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JayDee last won the day on December 17 2021

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  1. The latest firefox update has added “firefox monitor” that gives a notification message about adultfanfiction and a data breach in 2018. Hopefully won’t deter too many users!

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    2. InBrightestDay



      The thing is, people make a bigger issue out of a breach here at AFF than a breach at Equifax, which exposed highly detailed personal information and financial accounts to bad actors.

      I think it may have to do with the way other people look at you afterward.  Personal data mined from Equifax?  You’re a victim of malicious hackers and you have everyone’s sympathy.  Family and personal acquaintances find out you wrote stories featuring incest or rape?  Suddenly the fact that your data was hacked matters way less than the stuff you wrote.


      Here, you’re just going to be embarrassed when your friends and family find out you read dubious porn about mainly fictional characters.

      Again, I think the worry is less about the stuff you read and more about the stuff you write.  Explaining The Woman in the Statue to my parents would be awkward, but if they found out I wrote Little Brother’s Lesson over on Literotica, I guarantee you there would be a very painful conversation about why I wrote a romantic incest story.


      And frankly, if you’re that conflicted about your taste in reading materials, maybe you shouldn’t be reading things on AFF in the first place. Just sayin’…

      I...suppose I could leave, delete my accounts here and on Lit and delete the stories from my computer.  The conflict there is that I am actually enjoying writing WitS and happy about the fact that other people are apparently enjoying reading it.  In addition to that, everyone here has been really nice to me, and I can’t accurately communicate how much that means to me.

      I don’t know.  Maybe I’m just rolling the dice and hoping that hackers figure I’m not significant enough to screw with.

    3. JayDee


      Assuming you didn’t sign up with an email attached to any of your real world stuff it’s pretty unlikely they’d make a connection anyway. I only use Joandoe@gmail.com for fanfic related stuff so I figure the most they’d have for me from a fanfic site would be the site username, password (different to other sites!) email address and maybe a dynamic IP. So, meh.


      In addition to that, everyone here has been really nice to me, and I can’t accurately communicate how much that means to me.

      There’s never really been any jerks on the forum. There was one dude who wanted to have hard-right flame wars on religion or guns or whatever a couple times but got kinda an apathetic response. I guess sometimes you get jerks in reviews, especially with the anonymity. I got the odd ‘die in a fire’ email over the years.


      but if they found out I wrote Little Brother’s Lesson over on Literotica, I guarantee you there would be a very painful conversation about why I wrote a romantic incest story.

      “I’m heartbroken, son!”

      “Mom, I-”

      “Why did you write it with the sister,” *scoots close*, “and not the Mom?”

      *Old Folks at Home begins to play*

    4. InBrightestDay



      Assuming you didn’t sign up with an email attached to any of your real world stuff it’s pretty unlikely they’d make a connection anyway.

      No, I developed the email I have listed here exclusively for AFF purposes.


      “I’m heartbroken, son!”

      “Mom, I-”

      “Why did you write it with the sister,” *scoots close*, “and not the Mom?”

      *Old Folks at Home begins to play*

      Okay, I know that was a joke, but seriously, while I find incest a powerful fantasy and story element, both on a physical and emotional level, that’s in the abstract.  Thinking about that with my actual family members is seriously gross.  Some fantasies really only work when detached from any personal experience.

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