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Everything posted by Lost_Soul

  1. ROTFLMFAO ah maan~ XD well... it does seem like your gay... >.>; I don't know any straight guy who wears toe socks, a scarf... yeah I can see it and have and long hair, I have guy friends who have long hair and date girls. Has no guy friends... hmm, makes you wonder. I'll be your guy friend~! X3 But that card is quite cute, introduce me to your pal JAM JAM! XD; I would like to get a card like that! I would feel... special~! X3 And I get free money thats folded and shaped into a shirt! thats so cool! Tell Jam I had surgery and needs some lovin' too, send me a 'Get Well' card! XD;
  2. Well... I'm not a hick if thats what your thinking. >.>; I was born and raised in a city WOOHOO! XD I'm a city person >.>;
  3. Aaaww~ Oh and I wanted to mention that I think your sig with the quote: "96% of Americans say "Oh, shit!" before going into the ditch; the other 4% are from Illinois and say, "Hold my beer and watch this shit!" is HILARIOUS!
  4. I like Sesshoumaru, the character myself. But pairings... I don't see Sess with Kagome, he seems to be more with the girl Rin... not saying I'm fine with kiddie porn or underage sex... >.<; I'm just saying that his heart is for Rin alone. And Kagome... hell with Kagome, she annoys the hell out of me and I don't give a fuck who she ends up with, heck, I think she should be with the poor guy Hojo, he's the one who seems to show his affection and respect for the damn girl, Inu-Yasha can just go jump off a cliff and into hell for all I care! >.<
  5. ...yeah... I wonder why? XD did he actually use the dog as a football though...? >.>; cause if he did... hehehe... ahem... sorry... -__- >_>; thats not nice! D< ;
  6. LOL AGREED! Why on earth do they exist!? They are annoying and they can't do a damn thing except shit, eat, sleep, and annoy the hell out of you! They are really dumb dogs too! My kitten is smarter than a chihuahua, seriously! X3
  7. heh heh heh >D thats the way to do it! XD; Soo uh... what is it? Now I'm curious... what's your dirty little secret that makes you go crazy because of lust! X3
  8. Agreed, I like bigger dogs myself. And of course kittens and puppies are cute! Actually... I think a lot of things are cute... even snakes! o.o It's why I own 5 cats and a snake cause I have a soft spot for little animals and I can't say no to them. ;We're sort of getting off topic huh... >.>; sorry! >.<;
  9. Hey~! ;3 thought I leave a comment sense no one else has... I share the love~ XD

  10. yeah true! I prefer cute little animals than a crying snotty nosed kid any day! My pets are quieter than a kid! And I can get annoyed with loud noises... You know... Malmutes can get VERY big... they are very intimidating when they are big... >.< and foo foo dogs scare me too.... -__-; I can't stand chiuauas! Those dogs I just want to empale them on a stick there so annoying and ugly! ESPECIALLY TINKER BELL! (Paris's dumb dog)
  11. Hide your cadbury chocolates in a safe! XD Or I might get to them sense I know you have them! X3
  12. You know, those urinals flush, it could be the knob to flush the urinal. Oh and also, Japanese are just plain... perverts... They have vending machines for EVERYTHING! You can buy panties in a vending machine, porn magazines in a vending, ect. And also, used clothes, even used underwear, sell more than new ones in the stores of Japan. Seriously! You get more money you sell your school girl uniform then a new one. So if you're planning on buying a used school girl outfit, hope you have the yen cause it costs more in Japan. UGH... buying used underwear is just GROSS! DX hehehe check this site out *CLICK IT*: SILLY Japanese merchandise XD
  13. Actually, in the state of Indiana, any employer can fire you for any reason no matter what! (Pisses me off and is why I am trying to move out of Indiana! >.< ) Its the same for my last employer for firing me for being sick, they have the right to do so, its in the law in Indiana, as long as they do not fire me because of my race, religion, or gender; they can fire me for any other reason or without giving a reason. And no, I could not collect unemployment for that, this is why I HATE Indiana!!! D<
  14. Yeah I know how you feel and I can relate. It isn't fair! >.< My sister has it going for her and is living a free and fun life when I'm on the side of the road beaten and raped... sort of speak... >.>;But as they say, Life isn't Fair! And whats good for us is that we come out stronger, while the others who have things handed to them on a silver-platter, when shit will happen to them, they will CRASH and BURN and not know how to go about it, we will know how to and over come it. I think of it that way. ^^ We will be blessed for our misfortunes and they will get theres! X3
  15. Cadbury is awesome! Yeah, actually eating sweets will make anyone thirsty. I prefer drinking water when it comes to eating chocolate. And ironically, I just finished watching the original 'Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory' XP; after watching that... GAWD do I want some fudge and sweets and... Hello everyone... my names is Lost Soul and I'm a chocoholic XD;
  16. WOOOO~! EXCELLENT! LETS GO HOMOPHOBE HUNTING! >Danyone else care to join? >.> <.<;
  17. ^should take aspirin! <Is sorry for making your headaches worse -__-
  18. ^Is tired =__= Make up your mind already! XP
  19. Lost_Soul


    ^Banned for laughing so much XD
  20. ^SUCKS for going to bed <is sad shes going to bed ;__;
  21. ^Likes being chased
  22. ^Likes chasing girls O.O XD; heh wow... someones well endowed <yes... is evil!
  23. Lost_Soul


    ^Banned for complaining... AGAIN! XP
  24. rough
  25. ^Has gotten away <watches Becca try to capture Araneola X3
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