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Everything posted by pittwitch

  1. Interview Friday. YIKES

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. pittwitch


      Grins and tosses in the colored duct tape - just for fun!

    3. BronxWench


      I know you'll do wonderfully, love!:D But I'll cross everything anyway! Including the elves! ::borrows some colored duct tape::

    4. JayDee
  2. I cannot, CANNOT, tolerate much more.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. LockedBox


      Ah, is the silly season getting to you? Or is it the idiot your working for? Either can be remedied easily enough with booze and a sturdy cudgel if your so inclined.

    3. DemonGoddess


      *gets the deballer and claw hammer out*

    4. pittwitch


      has the perfect spot for the hole ...

  3. Did you use the center boxes or the corner ones? The site will think you're logged in, but the center boxes are only for validating the first time.
  4. It really sounds like you aren't logged in. DG is around and BW - they know more about this stuff. They'll work it out for ya.
  5. Have you tried logging out, then logging back in using the boxes in the upper right hand corner, not the center boxes? Sometimes that works ...
  6. Fired or not - really don't care at this point, I would just like to know.

    1. Show previous comments  33 more
    2. pittwitch


      Amen, BW. This is the gateway to something better. I have an interview on Tuesday. :D

    3. BronxWench
    4. Anesor


      heh, that flu will be a problem for longer and hope you can sail away! People are not easy to replace cogs.

  7. Will vote with Bronx and WD - not at all happy. There's a difference between offering something to view for free on a site like this and taking it for yourself.
  8. There is no sale item under the sun that could entice me to go out into the stores today. EGADS! Really people?

    1. BronxWench


      I went once in my life. It was over 30 years ago, and I have never repeated the experience.

    2. kagome26isawsome


      i talked my dad out of taking 3 tvs to good will yesterday....i know better than going out on black friday

  9. Of all the massive mistakes I've ever made in my life, I have never brought a 747 down at the wrong airport. I'm still laughing here. How in the nine Hells do you manage that?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. WillowDarkling


      I want a link to this one… seriously, guys? :D That's just beyond idiotic :D

    3. JayDee


      Doesn't help with the general public perception that flight crews are permenantly drunk off their asses!

    4. BronxWench
  10. Hi! You can find all of the content rules spelled out under the TOS - here: http://www.adult-fanfiction.org/guidelines.php. The little red number indicates the number of active users in the ShoutBox.
  11. This Ash? http://inu.adult-fanfiction.org/authors.php?no=1296779030
  12. I have a strong suspicion this was the story that was misplaced in the Harry Potter Archive when it belonged in the Non-English Archive. The original Author will need to repost it there.
  13. Log out. Then log back in using the boxes in the upper right hand corner - NOT the center log in boxes. Those are only for activating.
  14. I can't find any record of staff action, nor the story, which leads me to believe the author took it down. Google-fu led nowhere. Sorry.
  15. I think DG is interpreting your posts as: You would like AFF to officially share this gizmo with our users as an option. If you want to use it for your own personal reading pleasure, more power to you! If anyone else would like to take advantage of your find, more power to them. AFF can't endorse something until its functionality is confirmed.
  16. Pen name: Pittwitch Story: Where Faeries Live Still http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600102842&chapter=28 FlashFic: 1,000 words exact Rating: Adult ++ Pairing: Original, this chapter F/m Warnings: Nudity, fondling, D/s, FemDom, light bond prompt used: Quintessence
  17. scored triple the quantity on rhinestone for over 50% off! Ebay rocks!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. JayDee


      I still say the Val Kilmer version of Doc Holliday was one of the best!

    3. JayDee


      Which is a weird thing to say about someone who was a real person, but what the hell. :D

    4. pittwitch


      I totally agree with you! Casting Val Kilmer for that role was a stroke of genius!

  18. I need more to go on to do a search, sorry.
  19. I just read and commend you on the bravery of first-person. Quite difficult. One word of advice: the correct spelling is manacles.
  20. Not from AFF but if I recall there was a FFN purge that spurred the creation of AFF.
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