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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/02/2012 in all areas

  1. I'm going to say this honestly... if you are here to get reviews, get out now. This isn't the place to do that. Some fandoms, especially those that cater to younger beings, get those no matter what craptastic, unreadable BS you put up but most of the fandoms don't get the kind of thing you are looking for, especially the older ones. Some stories, ones that have gone on forever, do get such things but newer ones from authors people don't know tend to not get the mega-hits or review counts. However, though reviews might be scarce as hen's teeth, that doesn't mean what you do get doesn't mean anything. Hell, I have a multitude of stories on this site that have been up for years that have no reviews. A few even came down to be published, and I don't mean self-published either, though they had no reviews on this site. Lack of reviews means nothing. It means that people aren't reviewing for their own reasons. You also need to take into account the concept of review karma, meaning the more YOU review, the more apt you are to get them in return. It does tend to work that way. Reviews are an odd thing. As so many have pointed out, many stories that get mega hits, reviews and rates aren't worth it and you wonder if those that did that read the same one you did while really good ones don't get such things. It just goes that way on all sites I've seen. In closing, I'll say this... if you like what you're doing and do it for your own reason, what difference do reviews make to you anyway?
    2 points
  2. DemonGoddess

    Lack of reviews.

    I'm going to put my 2 cents in here. Something that absolutely SLAYS me is I'll see (and this is on ANY SITE I've visited) absolute and utter hacks getting a ton of reviews. Why? Because it's done by the fanpoodling minions, that's why. Whereas I'll see a helluva story get nothing at all, for a long time, because the author either writes in an obscure fandom, or an old fandom. Yet, when they finally get noticed as they should, they will get some nice reviews. Going back to the flame problem when one gives actual concrit: Again, this is supposed to be a site for adults, not children. That means that as adults, we shouldn't stoop to sending people after someone who takes the time and makes a real effort to give you what you ask for. You don't want concrit, don't ask for it. Don't waste a reviewer's time that way.
    2 points
  3. Why would you get slammed for her sueness, when she was written in the movie that way? She's still a canon character for the movie, despite the sue characteristics.
    1 point
  4. In my family, the rule of thumb is that one swat properly applied is all it takes. As long as you're consistent, firm, and don't swat the kid over every little mistake, it works. And if you start it when they're young enough, it's more about the sound than the pain - and will usually teach the kid that that tone of voice it goes with means he/she is in trouble and ought to behave. I've heard of and seen spanking being over-done, of course - I think most of us have. But some kids just don't learn without that physical discipline, and sometimes my boyfriend, my brothers and I were among them. Of course, my bf maybe got lucky and wasn't spanked as much as he should have been, because his dog would sit on him when he was doing stupid things. ("Sit! Stay! Behave! ... Good human.")
    1 point
  5. I agree whole heartedly with BronxWench. Open handed on the butt is acceptable, and I draw the line at implements, like paddles or belts. That I would see as abusive. I do not have kids, so this is solely based on my personal experience. I grew up in a home where the parents never, ever raised their voices at each other, or let us witness any kind of disagreement between themselves, and the only screaming that went on, was between me and my sisters when we disagreed with each other. I was spanked once in my life. I was probably about six or seven, and was refusing to eat my food. My father has always been a stoic man, but that evening he grabbed me by the arm, gave me one open handed smack on the butt and threw me into my room, and told me to stay there until I could be more grateful. And an hour later I went back to the kitchen and ate my cold fish, and never refused to eat again, no matter how much I hated fish. And I was never spanked again, ever.
    1 point
  6. Just as a quibble, and I'll apologize in advance for being in a quibbling state of mind, the "Adult" in our site's name does not mean that every story has to contain sex, graphic or otherwise, or violence. There are mature themes that don't necessary translate as sexual or violent. They're equally welcome here, and we even have a NoSex tag for those who can't live without it. We also allow original fiction as well as fan fiction, meaning I don't need to deal with publishing my work on multiple sites because I don't always write fan fiction. We're not all here to write graphic content. Some of us just want the freedom to write our stories as they evolve, without worrying about scarring the psyches of 13 year old users, and without worrying about being plagiarized, flamed or otherwise abused. I began here as an author, and volunteered as a way to support a site that respects the dignity of authors.
    1 point
  7. Hi Olefish! Thanks for your condolences. I giggled a bit when I read your description of your novella. I'd love to check it out. I owe BotecelliAngel my services first, then I will get on to you. Then, the rotation will start up again. I'm doing a chapter or so for everyone at a time in order of who asked me first. I hope that's ok!! Thanks again for being so understanding everyone.
    1 point
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