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Everything posted by Lost_Soul

  1. XD; Dildos
  2. ^knows the book and won't tell me >.<; ....yes, what book!? o.o
  4. ^Is just as naughty (o.o? book?)
  5. LOL But yeah, I think dancing is good for you, I used to be a dancer and I danced in many differen't types (tap, jazz, DDR, etc. XD; ) I guess it teaches discipline and reform >.>
  6. LOL guess you're scarred for life because of that incident XD; The only thing that scarred me was finding my dads porn magazines in his dresser when I was really looking for my videogame control that my father took away from me cause I was grounded for something I don't remember now. (I did not know my dad had porn and it shocked me as a kid... there went my innocence and my idea of how I saw my dad being a good man) I never got caught nor does my father know that I found his stash when I was a kid to this day! XD;
  7. toys~ XD;
  9. Truth
  10. ^Had a sexual dream about Lost Soul XP (would like to get to know her more ^^
  11. Ah no problem! You got to share the love and stand up for those who are being harrassed by homophobes! I don't mind beating some homophobe asses myself. >.> Like to shove a pink dildo up their homophobe virgin asses. >D I'm telling ya, I think homophobes are really gay themselves, their just in denial and can't leave the closet cause their pussys! When there are people who are brave enough to come out and face who they really are and share it with others who are hopefully understanding. We shouldn't feel ashamed of our sexual preferences, love is LOVE! It took my father (HUGE HOMOPHOBE and a FUNDY BAPTIST) awhile to come to terms with my decision (sexual preference) and still love me for who I am; I'm still his kid and has feelings who hasn't changed no matter what and should still be loved regardless. We got in a huge argument about this and I told him "If I was gay would you still love me!?" (at the time I was coming to my own conclusion of my sexual oreientation) took him awhile to answer that but he came to me later and said yes, he would still love me if I was gay. (It was a test to see how far my fathers love would go for me, cause I know he cant stand homosexuals and hates them, but I wanted to see for myself if he has that for me, because I am Bi. He's not happy about it, tries to be accepting of it, but we just don't talk about it and go on with our lives. Sad I know... -__-) My family's way of love is... well... its complicating. >.>;
  12. I'll be your friend~! Sasuke and Naruto can go somewhere else though, I found you first! >.<

  13. Everything's fine on my piece of earth... a lil lonely. -__-

    You think you can be my Eve and your Adam and repopulate my side of the earth!? ;3 except... I won't listen to you when you come to me with a fruit and say it will give me the knowledge of God and such... Cause your falling on your own then! >D

  14. Lost_Soul


    ^BANNED for starting this stupid post!!! XD;
  15. Lost_Soul


    This game is Banned! XD How you play is that you ban the person above you for silly reasons. The more silly/stupid the reason, the more gut renching hilarious it becomes for me and you and others who reads it that we fall on our asses laughing. And come on, laughing is good for you, it's the best medicine there is and is said that it makes you younger too! So ladys and gents, this is your chance to BAN people and laugh about it! X3 (well... sort of, sadly you can't really ban anyone for stupid reasons -__-) But at least I have this game here for you to do it anyways and get away with it! >D I'm gonna ban all your asses!
  16. O.O! >.>; <.<; Oh come on baby, we didn't do anything, honest! >.<; I just looked at her! o.o There's nothing between her and me, you are still my one and only!!! <3 X3 my word is... monogamous (I'm innocent!!! )
  17. O.O! XD <3 ^Wants to be involved in the rousing fight ;3 <Is happy Miss Potter is back! X3 Did you sleep well? Have any interesting dreams~ ;D
  18. ^Loves me anyways XP wrong about what points? o.o heh, and try to get your revenge on me! >D I can't wait to see what you will do~! XD
  19. Is this going to end up with how GinnyM.Potter and me were doing towards each other? o.o; A shy look ;3
  20. I'm not a coffee drinker and I drink certain teas but not much. I can go over a day without food and still keep going, I don't know how that is possible sense I don't take/consume anything to keep me going hardly unless it's drinking some juice/water/soda/tea and even that I drink it like a bird does! or so I'm told >.>; lol XD; I'll even eat a bagel w/ cream cheese and some chips and that's all I eat for the rest of the day with a lot of energy coursing through me and I have no idea where I get it from. >.<;
  21. Aaaw~ I missed you too hun~! ^__^ <3

  22. WAHAHAHAHA! >D XP ^Likes to be man handled
  23. ^Wants to be just like Lost Soul... her new idol! ;3 Yeah~ I'm active today. Making up for me having to lay down on my back all day because of recovering from surgery that I had 3 days ago. -__-;
  24. lol, yeah no kidding XD; 6951 *whispers... 2 or is that 10 because you whispered 9?* >_o;
  25. TRUE! And I'm trying to change that.
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