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DemonGoddess last won the day on November 29 2024

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About DemonGoddess

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  1. I have been down with this nasty flu bug since Monday.  Finally able to move around again.  Ugh.

  2. As long as it worked for you
  3. Sent an email to your new address with instructions
  4. Happy Birthday!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. BronxWench


      Thank you, my dear! It was quite lovely, actually, right down to dinner at a local diner (which amuses me no ends). :lol: 

    3. GeorgeGlass


      Happy birthday, BW! Who doesn't love a good diner meal?

    4. BronxWench


      Thank you! And honestly, I love any meal I don’t have to cook! :lol: 

  5. Had the echo cardiogram yesterday, won’t hear anything of what they found, or if they found anything until Tuesday.  Ugh.  I’m going to be a basketcase!

  6. If you email me back in response to the email I just sent you with the email address you prefer to use, I can change it, and then regenerate the links for you.
  7. We’re also banning the spam IPs, as fast as we can
  8. That’s exactly right, BW. You can only be logged in on ONE device at a time.
  9. There’s actually quite a bit of it throughout the scripts. I was supposed to have done this a couple years ago, but work got in the way. Of this, and many, many things.
  10. I expect I’ll sit down and go through different things and proof read
  11. I will add to what BronxWench said, and if your birthday is not updated, I’ll have to get that for you first. Has to be done in the database technicalsupport@adult-fanfiction.org
  12. So, with having BP issues, and having to get an echo cardiogram late November, I’ve been monitoring my food intake and what I eat, when I eat.  I’ve also started exercising regularly.

    So instead of losing weight, I gained twelve pounds in the last 2 weeks.  What the hell??😡

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. DemonGoddess


      Well, the thing I like about this doctor, is he listens to me.  As you know, that’s often not a thing.  

    3. WillowDarkling


      Well, depending on your genetic heritage, there is that thing about English peasant girls… where your metabolism thinks when you start exercising, “Oh, you’re running from the invading Vikings, love, don’t worry, darling, I’ll keep you plump as a partridge, no matter how hard you run!” 


    4. DemonGoddess


      My genetic heritage means I get fat easy!  I also build muscle like nobody’s business.  It’s either one, or the other.  ROFL

  13. So, as I’m sure many have noticed, I’ve been busy trying to work myself to death for the past five years or so.  So, in that time, I’ve worked ridiculous hours with very little time off, and often multiple shifts in a day.  As a result, I was more than a little unproductive here.

    I retired the end of March, and spent the first fourish months doing nothing but sleep.  Have one final test from my doctor on November 22nd, so should be done with all that shit for a bit as well by then.

    In the meantime, I am now checking all the email addresses I always did before, as I now have the time.  Am easing back into the archive repair, minor hunting, and other things I did as well.

    Sorry for the absence, but, glad to be back

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Melrick


      Good to have you back. 👍

    3. pittwitch


      DG, I’d happy dance if I even could!  Wahoo!


    4. DemonGoddess


      I get that.  I’m working on a few things before my echo cardiogram towards the end of November.

      Losing weight

      Regaining my mobility (see losing weight😅)

      Controlling my BP

      Quitting smoking

  14. The problem I’ve noticed, is even when a user white lists our mail server, we STILL get marked as spam. Not always, but often enough for it to be an ongoing issue.
  15. For the password reset, are you ensuring there are at least TWELVE characters in the password? When I first did it, I used 9, and then remembered I needed to use 12. Once I did that, it worked just fine. I had to have the validation/password reset resent to me like many of you, as I was one of the approximately 1% of users to where it didn’t work right.
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