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Writing Chapter Stories? How many and how long?
Lost_Soul replied to Ginevra's topic in Unofficial Guides
I don't think it's a problem that your previous chapter is 5,750 words and the next being a lot less. I have read published books where some chapters are like that, it all depends on what you want to put into a chapter. It's ok to have a long novel, or it wouldn't be called a novel now would it? XP -
DAMMIT! >_< nvm... I got myself killed by attacking a person who is a level LOWER than me! >.<; How the hell did that happen!? ;__; sighs~ Someone revive me... -__- but please don't go and kill me... Let me enjoy my one breath of life first... XD;
ROTFLMFAO! You poor girl, this reminds me of this (must click link to see what I am talking about... for all you gaming nerds out there X3): Nooooo~ DAMMIT! I hate it when this happens! D< ....I rest my case.... -__- Hopefully, it won't happen to me on here. >_<;
YESSS~! I have finally killed someone! >.< Agaib is my first kill! MUAHAHAHAHA!!! >D Reason for killing him: I disagreed with him on his thoughts about God. XP So I SMOTE HIM for not agreeing with me! >D (all in good fun, I'm not taking this seriously, jokingly of course. ) So far no suicide... >_>; And I lost to AmberRose I believe? >_o; or did she kill me...? -__-; I don't remember which... >.<; well anyways... she's the reason I got into this battling on AFF! DARN YOU AMBERROSE! XD; Now I'm ADDICTED! >_<;
That's an awful thing to have wished for. -__- And because of being a witch, it could have something to do with what you wished upon him but I can't be sure about that. Your reason for it, thinking you might be more powerful than you think, I don't know about that, just how you went about the whole problem only made it worse and end badly. Demons have their ways on doing things when around people who have negative thoughts and actions on others. This will give them all the more reason to cause harm/problems on you for your sins. Believe me or not, I know all to well on how things work when it comes to demons and how they work. You should really be careful on your actions and what you wish for on others, because they most likely will come true.
I wish you luck and blessings to you and your unborn child. You made the right choice for the sake of your baby. You should also get help and apply for welfare and medicaid for you and your child which will help you pay for the expenses that you might not be able to cover. You will get through this if you just have faith and you work hard, don't doubt or that will just set you back instead of pushing you forward. Have faith that God will take care of you and he will. If you need to ask questions or help on this you can always PM me or IM me (my AIM name is on my profile), I'm here for ya.
It is wrong to curse ANYONE! Because a curse will follow back to you and nip you in the butt. And why love is given to people you think don't deserve it is puzzeling yes, but everyone deserves love no matter what, God loves all of his children, good or bad. You should learn to forgive rather than curse a person's sin, because they will get their punishments in due time, it is not at your interests when and where it will happen for you are not God. That is God's job to worry about, not yours, just forgive and forget and move on in your life without worry. The thing is... revenge or cursing someone won't bring justice, it will just bring more pain and trouble and not resolve anything! Be careful what you wish on people, because it WILL come back to you ten fold.
Aw that sucks. D: I just got out of surgery yesterday from removing a cist. (there's more to it but I don't want to get into details) >.< My abdomen hurts now. ;__; And I'm stuck on a diet of soft foods, can't move around too much or walk too fast, have to be laying down most of the time (I shouldn't be on the computer >.> and I can't have sex (Xo Noooooo~) and have to wait until I see the doctor again (in 2 weeks) until he gives me an O.K., doctors orders! >_<; Boy does this suck. T__T Luckily, I already have ALL of my wisdom teeth removed. XP
O.O LOL oi, that's uhm... interesting.... ;>_> ...creative even... boy, doesn't anyone have anything interesting to do online except make annoying chains? -__-; I'll give'em credit for this one... it is funny.
HA NO KIDDING! oi -__- O.O I'm just... at a lost for words on the picture though.... ;
*Catches top state secrets* >D eheheheheheheheh~ *uses top state secrets for his own evil scheme to rule the state!* *As he walks away with evil delight, he "accidentally" drops a live grenade behind him* >D
^loves sexy women in corsets that wears a rose around their neck. It's from the anime show 'Inu-Yasha', Naraku is the main villain and has a huge burned scar in the shape of a spider that looks like Araneola's avatar. ^^
Writing Chapter Stories? How many and how long?
Lost_Soul replied to Ginevra's topic in Unofficial Guides
Well, that's one way to do it. ^^ Glad you found a way to come to terms on your writing and how you have it set up. I agree with you on it being too short that it would seem rushed. As long as your happy with how you write it out it sounds good to me on what you have decided. Again, good luck with your story. -
Actually, what I said was not that God does not need to be moved, but rather that he is such that he can move himself, as stated in Genesis "I am who I am." The human would have to express "I am who my genes and circumstances have made me." Perhaps you misunderstood the proof. It is not intended to be scientific proof. Do not assume so. It is merely a philosophical proof. Oh, but I have. By necessity, the causes cannot go on into infinity, for then there would be no first cause, and no subsequent causes, and therefore no existence. Since we do, in fact , exist…well you get the idea. Also, even if I had classified God as being the universe, who are you to say that the universe itself could not be God? No, it is not, as I explained, for the universe to exist there must be an outside force or God to cause it to exist, which is not influenced by the laws that govern it. Rather that being determines the laws of our reality. For the universe to exist of itself and no other, the chain would need to be infinite…. See my above response. Those ideas would be no more or less true if humans did not exist to formulate them. That is the meat and potatoes of philosophy- if a tree falls ect. To say you do not believe in a divine being is one thing, To say that these things do not in any way imply the existence of God is simply a flawed argument. Simply because this philosophy holds no truth to you does not mean that it holds no truth to any of us, because it does. As I said above, just because we as humans define objects as having a purpose does not mean that there is no purpose without us to formulate one. And the very fact that you do not know how the universe works opens the door to the possibilities. Just because you do not feel you have a reason to believe in God, does not mean that I, or people at large for that matter, have no reason to. I am sorry you see the universe as such a cold, lifless place, but your point of view is not the only one, nor is it the majority. I ask that you respect my views and the views of others, and I shall respect yours.
