be as detailed as you can, providing links to the story, name of the story, and what is missing. Beyond that, I agree with CL, and suggest you keep your eyes open for the PWP-tag. Thank you, and we hope you have fun.
    1 point
  4. U ok Magus u haven't blowed yet. Your last post informing us that chap 12 was almost finished was AGES ago! Health ok? When the kitchen gets hot u have to get out of it. C'mon DA u have to let him get a breather, and finish the chapter.
    1 point
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