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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/21/2011 in all areas

  1. It's part and parcel of the generally sloppy attitude towards all things that are not tweeted. Honestly, my inner Grammar Bitch has hissies daily.
    1 point
  2. "Stories" like that make me want to violently hurl. It also means I instantly ignore that story and move on to something else. Morons.
    1 point
  3. They seem to run the gamut from no capitalization at all (and they don't qualify as e.e. cummings) or they pull This Stunt Where They Think Every Word Should Start With A Capital Letter. (I don't mean titles - I mean IN the story.) 'Tis quite annoying, yes.
    1 point
  4. Jukstapositioned

    In the End

    The last chapter has been posted and thus concludes this story. I want to thank everyone who has clicked, read, and reviewed; I can only hope that it was at least interesting for some of you. I've had this story in my head for a long, long time, even before Heaven Far Away. I'm the type of person who likes to leave the best for last, so perhaps that's why I decided to write this after Heaven Far Away after all. Or perhaps I just wan't quite ready yet at that time. From here on, I'll be going to a different country for work. There, who knows if I'll have reliable internet access. However, writing will never stop, but surely it will be while before I even think about returning to this genre. @Gslinger: I don't think they've ever forgotten that they can't do without each other. Perhaps it's because that knowledge is so strong they can't help but end in such a manner. I've always thought that when something exceeds moderation, love in this case, it just means there is insanity that's bound to follow. Their relationship has been rather unhealthy and detoxification is the best route, no? *laugh* Of course, some would say excess is another way. Thank you for your continued support and reviews!
    1 point
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