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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/26/2015 in all areas

  1. New chapter of sister sister is up on my forum due to some difficulties with the other side of the site. Just incase anyone is interested.
    3 points
  2. So a long time ago I read some fanfic, a oneshot I think, where Harry is captured by the Death Eaters and only fed cum, leaving him staggeringly thin and barely able to move. I don't remember what its called but I think it was one some kink!list on a Livejournal. From that idea I've come up with a little (Okay, a long) plot of my own that I hope someone would be willing to take on as a challenge! This one is up for grabs for anyone as it can be a slash or futa story depending on how you want to write it! So it starts off with Bellatrix managing to apparrate away with Harry after Voldemort & Dumbledore duel in the Ministry atrium, meaning Harry is captured and held at Malfoy manor. Voldemort however is wary of simply trying to kill Harry again and since the prophecy was lost... he decides to go another route, finding an ancient Egyptian curse meant for an unfaithful wife of a Pharaoh. He has to modify it into a ritual and performs it (Causing Harry intense pain throughout his body, mostly his insides however and no marks are left on him). Afterwards they let him rest 24 hours, as he's now gone 48 hours with no food, only water and they then have a House Elf bring him a huge meal which he devours as he's starving. But the curse has worked and Harry can no longer receive any sustenance whatsoever from any food, it doesn't even fill him. So he falls asleep still hungry despite the big meal, and for a week this continues with Harry getting weaker and weaker until he doesn't even try to eat the food anymore as he knows it isn't giving him any nourishment at all. Voldemort and his inner circle of Death Eaters then come inside his cell (All but Snape) and Voldemort asks Harry if he wants to eat, Harry knows it has to be some kind of trick but after a minute of silence he answers yes. Voldemort laughs and tells the Death Eaters to feed the boy who lived. When they pull out their cocks from their robes and start stroking them however Harry starts screaming no as he understands what they intend to feed him. He lies face down, hands covering his face as they finish all over his back, his neck, his head and around his face, taunting him that all that he'll be licking it up off the floor soon enough. Harry refuses of course, he'd rather die and so they leave him to his fate. Yet in the middle of the night he is woken by Snape who has cleaned the cum off him and the floor with a wave of his wand. He tells Harry that he will get him out of there, but they might have to fight their way out and he needs to have his strength for that. So Snape gives him a small glass of his cum and a large glass of water, he tells Harry to drink them both, then he leaves before Harry has a chance to respond. Harry debates back and forth in his mind if he should drink it or not and in the end, the thought of never seeing Ron & Hermione again makes him drink it. He shudders slightly at the taste and quickly downs the glass of water afterwards only to find them both vanishing once he's done. This continues 4 nights in a row, Snape arriving with the two glasses, one with cum and the other water. Harry is starting to feel a little bit stronger as he can now sit up without being dizzy. Snape comes back the next night and says that the plan won't work if Harry doesn't get stronger fast enough as soon they will start checking on him to see if he's actually dying from starvation. There is only one way to make it more effective, Harry has to eat the cum "from the source" as Snape has found out a bit more about the curse the ritual originated from. Harry refuses and Snape gives him an ultimatum: eat it and live, or he will leave instantly and never come back. Faced with that, Harry gives in but says he doesn't want to... do anything. So Snape casts a paralyzing curse on him and then masturbates out of Harry's view until he's ready to cum and swiftly walks over, opening Harry's mouth and presses the tip of his cock to it and shoots his load in his mouth, then closes it and Harry's body automatically swallows it all. He conjures up a glass of water and releases the spell just as he leaves the cell, saying he will return the next night. Harry is absolutely horrified at what has just happened but manages to not be sick and drink his water. When he wakes the next day he feels strong enough to stand and for the first time since his capture, he isn't painfully hungry, he even walks around his cell a bit, so that night when Snape returns he simply nods at him and has him repeat the procedure (Or if you want, he can sit and simply open his mouth without the spell). The night after that, he feels stronger still, although nowhere near as strong as he was before getting captured of course, but Snape feeds him again and tells him to be ready in one hours time. He returns with Harry's wand and they manage to escape Malfoy manor, having to fight a few Death Eaters on the way (So Snape's cover is now blown). They get to Hogwarts with Harry fainting at the effort by the gates and Snape takes him up to the infirmary, having only partially told Dumbledore about the curse and must now divulge it entirely to him and Madam Pomfrey who is horrified at what has been done to Harry (Snape doesn't tell her that he was the one who "fed" Harry) and they put him in a private room. From there on the story is kind of up to you. The curse is one used by a Pharoah on his unfaithful wife, causing her to only recieve nourishment from semen, in particular semen she has "extracted" herself, essentially leaving her a whore on the street, stroking and sucking off strangers to survive. Madam Pomfrey agrees to feed Harry with Snape's semen with phials while they try finding some form of cure or counter-ritual but this keeps him in a very weakened state as he simply doesn't get better from it, he needs to eat it from the source and preferably to "extract it" himself to get anywhere close to being back to normal health and strength. If you want to write a slash story: Harry is fed up being so weak and wants to get better so agrees to start getting "fed" again straight from Snape's cock. This works up to a point, he can sit up and stand for a while, even walk around the room a bit but then he gets dizzy and has to lie down. So he moves up to jerking Snape off into his mouth and finally sucking him off, giving the most nourishment. But this means the semen eventually gets processed by his stomach and he stops recieving nourishment from it, so for a longer timeframe where it remains effective, the "essence" as its called in the curse only needs to be inside his digestive system. So they try Snape cumming inside Harry's anus and then putting a small buttplug in to keep it there as long as possible. Is this enough, only getting semen from 1 man? Or will Harry have to feed from more guys? Perhaps Fred & George? Lupin? Its all up to you! Will having say a gangbang feeding make him stronger and even more powerful? Your call! Now if you want to write this as a futa story: Same as above only Harry doesn't want to feed anymore from Snape apart from through phials. But since he then remains in his weakened state he finally tells Hermione about it all (Never Ron, he can't know). She of course frantically tries finding the curse, and manages to do it and after a few weeks she comes to only the one conclusion: If there is no counter-curse, no cure... and she can't possibly ask Harry to feed from Snape again... She decides to do a ritual where she gets a penis and the ability to produce cum. Its up to you if she still has her female genitalia as well or simply becomes a "shemale" having a penis and balls instead. She informs Snape and Pomfrey that she's found a way to get Harry more stable but says that due to privacy reasons she can't share the details. She starts coming to him nightly, at first with a phial of her own until she has the courage to confess to Harry what she's done, showing him her new penis and Harry is so thankful and says he'll feed from her. So she starts feeding him nightly, letting Harry stroke and suck her to orgasm or perhaps go the route of the slash one and have her cum inside him and plug him up. Again, is this enough? Or will other girls have to do the ritual as well and help Harry with feedings? I would suggest Ginny & Luna first, then perhaps bring in more girls if you felt like it. Parvati & Padma perhaps, Susan Bones & even Cho Chang. Girls from the DA that are trustworth and willing to help Harry this way. So there you have it! I'd be willing to beta anything you write of course, my spelling is usually good even if my grammar isn't always stellar. Hope someone takes this on! Cheers for now!
    1 point
  3. magusfang

