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ehhh, that’s interesting, but it doesn;t bring him into conflict with hades and doesn’t flow well into raising hell.

maybe hades killed the gods in his invasion and is holding the worthy hosts hostage because he doesn;t want to risk it hapening again. the hosts also get the memories of the previous gods

hmmm. we could do that as a bonus chapter, do it as a clipshow type deal and have hiccup turn into kratos but maintain that there’s no such thing as gods.

personally i like tying it into ‘raising hell’ better and feel it could be used to explain character growth and the changes needed for the next stage, it’s the first real ‘good’ quest he did.

although we could use the titans as ‘bosses’ in the inderworld with the fallen and the forgotten. or just massive guards he has to avoid

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  On 5/31/2018 at 2:56 PM, Strange_idea said:

ehhh, that’s interesting, but it doesn;t bring him into conflict with hades and doesn’t flow well into raising hell.

maybe hades killed the gods in his invasion and is holding the worthy hosts hostage because he doesn;t want to risk it hapening again. the hosts also get the memories of the previous gods

hmmm. we could do that as a bonus chapter, do it as a clipshow type deal and have hiccup turn into kratos but maintain that there’s no such thing as gods.

personally i like tying it into ‘raising hell’ better and feel it could be used to explain character growth and the changes needed for the next stage, it’s the first real ‘good’ quest he did.

although we could use the titans as ‘bosses’ in the inderworld with the fallen and the forgotten. or just massive guards he has to avoid


Eh, as I said I was mostly just sharing this particular idea because the idea of Hiccup having just seen so many different types of magic that people spontaneously becoming demigods just draws a jaded "Odd." amused me.

Though I suppose of the hosts in the above idea gained the deity's memories they could still get in conflict with Hades, something along the lines of "We should probably stop that guy before he destroys the world or something."...


actually, we could start slipping them in in the first game storyline, setting up them going missing. I think girlherc-as zeus (or whicheber one) should be fighting against hades, and maybe she goes to hiccup for help, and he doesn’t believe her until Hades forces try to abduct her then and there. leading to the hecate trick thing

I do like the idea of him being jaded towards gods, particularly since at least one of his mothers and future girlfriends could be considered a god (ursula and ariel)

i just think the story-line would take better place in the underworld, tying story-lines together helps take in more.

plus, having it happen before the second game helps set up a bunch of stuff you could use, such as the Resurrection and a means of getting information/tracking down kingdoms.

though this is your story, so it is your decision 

  On 5/31/2018 at 3:16 PM, Strange_idea said:

actually, we could start slipping them in in the first game storyline, setting up them going missing. I think girlherc-as zeus (or whicheber one) should be fighting against hades, and maybe she goes to hiccup for help, and he doesn’t believe her until Hades forces try to abduct her then and there. leading to the hecate trick thing

I do like the idea of him being jaded towards gods, particularly since at least one of his mothers and future girlfriends could be considered a god (ursula and ariel)

i just think the story-line would take better place in the underworld, tying story-lines together helps take in more.

plus, having it happen before the second game helps set up a bunch of stuff you could use, such as the Resurrection and a means of getting information/tracking down kingdoms.

though this is your story, so it is your decision 


I admit, the potential godhood of Ursula and Ariel had not occurred to me…


I also just realized that if I did have Hiccup take a trip to Greece, his group could end up with two Cassandras, the deadpan snarker prophet of Hercules, and the deadpan snarker handmaiden guard of Tangled.


Had'nt thought of that, but that was one of the reasons why i suggested the 'retirement suite' idea, they're in the harem but reserved for afterwards.

Having the harems connected, but divided by game and reigon allows more time for character building.

Also, setting up his atheism early makes god-ariel or the like funny later. Also, ariel could be looking for her missing father as a result, tying things together. Reincarnated neptune could ask him to look out for her

  On 5/31/2018 at 3:28 PM, Strange_idea said:

Had'nt thought of that, but that was one of the reasons why i suggested the 'retirement suite' idea, they're in the harem but reserved for afterwards.

Having the harems connected, but divided by game and reigon allows more time for character building.

Also, setting up his atheism early makes god-ariel or the like funny later. Also, ariel could be looking for her missing father as a result, tying things together. Reincarnated neptune could ask him to look out for her


Perhaps, perhaps...

  On 6/1/2018 at 1:46 AM, Strange_idea said:

Do you mind if i ask thebooblover what he thinks of all this so far?


Have at it

An idea to explain how Hades could defeat the other Olympians more easily than he did in the franchise…

What if gods drew their power from the number of souls, but not necessarily LIVE souls, that believe in them, so when the Glorious Empire's invasion of Greece lowers the Grecian population enough to weaken most of the Olympians, the influx of souls in the Underworld strengthened Hades?


That makes sense, more than you realise even. The greek gods are the ones that were prayer-powered yes, so that fits, but hades had little to no worshipera historically (despite being the fairest god in greek mythology) so it's reasonable to assume he got his power from the number of dead. And with Disney's hades, that'd be a grand opportunity for him.

Mythology's been a hobby since i could read.

Interestingly, many cultures do not have prayer-powered gods, it's more like bribery in the worst case or your parents wanting to check up on you in the better ones.


Anyway, assuming hades sabotaged the divine relief efforts (which he did i the series abd film), he could rack up a lot of power easy, and by saying he was connected to the old overlord we can tie him in and say thay the old overlord corrupted the heroes to get rid of them, but also to make them serve as hades generals. Or just to get him more souls by spreadi g death, either way


Also, a joke on hiccups atheism, gobber has claimed to meet thor. We could have camicazi confirm that yeah, thor does drop by every now and then. The other vikings are stunned, or try to brush it off, but shes so casual and series they can't be sure. Hiccup, of course, doesn't beleive. Though cami has weirdly good luck with lightning strikes...…

Also, in the books he had to claim to he thor. What if while undercover in the empire he blurts out thor as a covrname without thinking and HATES his mistake when that's the name he has to use now.

