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Everything posted by pittwitch

  1. For those of us who suffered through the outtages, I thank you for this Herculean endeavor to protect our stories and this site. I look forward to many more years of stability for my reading pleasure. I know full well that no one would have undertaken such a huge amount of work if it were not absolutely vital to the continuation of the site. Thanks for all you do. PW
  2. First, as always, when an author uses straight quotes from an episode or book, the material must be given proper citations, i.e.: Harry Potter, Goblet of Fire, p. 56., Star Trek: The Next Generation, Episode 11, etc. That being said, there is a distinct difference between quoting material and these ReadTheBook or FanMake type stories. To escape the label of ReadTheBook or FanMake, a story must contain substantially more original written material from the fanfiction auihor than straight copying of the rightful owners' scripts or stories. Simply adding author's asides will not suffice. Simply changing the characters names will not suffice. Simply adding a new character to speak in a narrator's voice, etc., will not suffice. Finally, the one that completely baffles me: simply changing the universe, say turning Lilo and Stitch into Rizzolli and Isles, will not suffice. The key word is substantial. What is concerning is your statement, "I changed things up a bit of course, sometimes adding things ..." I am not certain that simply changing things up "a bit" will meet the criteria for substantial. Without seeing/knowing the episode/script and your version, I cannot say with any confidence whether or not the story qualifies as a FanMake or ReadTheBook entry.
  3. Please abide by our rules. This is posted at the very top of the Searching Forum: Searching for a Fic? If you know the piece of fiction that someone is searching for is removed from the site, but you retained a personal copy, please do not pass the story around. If the story is taken down either by the Author or Moderator staff there is a reason behind it that must be respected. You may not ask for copies of stories. You may ask for links to already posted stories. To whit, from the author's profile page: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=544201844
  4. pittwitch

    Unwanted mate

    Please read here: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/topic/51988-naga-lord/
  5. pittwitch


    Please read here, from Naga-Lord's own profile: http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/profile.php?no=1296848792
  6. Are you entering your birth date in the proper format? 2013-08-17?
  7. note to self, start on page 29

  8. Please read here: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/topic/29596-how-to-use-the-new-recommended-reading/
  9. Wifi everywhere lately, even when we were camping at the lake, lol.
  10. At this time, there is no way to download anything from this site to an e-reader.
  11. GeorgeGlass - I keep vats of it. Take as much as you want/need.
  12. Pen name: Pittwitch FlashFic Rating: Adult ++ Fandom: Supernatural Pairing: Sam/Dean/Castiel/OFC Warnings: Slash, BDSM, FemmeDomme, punishment, control, NoSex - yet story link: http://tv.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600097838&chapter=4
  13. Dear Bronx: Yes, I did publish it. Despite your kind words, I still feel like a missed the steampunk mark, lol. I do have a fondness for these two. Poor Finnbar is really trying to escape his fate as a mere farmhand. Mr. Keane's special recipe has many other uses, I'm sure. Thank you for your praise and support. I'd have thrown in the pen and paper a long time ago if it weren't for wonderful friends like you.
  14. Thank you so much to the readers who took time from their busy lives to feed this author's soul. Truly, that's how reviews feel to me! I originally wrote this after another writer slammed a challenge at me via email -- through a call for submissions for a Steampunk Anthology. There was a pretty picture which captured my imagination. The story wasn't accepted but I didn't think it was recycle bin worthy, so I shared. I am pretty sure that I missed the steampunk requirement by a mile and a half. Steampunk background here: http://www.steampunk.com/what-is-steampunk/ Think Wild Wild West with Will Smith. Lisa - I did read Toy Store after your review and chuckled. Great minds come up with some twisted machines! The idea of the milking machine has been lurking in the plunny hutch for eons, mainly in the form of a post-apocalyptic alien society story wherein the men have basically been bred into impotence so the women kidnap a few prime examples of another race, hold them in a production facility and mechanically harvest the semen. No clue what spawned that idea, but it will not leave me alone. Thank you for wanting to see more of Finn and Jeremiah. I hadn't thought of them past the one-shot status. Who knows? Maybe after I clean up a SPN fanfiction I've got in the works, I can see where this one goes. KatC - Well, now that you've tossed some very entertaining ideas at me, I may have to reopen my notebook with this sordid little tale. Thank you for your kind words and inspiration. It means a lot. That you both want to read more, learn more about these characters is just about the highest praise I could ever ask for as a writer. THANK you!
  15. Red is the Rose, streaming live from Dublin OH!
  16. http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/topic/49411-dracoharry/#entry328488
  17. You kids all be careful or you'll fall off the dock! Guess who actually fell off the dock?

    1. BronxWench


      ::pets and offers warm towel, hot fetch boi and whiskey::

  18. Shez changed names since then, to LibertyElyot. Neither profile remains as she is now a very well-known published author in the UK. Google LibertyElyot to find some of the other sites where she posts/ed.
  19. pittwitch

    MxM bdsm

    I recommend the anthology 50 Gays of Shade and the authors therein. All short BDSM stories, M/M. http://www.amazon.com/50-Gays-of-Shade-ebook/dp/B00BFFPK86
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