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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/16/2015 in all areas

  1. I've got to admit, I like praise and admiration (who doesn't?), and I like concrit just as much really, once I've had time to think about it. But... The reviews I adore are those that are a clear emotional response to what I've written. They're not always "good" reviews, since I have been known to write some rather horrific things. My favourite ever was quite long and the reviewer was sorry they had read the story, because they couldn't get it out of their mind, but they did acknowledge they'd been warned, and decided to ignore it, and then were subsequently afflicted by the horror and the atmosphere. *nods* I like those kind. It meant I did the job right for that person, regardless whether they "enjoyed" it or not. Likewise, when I've written things I consider to be comedies, and someone says they laughed. They're good, too. I suppose what I'm saying is that for me, the aim of all writing is to make the reader feel things, and if I get some indication I did that accurately, I'm really happy.
    2 points
  2. Hi guys, I'm just wondering. We writers know it's hard to get reviews here, especially detailed ones that are clearly personalised to the exact stories we've posted up (ie., more specific than just, 'plz rite moar'. I'm just wondering: if you could get the reviews you crave, what sorts would you want: Glowing praise and encouragement? Constructive criticism? A mix of both? Short and sweet reviews? Long reviews? (and what does 'long' mean to you?) Lots of reviews from one-time reviewers? A series of reviews from the same reviewer who keeps coming back? Do you like having a breakdown of your spelling and grammatical errors in reviews, or does it annoy you when that happens? What else do you look for in reviews? Just wonderin'!
    1 point
  3. anything thats helpful, as you said something more than the standard "please make more" even if its something that you may not actually want to hear, its how its said thats really important. "Yes i was reading your story and i think that it is 100% rubbish, the plot .... the characters ...... but i did like ......" its not a flame but its clear the person didnt like the story. its better to have people tell you what and how you messed something up so you can fix it than people kissing your ass or telling you nothing.
    1 point
  4. BronxWench

    The Reviews you'd like

    I like constructive criticism, although I'll never turn down glowing praise. I might blush a little, but I do like it. What.s really, REALLY useful is knowing what worked for readers, and what didn't. My editor was all bothered by one review on Goodreads, where the reader felt I could have done more character development in my debut novella. And you know what? That reader had a valid point. I don't see that as a negative, because it tells me what I need to do better. The reader did go on to say that they were looking forward to the second book. Let's hope I did better, but if not, that's still valid from that reader's perspective, and I'm not crushed to be told that. I don't worry so much about long or short, or if it's one returning reviewer or many reviewers. When I write online, either is fine. When I publish, I get one shot at a review, so it's not an issue.
    1 point
  5. If its something your interested in and enjoy writing what does it matter? Im a firm believer in if its something you enjoy writing you should so it. I could start getting all philosophical but I'll just keep it simple to keep from sounding like a snob.
    1 point
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