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Cleanup Crew
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Everything posted by pittwitch

  1. In all honesty, as much as I've been in and around the Archives, I've not seen anything reach the 1,000 mark. I wasn't offended, just pointing out a serious weakness with the rating system. I read along the same lines as BW. Oddly, we share very similar tastes in tales.
  2. Pen name: Pittwitch Story link: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600102842&chapter=22 Title: Treacherous Travels Story type: flashfic Rating: Adult++ Fandom: Original Warnings: D/s established relationship, F/m NoSex, ChallengeFic, AFFO
  3. I find the rating system to be highly unreliable. One person with an honest opinion can rate a ++ and two fanpoodles rate +++++ and the system shows three rated +++++. IMHO stories with those super high ratings are rated up unnaturally. I agree with DG -- there are hugely talented writers on this site across all of the fandoms who don't encourage or rely on their cohorts for the popularity ego-stroke.
  4. He is learning, and no doubt will master - PW dammit. PW. PW.
  5. There's a news post forthcoming that will explain everything. Hold tight.
  6. Not sure I can manage to keep my temper in check at work today. Oh, the repercussions.

    1. BronxWench


      ::sets out chocolate, whiskey-laced coffee, and a leather paddle::

    2. pittwitch
  7. Dog Days are Over - Florence and the Machine
  8. Are you using the center log in box or the log in box in the upper right hand corner?
  9. If I hear one more person praising 50 Shades of blah, ugh. I dunno. Just don't know about these folks.

    1. BronxWench


      Throw glitter on them.

    2. pittwitch


      They'd like that too much.

    3. Danyealle


      consider the sources and move on. It's how i keep my sanity...

  10. pittwitch


    Yes, I'm jumping in as well - the "polite" thing to do would be for users NOT to break the law. Sincerely, I'm hoping perhaps a few other users who are following this thread will read and heed the message.
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