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    JayDee got a reaction from InBrightestDay in As of 1 hour 18 minutes ago, I am officially 34 years old. Time for the annual bout o   
    @GeorgeGlass It’ll have to wait ‘til next year now. Unless I go for the very merry un-birthday song and surely that one is still under copyright (the song being from the ‘51 cartoon rather than the book!)
  4. Like
    JayDee got a reaction from GeorgeGlass in As of 1 hour 18 minutes ago, I am officially 34 years old. Time for the annual bout o   
    @GeorgeGlass It’ll have to wait ‘til next year now. Unless I go for the very merry un-birthday song and surely that one is still under copyright (the song being from the ‘51 cartoon rather than the book!)
  5. Like
    JayDee got a reaction from BronxWench in As of 1 hour 18 minutes ago, I am officially 34 years old. Time for the annual bout o   
    @GeorgeGlass It’ll have to wait ‘til next year now. Unless I go for the very merry un-birthday song and surely that one is still under copyright (the song being from the ‘51 cartoon rather than the book!)
  6. Like
    JayDee reacted to BronxWench in As of 1 hour 18 minutes ago, I am officially 34 years old. Time for the annual bout o   
    Wait, we can write a novel for a mid-life crisis? Why didn’t anyone tell me? I went for a belly ring instead… 
  7. Like
    JayDee reacted to GeorgeGlass in As of 1 hour 18 minutes ago, I am officially 34 years old. Time for the annual bout o   
    Happy birthday!
    It’s never too early to start your mid-life crisis project. If you aren’t doing so already, perhaps you might consider a novel?
    @JayDee Actually, no one owns the copyright to “Happy Birthday” anymore, so sing away!  
  8. Haha
    JayDee got a reaction from InBrightestDay in As of 1 hour 18 minutes ago, I am officially 34 years old. Time for the annual bout o   
    Happy Birthday to you!
    Happy Birthday to you!
    Hap-right, right, rest is under copyright.
    Have a good one anyway.
  9. Haha
    JayDee got a reaction from InvidiaRed in As of 1 hour 18 minutes ago, I am officially 34 years old. Time for the annual bout o   
    Happy Birthday to you!
    Happy Birthday to you!
    Hap-right, right, rest is under copyright.
    Have a good one anyway.
  10. Like
    JayDee got a reaction from BronxWench in As of 1 hour 18 minutes ago, I am officially 34 years old. Time for the annual bout o   
    Happy Birthday to you!
    Happy Birthday to you!
    Hap-right, right, rest is under copyright.
    Have a good one anyway.
  11. Like
    JayDee reacted to InvidiaRed in As of 1 hour 18 minutes ago, I am officially 34 years old. Time for the annual bout o   
    Congrats and some words of wisdom. No matter what, if you learned something, and especially if it was fun.  It was worth doing.
    Second, For every negative person wanting to crush you. There are just as many who seek to watch your  nurtured dreams grow.
    And third. Don’t take life too seriously. Also, don’t forget to remember everything you’ve accomplished.

  12. Like
    JayDee reacted to BronxWench in As of 1 hour 18 minutes ago, I am officially 34 years old. Time for the annual bout o   
    Happy birthday, and try not to freak too much. I’m still figuring out what I want to be when I grow up, which is what keeps me young!  
  13. Like
    JayDee reacted to InBrightestDay in *Thoughtfully chewing and swallowing* “Right, right… I meant to order Feta cheese not   
    Is it weird for me to think “that’s a very JayDee thing to write”?
  14. Like
    JayDee reacted to CloverReef in *Thoughtfully chewing and swallowing* “Right, right… I meant to order Feta cheese not   
    Weird? Yes. Accurate? Also yes. 
  15. Haha
    JayDee got a reaction from InBrightestDay in *Thoughtfully chewing and swallowing* “Right, right… I meant to order Feta cheese not   
    Heck if I know. I may be corrupted but I was never a champion.
  16. Thanks
    JayDee got a reaction from InBrightestDay in I’m about to start writing the final battle between Luzurial and Eparlegna, which com   
    A long road to walk and over a decade of thought but the ending comes. I look forward to seeing it!
  17. Haha
    JayDee got a reaction from BronxWench in *Thoughtfully chewing and swallowing* “Right, right… I meant to order Feta cheese not   
    Heck if I know. I may be corrupted but I was never a champion.
  18. Like
    JayDee reacted to InvidiaRed in *Thoughtfully chewing and swallowing* “Right, right… I meant to order Feta cheese not   
    So does ingesting futa cheese act like an item from corruption of champions or is it made from futas?
  19. Like
    JayDee got a reaction from BronxWench in I had to go to the post office yesterday. It was surprisingly busy, and it wasn’t eas   
    Horses do have a nasty bite to them. And they kick like a...uh… horse.
  20. Like
    JayDee got a reaction from FairySlayer in I had to go to the post office yesterday. It was surprisingly busy, and it wasn’t eas   
    Horses do have a nasty bite to them. And they kick like a...uh… horse.
  21. Like
  22. Like
    JayDee reacted to FairySlayer in I had to go to the post office yesterday. It was surprisingly busy, and it wasn’t eas   
    @JayDee I wish you got to write the action for when Bree from Narnia tracks this guy down and punishes him properly  – whatever that means. (The guy is a horse’s ass, so it should fit.)
  23. Like
    JayDee reacted to BronxWench in I had to go to the post office yesterday. It was surprisingly busy, and it wasn’t eas   
    There was a similar incident in my local post office a few years ago, where an older woman lashed out at a young Latina woman. To my great joy, I was not the only one telling the older woman that her language and attitude were completely uncalled for, and that she was in the wrong to begin with.
    But right now, I think we should all try to be a bit kinder. We need the kindness.
  24. Like
    JayDee got a reaction from GeorgeGlass in I had to go to the post office yesterday. It was surprisingly busy, and it wasn’t eas   
    Sure is a lot of human garbage out there. Fuck that guy.
  25. Like
    JayDee got a reaction from FairySlayer in I had to go to the post office yesterday. It was surprisingly busy, and it wasn’t eas   
    Sure is a lot of human garbage out there. Fuck that guy.
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