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Everything posted by Lost_Soul

  1. aaawww~ no 1 or 2? -__-; 6949 *whispers... 1!*
  2. ...Love? (can passion be love? yeeaah I think so... -__-; )
  3. annoyingly meow at a cat who is on the other side of the window! >_<; (two of my cats are doing that and it's driving me nuts!) yells @ my two cats> You can't get to the damn cat! STOP growling and meowing at it it ain't doing anything to you guys! SHUT UP! D< Why do cat's do that!? >.<;
  4. Lust
  5. Heh heh heh... you suuure about that? Cause I have a wide imagination... >D It can't be as bad as what I have done in the past... o.o ...ok, now I'm afraid to ask... is it? >.<;
  6. lol same here! XD makes you wonder if they are planning something to do to you... or maybe they just want to be future emos like us! XP jk jk
  7. LOL hehe so I'm guessing, your majesty, that you got rescued... by Mario! XD; sense you got out and returned home safely. XP jk That sure sounds fun, wish I was there in on the new world of possibilities and fun! >.< My christmas was me hanging out with my parent in-laws and my lover and that day I was in pain cause I was going through physical medical problems... -__- yeah, it was an OK christmas... better than the last one. I'm not much on celebrating the holidays so I can care less I suppose. I just feel awkward around my in-laws and nothing fun really happened... or at least exciting anyways....
  8. I'm the same way and I'm known to be a romantic. o.o And I HAVE to be in the mood to do it. But I found out that my fetish is voyeurism... soo... yeeaaah~ -__-; I want to have privacy it's just... I get turned on more if there is a chance I can get caught... ::coughs:: >_>;
  9. ^Is dreaming of Lost Soul X3; Sleep well my dear, have pleasant... dreams~ >D
  10. passionate kiss
  11. ...cheek... >.>;
  12. O.O! NOOOO! XO ^sucks for going to bed! <IS SAD! ;__; we go back to this again tomorrow! >.<
  13. lol XD; my word is light kiss <3
  14. ^Is CUTER~! X3 < Is happy that Miss Potter wants to play! XD; yaaaay~!
  15. TIGHT! its not bondage or domination without a lil pain! >D ::still has it a little loose for Miss Potter anyways cause I'm nice like that:: ;
  16. hehehe that tickles! X3 *pokes the person below'em with a real knife* >D PSYCHO! *loud violin screeching sounds plays in the back round*
  17. ^isn't sure she wants to play... hahaha... wouldn't you like to know! ;3 I'm Bi... so I play both ways! >D (more FUN for me!)
  18. You forgot to POKE! XD; *goes up a level to where GinnyM.Potter is and pokes her with his index-finger* X3 Yeeaaah... my snake Fluffy wouldn't even harm a live mouse. Pathetic, and he's a king snake... sheesh ...some KING snake... -__-;
  19. ^ has a HUGE TONGUE FETISH as you can see... I am! ;D
  20. >D Rope the silk kind so I doesn't hurt the person being tied up ::winks at Miss Potter:: ;3
  21. OOOoooOOOooo~ Careful Miss Potter, I might take you if you keep playing like that! >D Psst... and my snake doesn't bite... ;3 *takes said pitchfork and pokes the person below* heh heh heh MY turn to play DEVIL!
  22. ^has a crazy fetish! hmm... by giving up a lil detail about your kinky self on this post ;3
  23. Had to be put down cause it had rabies! XO Oh where, oh where can my little cat be??
  24. ^has a kinky side? >.>; here's your chance to show it! >D
  25. XD; whip! (it's getting naughty now! you are a bad influence on me Miss Potter! X3;)
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