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Everything posted by pittwitch

  1. Learned on a manual - manual = not electric typewriter. We were so high tech. I thought I died and went to heaven when I could afford an electric.
  2. The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
  3. JayDee - I love you. From dictation, my forte: 125 wpm on a bad day.
  4. when the support character wants to take over the WHOLE story.

  5. Thank you for making the report. Please be assured that the staff take each and every case for consideration. We will research the matter in depth.
  6. Good! Just follow the instructions spelled out there. The moderator who swept that Archive will handle your request from here. PW
  7. Checking into the situation, I found that your story was hidden for improper tagging. You would have been sent an email with instructions how to add the tags and how to inform the moderating team of those corrections. The disclaimer was an "also" warning. If you do not see that email, please check your spam folder. Thank you.
  8. When an archive mod is next available, they will verify and unhide.
  9. Seriously, just made the best chilli of my career!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. pittwitch


      My taste buds are overstimulated! :P

    3. BronxWench


      Ooohhh... send recipe, please! :D

    4. kagome26isawsome


      ohh send me some chili please!

  10. You still have to physically log out of the Archive?
  11. Our writers always have the option of placing a warning line at the beginning of the actual chapter when something needs to be tagged.
  12. Unfortunately, it is another example of the minority trashing a good thing for the majority.
  13. phone ringing off the hook today - Yay for job leads!

    1. BronxWench


      ::crosses everything::

    2. Anesor


      Yay! Much success. (and the best revenge of living well)

    3. LockedBox


      Go forth and get payed, dear pittwitch!

  14. Readers make no sense, lol. Often the ones who take the time to review, aren't in the majority. It struck me today: frequently what repulses us in reality does indeed attract us in fantasy, i.e. incest. At its root, incest is just - so wrong. But when reading fanfiction, without the "realness" of the characters, even I will openly admit that Wincest or Twincest is quite adequate for heating up a frigid day amid this despicable polar vortex thing. Write for yourself; what you enjoy. Screw the rest.
  15. Dog Days are Over - Florence and the Machine
  16. Pen name: Pittwitch Story: Stress Relief: http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600023025&chapter=13 Fandom: Harry Potter Type of Fic: Flashfic Pairing: Snape/OFC Warnings: Het, definite sex in this.
  17. Trying to write with a house full of hopped up teengirls = impossible.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. pittwitch


      Mmmmm! Is it the DragonWeasley?

    3. BronxWench
    4. pittwitch


      There's just so many of them to choose from!

  18. Not surprisingly, Bronxwench and I share a lot of the same tastes. Oddly, it seems, for a woman, I like a strong female lead. She doesn't necessarily have to be the dominant partner but I certainly avoid the wishy washy women. I do not do rape stories. If it is essential to the plot of the story, well, I can tolerate it but I find nothing even remotely erotic in rape. There are those who do though. I like strong male characters as well. But the most important part of what I like is the actual story, whether it's multi-chaptered or a PWP - it should be well-written, planned out and at least plausible.
  19. Not a bad interview. Cautiously optimistic.

    1. JayDee


      Fingers still crossed then, glad it werent bad

    2. BronxWench


      I'm crossing it all for you, dear PW!

    3. pittwitch


      The first one - well, let's just say I wasn't impressed with the 13 year old who interviewed me, lol. This one seemed to have their shit together anyway. :D

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