    Magusfang's Corner

    Ohhh, you guys are so DOM!
    1 point
  4. COJimmyV

    Magusfang's Corner

    Magus, that is SO wrong!
    1 point
  5. Content which is willfully intended to upset readers is considered a form of trolling. Based on the responses received by staff to your recent story, which was in large part a duplication of prior postings, it was determined that your content met that standard, and had crossed the line between free expression and provocation.
    1 point
  6. BronxWench

    Why was I banned?

    Content which is willfully intended to upset readers is considered a form of trolling. Based on the responses received by staff to your recent story, which was in large part a duplication of prior postings, it was determined that your content met that standard, and had crossed the line between free expression and provocation.
    1 point
  7. magusfang

    Magusfang's Corner

    Hopefully tonight or tomorrow morning...writing your scene now , yep a scene just for you... Ahhhh, see the instructions didn't say you couldn't use a five year old...so my confusion is understandable
    1 point
  8. Sniper014

    Magusfang's Corner

    If you come back to this site every once in awhile he will tell you when the next chapter is up. When he tells us I usually read the chapter first before I see what the rest of the gang say about it. Also he has two stories he is working on and one on the shelf. Read Northstar and coming home. You will like them. Also angeldust has written some good ones on this site. Also Bigman7303 has some good ones too on this site.
    1 point
  9. magusfang

    Magusfang's Corner

    Amy and Becca are next on the baby train...book 3 is gonna cover a long time span using flashbacks so you'll get to met all the babies... Oh, I took your advice...you'll see this is me, I have four daughters now, granted only one has my blood in her, but that really dosn't matter when you're raising them
    1 point
  10. Samara

    Magusfang's Corner

    and they said the wanted the football team both offense and defence in
    1 point
  11. Hundybuns

    Magusfang's Corner

    Yea, I vote for Amy she deserves to finally have one of Max's babies. Her and Emma did say they wanted a football team with Max.
    1 point
  12. Jashley13

    She is the One

    Hey guys! So, checking on the story boards, I noted that we've hit a marker. She is the One officially has reached 200000 views! Wow! Can't believe it got there as quickly as it did. And you know what? It's all because of readers like you, readers who support and encourage and critique and suggest and analyze and basically do everything to make my work so much more rewarding and fulfilling. You guys seriously are the best readers and followers an author could ask for and I promise I will continue to do my best so future chapters can be just as good
    1 point
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