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Everything posted by Danyealle

  1. The whole LEMON STARTS HERE and LEMON ENDS HERE bit is enough to make me want to take a bat to someone. I'm sorry, but if I'm reading on here I rather expect smut to come into play somewhere unless there is a nosex tag on it. Nor am I going to have vapors and faint dead away if I find said smut in a story somewhere. If you're posting on AFF and reading on here then the fact that a story contains it isn't going to come as a complete and utter shock <sarcasm> though if it's well written by someone who has working knowledge of sexual escapades and the mechanics there of might</sarcasm>. Nor do you need to warn minors its there (let's face it folks, even the kids on The Pit read the crap and putting that up just draws them like flies to shit). Massive authors notes are another thing that make me want to beat people with something that causes an immense amount of pain. The truth? I don't read them unless I'm working in the archive or if it's an author that NEVER leaves a note, which generally conveys that it's something important I might need to take a gander at, and generally just scroll to where the story starts or leave it when the story part ends. Most of it isn't anything I need or want to know and is more BS than anything else (don't get me started on that as I've seen things like people bitching how their sister is screwing their husband and she's mad about it... no joke!). If you need a massive authors note to explain your story, plot or something in it that means you didn't write it correctly to impart those kinds of things. And if you did write it properly and someone didn't get it, it's their issue, not yours. Even worse than that is when they scream at you (via all caps) in the note or to leave a review. There is a special place in hell for these people, I swear it...
  2. RIP Col. Potter (Harry Morgan)! You will be missed!

    1. BronxWench


      A true gentleman and he'll be missed.

    2. Melrick
  3. it's Visions of an Empath
  4. deleted the story
  5. There is a hell and it has a name: Wal-Mart!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Danyealle


      you're LUCKY Melrick!

      BW, here i don't have much of a choice, unfortunately. It's either Wal-hell or the grocery store and the store just doesn't carry some of what i need so i had to brave it on payday weekend, military payday weekend and the Xmas rush GAH!

    3. BronxWench


      Oh, dear gods, that's just not even remotely pleasant!!!

    4. Danyealle


      it wasn't. I was convinced that many wanted to die and there were herds of kids i wanted to trip...

  6. I did it! I sold three more stories to WCP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Danyealle
    3. sumeragichan


      Enjoy the rum. There's always more...

    4. Danyealle


      LOL I'm packing the booze away, trust me!

  7. Sounds like Willpower
  8. OMGOMGOMG! I have a kindle! THANK YOU SHADOW, ROWDY and, of course, Speedy! There are TEARS!

    1. ApolloImperium
    2. BronxWench


      That is just made of WIN, and Shadow, Rowdy and the ever ladylike and delicate Speedy are all awesome! :D

  9. Newest excuse for plagiarism... "None of these stories or mine. Other people wrote them. I don't claim ANY of them, okay? I just need them in this format so I can read them in on my phone. Okay." And people wonder why we get mad!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Danyealle


      an obscure fic on a private site

    3. WillowDarkling


      Dany, stick the phone somewhere where it's near impossible to retrieve and then give them a rotary dial phone for the next 15 years.

    4. pittwitch


      The depths of stupidity still astound me. Still. After everything. Sporking is too good for this one.

  10. it's now unhidden
  11. I sent you an e-mail explaining what the issue is. You may want to check that.
  12. Shadow says (12:30 AM): *-turns on original batman theme music and dances through your im box in flaming pink underpants and a bed sheet cape- *<---is a risk taker------- What my world is like late at night! Gotta love life (and Shadow)!

    1. BronxWench


      Tell Shadow the YouTube of that went viral already...

    2. Danyealle
  13. Oh yeah, my muse is taking a big ole dump on me : bashes head repeatedly on the desk:

  14. Oh yeah, my muse is taking a big on dump on me : bashes head repeatedly on the desk:

  15. Their Phoenix is a great one! Kinder, Kindler, Kindlier Love, Free as Air Ashborn (the only one not done)
  16. Insanity is done, FINALLY! No more comedy... EVER!

    1. DemonsAngel


      You are evil! Insanity should never end! Its too funny! XD J/K Great job Dany!

  17. I've had a couple of these! Apparently, it's some kind of funky-fied font (they appear to be using different fonts now to trick things) not real Hebrew. What has been working on my end is going with the letter it most resembles like the 'n' and such. It accepts that. Yeah, BW, I keep getting Kanji as well. No clue how I'm supposed to type that in. Same with the damned musical notes I get here and there.
  18. Actually, she's never allowed back here and is in our Hall of Shame... view entry here
  19. there is actually something, somewhere on it stating, clearly, nosex stories are allowed, that Adult Fan Fiction means you have to be an adult to be here but I can't find it right off the bat Edit: Took me a few but i found it! Here it is...
  20. R.I.P. Steve Jobs... to infinity and beyond!

    1. BronxWench


      His genius will be missed.

  21. no one anywhere is impressed with the 'speed' of them acting on this, trust me.
  22. I unhid it earlier today so you should be good
  23. They finally deleted her!
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