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JayDee last won the day on October 23

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  1. Who says nothing good ever happens to me? I’ve been invited to take part in an ancient local midwinter ritual to ensure the sun returns next year! The only downside is nobody wants to make plans for anything past the ritual date now, and apparantly I’ll have to lie on some cold stone for a bit.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. InvidiaRed


      Okay, just hear me out. Just in case of anything unexpected going down.

      If you see the styx. Take a left and there should be a delightful beachouse. The password is “My soul belongs to Invidiared” If you see someone in a boat asking for payment you’ve  gone a tad too far. Also avoid the pomegranate pie

    3. BronxWench


      I adore you all… just saying! :wub:

    4. Strange_idea


      The dogs are easily distracted by fetch, but only only you throw the stick directly at them. Only way to get them all involved.

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