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JayDee last won the day on December 17 2021

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  1. Did any of the pre-raphaelite lot ever paint a maelid? I can just reference the style for the drib-drab prompt, but I was sort of curious if there was one to see in that style!

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    2. JayDee


      Prompt defintion is just apple nymphs so can probably get away with stretching it to that :). I was thinking the style of Waterhouse and his mates in the pre-raphaelite brotherhood (such as in the Waterhouse’s painting Hylas and the Nymphs, which is not safe for some work environments and shows water nymphs)  . I was just curious if any of ‘em did an apple nymph. They painted a lot of classical themes :)

    3. InvidiaRed


      More interesting…. Is they are the goddesses of “bridal night.” if you catch my drift. Also, the guardian of artifacts. Poor apple nymphs probably never have a day off.


      Jaydee are you asking if anything survived to the present day?

    4. JayDee


      No, just if there was a painting done in a specific style of one or more of ‘em is all.

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