Also zeus-girl could offer to put a good word in for thor.

.... maybe gobber IS a retired thor, and the gods take shifts for the reincarnation cycles.

  On 6/1/2018 at 7:20 AM, Strange_idea said:

That makes sense, more than you realise even. The greek gods are the ones that were prayer-powered yes, so that fits, but hades had little to no worshipera historically (despite being the fairest god in greek mythology) so it's reasonable to assume he got his power from the number of dead. And with Disney's hades, that'd be a grand opportunity for him.

Mythology's been a hobby since i could read.

Interestingly, many cultures do not have prayer-powered gods, it's more like bribery in the worst case or your parents wanting to check up on you in the better ones.


Anyway, assuming hades sabotaged the divine relief efforts (which he did i the series abd film), he could rack up a lot of power easy, and by saying he was connected to the old overlord we can tie him in and say thay the old overlord corrupted the heroes to get rid of them, but also to make them serve as hades generals. Or just to get him more souls by spreadi g death, either way



  On 6/1/2018 at 7:25 AM, Strange_idea said:

Sorry, that may have sounded condecending. I did not mean to sound like that or imply anything of the sort.


Eh, is no problem, though I did know that in the original myths Hades was actually one of the nicest gods, and incidentally, had a grand total of ONE interaction with Hercules, when Hercules had to bring the king giving him his labors Cerberus as the final task, and Hades' response when asked was basically "Sure, bring him back when done."

  On 6/1/2018 at 7:30 AM, Strange_idea said:

Also, a joke on hiccups atheism, gobber has claimed to meet thor. We could have camicazi confirm that yeah, thor does drop by every now and then. The other vikings are stunned, or try to brush it off, but shes so casual and series they can't be sure. Hiccup, of course, doesn't beleive. Though cami has weirdly good luck with lightning strikes...…

Also, in the books he had to claim to he thor. What if while undercover in the empire he blurts out thor as a covrname without thinking and HATES his mistake when that's the name he has to use now.

Also zeus-girl could offer to put a good word in for thor.

.... maybe gobber IS a retired thor, and the gods take shifts for the reincarnation cycles.


That is an angle I had not considered... I haven't gotten the chance to read the final few books in the series, but I don't recall Hiccup masquerading as Thor though...


Hmmmm... we could make meg THAT Hades

  On 6/1/2018 at 7:33 AM, Jwsponky said:

Eh, is no problem, though I did know that in the original myths Hades was actually one of the nicest gods, and incidentally, had a grand total of ONE interaction with Hercules, when Hercules had to bring the king giving him his labors Cerberus as the final task, and Hades' response when asked was basically "Sure, bring him back when done."



  On 6/1/2018 at 7:45 AM, Strange_idea said:

I mean her character. We could make her rule lik that version of hades. We already went off script, so we don't have to follow the myth too closely


This is true.

Idea for what demigoddess powers on of the other girls could get, Tempest receiving the powers of Nemesis. I just think an amazon princess (perhaps promoted to queen by that point?) would appreciate the ability to turn her hands into any weapon she could think of.


That works, and she was very big on justice. I also considered artemis

I’m not sure if her mother is still alive, but becoming goddess of vengeance/justice might make her queen by default.

forgive me if my 'send them through the portal’ idea seems to take them out of the picture, this just seemed a good time to flesh out the ghouls as it were. that said, tempest would probably stick around for a while and gather some more, possibly then escorting them back while the hiccup, meg and company go to confront the fake hades


and by don’t need to follow the myths too closely, i mean be pragmatic, but nods to the orignal can be an apology for not getting stuff right. disney hercules did the same thing.

neat bit of trivia, did you know they got permission to write a new ending for the little mermaid from the author’s surviving family?

  On 6/1/2018 at 8:06 AM, Strange_idea said:

That works, and she was very big on justice. I also considered artemis

I’m not sure if her mother is still alive, but becoming goddess of vengeance/justice might make her queen by default.

forgive me if my 'send them through the portal’ idea seems to take them out of the picture, this just seemed a good time to flesh out the ghouls as it were. that said, tempest would probably stick around for a while and gather some more, possibly then escorting them back while the hiccup, meg and company go to confront the fake hades


Um... I admit I don't recall your 'send them through the portal' idea off the top of my head, but forgiven?..


it’s a reflex. i have poor social instincts so i guees conservatively on how i’m recieved.

basically, my ide was as they take on the underworld and uncover goddess, probably by recusing them, they send them to safety in the tower. the tower that hecate aka hades, is guarding and running the portal too. he is naturally, ambushing them no the other side and draining them of their power and titles using the tower.

had a thought on how to twist, hiccup getting trapped in hell too.

  On 6/1/2018 at 8:12 AM, Strange_idea said:

it’s a reflex. i have poor social instincts so i guees conservatively on how i’m recieved.

basically, my ide was as they take on the underworld and uncover goddess, probably by recusing them, they send them to safety in the tower. the tower that hecate aka hades, is guarding and running the portal too. he is naturally, ambushing them no the other side and draining them of their power and titles using the tower.

had a thought on how to twist, hiccup getting trapped in hell too.


This has possibilities…

Admittedly jumping topic completely, but had a thought concerning having Ursula being one of the sorceresses the original Overlord (apparently called the Black Baron, according to the Overlord:Dark Legends game, which I admit I've only read about since it doesn't have a PC version...) sacrificed to charge the Heart…

What if he had managed to pull off a two for one kidnapping and got her sister Morgana as well?

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