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She is the One


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I rarely burn out, although I did for a couple of weeks in July. Usually my OCD gets directed onto something else. I'm always going on something (or several things)

long term:

55-60 hours a week at work so I can get paid

my home consulting business, need to make a new report preferably today, started on user's guide last night, need to upgrade products

genealogy (not so much lately, but got an email yesterday that got me going)

my full OTA story, now being revised

as the wind blows:

the Halloween chapter of OTA (basically done, will be up this weekend here at AFF)

started downloading and analyzing weather data, to see if it's really warming (or not)

Twitter, forums and shoutbox here, SB Nation's Pirates blog, etc

oh, keep my wife happy, that fits in there somewhere...going to a Steelers game in 10 days

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Joe, thanks for the new chapter. I am always on the lookout for your next installment. Keep up the great work but take care of yourself as well. Take time to enjoy the new house.

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Sam and Joe have been outed...just as Amanda gets morning sickness

Holy Mother of God...

I could say I saw it coming, and I did, but I also didn't. If that makes any sense. The prostituiton ring is just staring to crack open. I was really expecting the cops to show up. Time and again, we fing out how stupid Sam and Joe are. Those are my general reactions. The Amanda pregnancy thing would be interesting. Shit would hit the fan. If Joe Long's theory is right, we've got even more coming in the next chapter. Now it's to specualtion on how the group's gonna fracture.

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Now it's to specualtion on how the group's gonna fracture.

Belle and Amanda will be single.

One of the reasons why pregnancy makes sense is to give Amanda a wholly different situation than Belle, and to be different than her brother issues of the year before.

Craig was getting stressed out already, then all this happened at his house, and he's the one with the hot tempered, overly protective girlfriend.

Then they all find out that Jack and Kayla already knew and didn't tell.

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Belle and Amanda will be single.

One of the reasons why pregnancy makes sense is to give Amanda a wholly different situation than Belle, and to be different than her brother issues of the year before.

Craig was getting stressed out already, then all this happened at his house, and he's the one with the hot tempered, overly protective girlfriend.

Then they all find out that Jack and Kayla already knew and didn't tell.

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Guest its_ry_bruh

Yes!! Cliffhanger!! God I missed them.

Amanda has to be pregnant now only because the whole morning sickness idea was the first thing to mind. As I read your guys' thoughts on it, it appears to be the same.

Also, by definition, a fracture is a break of a thing. Before looking up the definition, the word fracture seemed to be that a single thing breaks up into many pieces. But once I looked up the word I found its simply just a break of an object or thing. So if this is applied to the group, then the whole group has to break. Many theories people have brought up talk about how some will take sides and some will stick together while others break off and what not. To whereas by fracture, the group entirely would break. Idk, as i continue to write this I feel that what I have to say is silly.

This is one of my favorite chapters Id have to admit. Its one of the longest, it had 2 events, a great cliffhanger, some love makin'and so on. Thanks Joe, another great read.

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and Amanda might already know (before the story even got to Craig's house, just reading about Amanda, I kept repeating, "she's preggers") and be figuring out a way of telling everyone - and then she will be the last one in the group to find out Sam's dick - that put her in her condition - was caught in Joe's ass.

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wow again nicely done. loved the jokes through out. I like rhona very much and her scenes just makes reading so intense because she has so unpredictable,some time flirty some times .....you know what i mean.the dancing scene with her i just held my breath.she freaking loves him but poor her he is already taken :P

Jessica character also evolving into mysterious and evil pretty villain. will love to see what she is planning.but i think her intentions toward Jack are not to do with ring(if jessica is running it but Rhona response to Jack prostitution question shocked me,plz she is not running the ring). i think Jessica's mighty ego just cant ignore the fact that Jack rejected her and when she looks at Jack and Kyla it infuriates her even further to see what she was denied.

some times in life we want a thing so bad still knowing we cant have it. Think of her,every time seeing in mirror admiring her beauty and dresses but a sound in her mind telling that she was still rejected!!! that she was not enough. i bet she will concour Jack by any means necessary and we will see what limits she wants to cross to reassure herslf that she has concoured him .)

and man Tara is not still over Jack, m sure of it.but atleast a guy has appeared,i hope he is right for her and i hope the night at Jack go un-ev-ent-ful(although a small makeout wont hurt but now Joe and Sam fucked up so Jack mind will be boiling and any chances of any romance are thin).