::nods:: Same here... my problem is having to go through all of it and pick which one to put in the story... so that's what keeps me from writing cause I have to sit there and nitpick which would fit better and make the story flow. I also have a problem by actually taking the time and type it all out... I'm such a perfectionist that I will sit there and think how I should go about it, even though I know exactly what to write, I still sit there and think and visualize how the story will go before I write it all out. ugh... >.<; I hope I didn't jinx myself into a writers block! ;>_>
Writing Chapter Stories? How many and how long?
Lost_Soul replied to Ginevra's topic in Unofficial Guides
When it comes to chapters, I think it all depends on the writer's themselves on how many they want in their story/book/novel. And really, it depends on the readers themselves when it comes to length of a chapter. A reasonable length for a chapter depends on what your writing. I don't concentrate on how long the chapters will be, but on what I put in it and how I have it written, as you have mentioned, have them cover certain events or topics. Though when I end a chapter, I end it in a way that would want the reader to want more, a clifhanger. So that they will keep coming back to read my story to know more about what will happen. I like to have my readers on edge and not know what's going on in the story fully until it's complete. I like to keep them guessing as I throw in a few plot twists here and there. >D heh heh heh As an online reader or as just a reader of any book published, I don't care how long a chapter is, there's eventually got to be a pause in the story for a break (like a commercial break from your favorite tv series ^^). And also, if the chapter is interesting or exciting enough, it doesn't matter if there is fifty pages in a chapter, it's just that not everyone has the time to sit there and read for so long. My preference as a reader is no different from my preference as a writer. I hope my answer helps you out with your story. Good luck! ^__^ -
Yeah, I'm the same way... in astrology I am both Pisces and Aquarius (my birthday is in between, was aquarius and then became pisces, and so is my chinese zodiac, kind of confusing, but that was what I was told by a person who knows a hell of a lot about these astrologies than me). And in the Chinese zodiac I am both Rabbit and Tiger. oi... -__-; I also have both traitss equally too from what I found when I used to study astrology and the Chinese astrology. Though I don't think it is fully accurate, but strangely most of it is. lol has anyone read the book 'Born on a Rotten Day' now THAT was right on the money when it came to your bad astrology characteristics/personality/traits. I felt like I was an awful person who should go die in a hole after reading it. >_<;
Would You Rather Be A Lover Instead Of A Killer?
Lost_Soul replied to Calanthee's topic in ipBattlePro
SHUT UP~! Don't give them ideas! >.< I don't want to be a whore! ;__; ::Runs away to hide from the crazy horny women... and men >_>;:: Xo -
I found that you are a true writer if you have works published, even if it means you have fan fiction stories published. I found a woman, S.D. Perry, who has written several novels on Capcom's 'Resident Evil' and several other stories on Star Trek, Aliens, and others that are based on tv series. I was told she got permission from Capcom to write novels on their game 'Resident Evil', some based on the actual game following the story and some loosely based on the game and changed a few things in the story. So I guess, you can say Fan Fiction writers are writers if published. I also think, in my opinion, that fan fic writers are writers also if their story has a plot to it, and it's not all about SEX/SMUT in their stories, that their is a storyline that follows without it seeming like your reading porn/erotica.
I found out that the masseuse who was there at the scene who found Heath Ledger not responding and she called Mary-Kate three times BEFORE she dialed 911! WTF!? Who the hell in their right mind would call someone else for help when you should be calling 911 for help in the first place! Also, she wasn't a licensed masseuse. A masseuse is supposed to know CPR and this one didn't! They say she was on the phone with the damn Mary-Kate for 10 minutes before she called 911, or that's what I heard. If anyone finds new info on this, please post.
I get what you mean. o.o I try to do that myself by adding my own original ideas in the fan fic I am writing so that it doesn't seem like I'm stealing the whole idea. I mean, of course you use the already created characters but I add my own and put in a different plot to the story but not so much that it doesn't fit with the whole story originally, just sown in together for another story on the side of said original plot done by the actual creator; understand what I mean? ;>_> I think I just confused some people... >.<; sorry! 0_0 NVM X3;
Story Writing Questions
Lost_Soul replied to Xx....-Dark Vamp Writer-....Xx's topic in Writers' Corner
aaaaaaaaawwwwwww~ ;__; -
XD; GO FARRETS! X3 do you even own a ferret? o.o