Loved hot sex session.Keep up the nice work as always but take care of yourself also.Lack of sleep is mostly caused by Magnesium deficiency,it is said to be most potent relxant mineral.so keep eating foods rich in it or have some suppliment tab for it.you will feel awsome,trust me on that.

and to commentors plz dont say like" i told you that was coming"

i think that doest feel good to writer,he have to think hard and bend story to keep giving us unexpected events.it just adds a stress level on him.so if some thing anyone foresighted comes true plz let it Go.

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Sam and Joe have been outed...just as Amanda gets morning sickness

Holy Mother of God...

Hadn't read the chapter, saw the spoiler warning, continued reading anyway lol. :)

Wouldn't it be a big twist if it wasn't Sam's? Kind of a far fetched theory but it would be a more interesting read.

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and Amanda might already know (before the story even got to Craig's house, just reading about Amanda, I kept repeating, "she's preggers") and be figuring out a way of telling everyone - and then she will be the last one in the group to find out Sam's dick - that put her in her condition - was caught in Joe's ass.

Assuming that Amanda is pregnant-- and assuming she did know about Sam-- then maybe she got in her revenge already by having Alan do the deed.

And why is Rhona, who is in her twenties, hanging around at a homecoming dance? I think she was waiting for the two bleacher girls-- Kim and her friend-- to finish and bring home the cash. Jack didn't recognize either girl but said they were wearing party dresses. So Rhona drops them off and then picks them up when they're done while Evan and his buds provide security in case there's any trouble. Like trouble spelled J-A-C-K.

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I agree. I think its simply the flu. Flu season starts in September and goes through March. Also I'm sure that Amanda is on birth control from all the times that she spent with Alan and never came back pregnant. Great story Joe, I had to read it from the beginning all the way through. The sex scenes are great and Rhona's character is becoming more complex. I also agree that she's becoming more and more flirty with Jack and cannot believe that she text Kayla right after she and Jack danced at work. Regarding the comments about being able to see things happen before they develop in the story should be seen as a credit to Joe's ability to tell a story and engage the reader. I will go out on the same limb and say that I knew there would be trouble when Belle could not find Joe and she volunteered to search the rooms for a place that Craig could lay down. Once again Joe, you have spun a great tale.

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Regarding the comments about being able to see things happen before they develop in the story should be seen as a credit to Joe's ability to tell a story and engage the reader. Once again Joe, you have spun a great tale.

I hope Jashley is still on a roll with his writing because I think that Chapter 43 is going to be epic. There is going to be great drama when Jack has to explain to Amanda (and his parents) what happened. Can you imagine Joe and Sam at school the following Monday? Somebody better put them on suicide watch-- you can add Craig to that as well. I'm starting to realize just how all-encompassing this "fracturing" theme is. First Kayla's family, then the group and now maybe the Harrisons.

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Pretty crappy of Joe to get naked with Sam at Craig's party, knowing Craig is campaigning hard with his party goers. I would think Craig, Becca and Belle will be anti-Joe and Sam and that will pit them against Jack and Kayla and Joe. It will be interesting to see how this taking sides thing plays out.

Still not convinced Amanda is knocked up. Didn't really read that into her illness but my experience with it, as far as my wife was concerned, was that it wasn't an all day thing. Then again, since not all women are the same, I suppose it's possible.

Nice cliffhanger. The main thing I hate about them is having to wait for the next chapter. It always seems to take forever! ;)

Edited by COJimmyV
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Pretty crappy of Joe to get naked with Sam at Craig's party, knowing Craig is campaigning hard with his party goers. I would think Craig, Becca and Belle will be anti-Joe and Sam and that will pit them against Jack and Kayla and Joe. It will be interesting to see how this taking sides thing plays out.

Still not convinced Amanda is knocked up. Didn't really read that into her illness but my experience with it, as far as my wife was concerned, was that it wasn't an all day thing. Then again, since not all women are the same, I suppose it's possible.

Nice cliffhanger. The main thing I hate about them is having to wait for the next chapter. It always seems to take forever! ;)

I've reconsidered the pregnancy theory. Morning sickness is most often characterized by nausea (according to the Internet at least, I have no actual experience with it. However, the name "morning sickness" is a misnomer, because it can occur at any time of day), and Amanda had flu like symptoms, no mention of nausea. My best guess is that is was an effective plot device to get Amanda and Sam away from each other. Adds more drama when sick Amanda shows up on a warpath after getting a text about it.

I'll say this again. Sam and Joe are pretty fucking stupid. "Oh hey, let's get down and dirty at this super crowded party where all our friends are, one of them trying to build stock, and one of our girlfriends is here. Nothing could go wrong." Under the bleachers, now this. They get no slack.

As for the person who said not to say "I saw this coming." Having predictability in a story isn't bad. I'm not trying to make it hard on Jashley. He foreshadowed what would happen, and I noted that I also didn't see it coming. Just because I maybe though it might happen didn't keep me from getting chills reading up to the end. Not noting it isn't giving effective feed back. It best to be honest, not protective.

I want the story to pick up where it left off. Get to see Belle in full fury. See how the rest of the people react (regular party goers included.). Be interesting to see where Tara shows up, if anything.

I've mulled over the Rohna thing too. I liked the theory a little that she had something to do with the ring, but I also think that she might just really like Jack. She and Kayla seem to be quite in toon, so I don't think she'll do too much to him without Kayla's permission.

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For Amanda finding out about Sam and Joe, I say that Belle should say something. It'd sound more believable coming from her, if you think about it. As for a possible fight: several options; Jack and or Alan beat the shit out of Sam (Alan is at the party, if i remember), and maybe Jack goes after Joe, or Belle does. Can anyone else hear the gay jokes that will go all around the school after the weekend? Oh, and poor Craig; now he'll be known as the guy whose gay friends had sex at his house. So, he may be a bit upset, considering that they did it in HIS house. Bad enough the party is going on, unless his parents already know about the party. Any thoughts on what else could happen in chapter 43?

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I would think Craig, Becca and Belle will be anti-Joe and Sam and that will pit them against Jack and Kayla and Joe. It will be interesting to see how this taking sides thing plays out.)

I can't believe how that would happen with jack sticking with joe, if Amanda cuts things of with sam joe was the corse of it if not more for giving sam the idea and if the rest of the party find out amanda and belle will be easy targets. Because even though joes his oldest friend/best friend I doubt that he'll choose joe over amanda.

Also what if joe or sam let everyone know that jack and karla knew they had done something before that would make them all hate them aswell making jack and karla hate joe and sam. So I think groups would be jack and karla, sam and joe, and everyone else or everyone and sam and joe.

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I know "morning sickness" can come anytime during the day, but I was picturing something like while Jack was at work Amanda tries to start her day, feels queasy and ends up puking in the toilet. She looks like hell, feels a little warm, and Mrs. Harrison tells her to stay home from the party and take it easy the rest of the day.

I think oral contraceptives are still by prescription (requiring a parent's permission) but I could be wrong. There are other methods, but none are fool proof. They cut the chances by about 90%, meaning that a woman who has regular unprotected sex might get pregnant every couple years (15 to 25 months of doing it, after the 9 month layoff for the previous pregnancy. By the end of the year and a half the cumulative odds of getting pregnant are very high). With birth control 2 to 3 years becomes 20 to 30 years - so most women won't in their lifetime, but still a fair amount will - once, anyway.

I think a pregnancy would add more drama, being better from both the reading and writing sides. Without it, Amanda and Belle and are similar situations which could have similar results. It's sort of redundant. With it, Amanda's sitting at home with a baby growing inside her, now hating the dad Sam for choosing Joe over her. Not only would she have to decide how to handle her peers in the group, her parents and other kids at school, but also whether to continue the pregnancy.

five couples

Joe & Belle - broken

Sam & Amanda - broken

Craig & Becca - he's depressed, she's pissed

Alan & Kelly - she needs transport from Sam's sister to see Alan outside school, so they're blunted and likely strained

Jack & Kayla - caught in the middle, and blamed for not telling Belle & Amanda

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If Rhona is running the ring that what Jessica wants with Jack? hmmm i think most of times guys demand girls for sex and pay,so ring leader trying to hire/get something out of a male(Jack) seems unlikely,but may be he is wanted by some girls too,so he is on high demand list of ring leader?

but Jack is already having great sex,he doest need money,he also has a paying job,so i think group leader also knows it and so if they want jack's involvment in ring is to some how blackmail him into doing things may be.and recently jack's voyeurism nature is highlightened,may be he will get caught while watching again and things will get ugly for him and interesting for us readers :P

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