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Everything posted by Calanthee

  1. Cheap! Cheap! Cheap! That's what you all are, when you don't leave any Naughty POints for other people to win! Come on, give other people a chance! What's with this sudden....wild hording thing... this is just a game Guys! You act like this a real cut throat war, and you hold on to each naughty piece as if it is for real or your last. Give me brake! If you think it will keep me from killing you, because it's not worth my while,...FORGET IT, if you get down low enough... that I might have a chance to make you dead, I'll try... so there! Nothing better than Killing left overs Actually I am in it for the Frags and experience points...don't get wrong... naughty points are nice, I even use the bank too! But I alway leave some Naughty point for the winner! Remember that bloody killing frenzy you guy start, attracts and vultures, so look behind you... if you get well tenderized with lower Hps I will be right there waiting to do the nasty... no not that nasty, Silly, the other one, the one where you get dead! Love, Kisses, and Death, Calanthee the Dead Assassin
  2. Becca Dear, now I must waite to kill you, until someone has nicely soften you up first and taken away some of your nasty HPs, then like the preditor that I am I swoop in for the kill... and finish you off... it makes it that much more fun! Evil Calanthee at your service Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...
  3. How many of you get involved with IpBattlePro Killing and forget to write, [Calanthee raises Hand] This game brings out my ol' gamer instincts and I want to kill things... can you guys tell??? Cal
  4. Shinigami69 Is your name from "Death Note" Actually the Shinigami are my favorite Characters on the show, both Light and the weird detective.... rub me the wrong way... I think the weird detective is more than he appears... he may be rightious, but he still very weird! Just click on the stories you like, On Your Favorites Center on your computer and the AFF story pages will come up, at least it does on mine... then you can quickly check to see if the authors updated. Cal
  5. Yeah, Sugar get on you knees, while I pull out my whip, I can tell how much you want it! Evil Cal
  6. Unfortunately, Lost_Soul, a good number of people don't make that rational leap to upgrade their thought processes and their lifestyle. They behave and think like they were raised... Not knowing their behavor is wrong and suspect, they repeat the situation by having more children... because they think they are suspose too, or it makes Children simply the by-product and accident of unprotected sex. Children should be planned, wanted, and loved and certainly not an... accident! Children should be thought of as a gift from the creator! Cal
  7. To all and Especially, Laaerie, Okay I stand rebuked, no one liked my idea...that's well and good...It was simply and idea. I use to be Rpg Gamer, the idea in the game was to keep the levels lower, so all the player characters were not gods playing against .... lower levels character... so every one had a chance. If you don't like my idea that fine, its your right It was not my thought to insult anyone such as you "Laaerie Darling" I though my ideas were more of an equalizer which would gave all levels a chance, but you accusing me of cowardice and Laziness and that I am picking on people who are slow, certainly that is not what I am after at all... so sorry it just not true. If you took it that way your wrong, but I appologise any way, if I hurt your IBpro feelings. I thought I was helping with my suggestion, if you prefer, to keep it all in your private little group on this forum, and not have me make suggustions, just let me knew, beside lol this forum keeps me away from writing my smutty stories, so I shouldn't spend so much time on here, anyway. Hurt and accused of something that is not true, Old DM from way back, Calanthee
  8. We need some kind of weapon or weapons, magic or otherwise,... to bring down people's levels and make the game more challenging and fun... we go up levels too quickly an easily... I think, let me know if you think I am wrong people! ONE WEAPON FOR EACH OF THE RANGE OF LEVELS BELOW 1st Level to 20th Level= 1-5 points taken off level some kind of random save NO MONEY LOSS 20th Level to 40th Level = 5-10 points taken off level some kind of random save NO MONEY LOSS As for the great beyond 40th LEVEL or up there in outerspace = 25-50 points taken off Level if save is lost... whither save is made or not ten level are lost NO MONEY LOSS The Devil's Backdoor The most devastating weapon of all: levels 1 to infinity are reduced to 0/Zero unless save is made,but if the one attacked saves he is safe WITH NO MONEY LOSS! But sadly, the initially attacker, who dared to use the Devil's weapon is reduce to ZERO LEVELS, ZERO HP, AND ZERO MONEY/ GILS! OOps! You loss your soul too as well, I forgot! HE/SHE WHO USES THIS WEAPON MUST SUCCEED OR DIE ! Just a few ideas that were rattling around in my head, sorry if it rattles too much lately. Sincerely, Calanthee
  9. "Be fruitful and multply....my ass!" Not everyone meant to be parents and have kids,... it takes maturity and patience I have neither. Right now there is too many screwed-up little/big abused kids in this world, people should be forced to pass a test to have normal kids. Not anyone should be allowed the privilege. To imature for my own good, I'll wait to people mutate and lay eggs and then maybe or.... maybe not, Calanthee
  10. Flamers/trolls are ignorant e-mail terrorists and preditors, who get their jollys off [probably sexual in nature because they aren't getting any at home or at work] they enjoy shocking, hurting and insulting people and writers, who do their own thing... most likely they're just jealous of those others and their skills, which they lack and so they seek attention anyway they can get it. On another forum for several years, I acted as Anti-Flamer and Troll Killer, I gave them back everything they dished out and more, until they stopped bugging people and left the forum... it was fun and enjoyable. Calanthee, the Assassin PS Keep writing what you love.
  11. Did you and Dick have a nice time???
  12. I thought the correct spelling was cum... not come... for that activity, but of course in the past tense... it is still... He came. Come now what's wrong with the word "IMPALED" I personally think it is a perfectly damn good word, especially if the sexual act takes place in a seated position. So I confess I have used it .... so shoot me! Here is a little poetic ditty just for you: She was coming around the mountain, when she came When the chains of her bicycle broke She was caught in grass with the fender up her ass And her tits going around in the spokes A Large throbbing member of AFFnet, Evil Cal
  13. Yes I noticed... giggle LOL Cal
  14. Dear God-like Powers that be, We have a wee problem with the Battle game, everyone has either high hit Points or low hit points and the poor suckers in the middle only have a couple of people to fight and kill over and over again... plus every ones joining s guild and that limits opponents too, as we can't attack anyone two level below us ?.... we need some kind magic to either bring us up levels or down lower levels I just had to kill a friend to up my naughty points and that is certain more evil than naughty. Some one accidently killed me, but I forgive'm... I don't mind being dead... just loosing my points LOL Repeatedly dead and bloody, Cal....................... No No I think I am dead again! Help Help Help!!!!!
  15. Absolutely, All the usual, and maybe few more that you lovely AFF forum imaginative fans and Writers can "cum" up with! Cal
  16. MY Favorite sign is "Don't stop, Keep moving or how about "Yield" Oh, Becca toots, you mean those other signs, The Monkey and Aquarius on the cusp[ my birthday is the last day of Aquarius]... I can read Pisces too for all my BAD Traits! Luv, Cal B)
  17. If this is true, We need more fresh blood on this forum, especially guys, how can we FORCE them to come to the DARK SIDE................maybe if we tell them about the IBPro Battle game... After all Dudes like to kill things Calanthee
  18. Becca dearest, are you including me in that "We" thing, my genders not set... how do you know what I am... both pictures used in my profile are beautiful Hara males. Knowing horny men, they'd probably line up around the block, especially if the weapons of "Seduction" were especially interesting, creative, and imaginative. LoL what's wrong with Man whores? If more men are needed we could alway advertise on the internet for more volunteer dudes! Naughty, Cal B)
  19. Loved your picture of Lucifer and the way he is holding his head as he is falling. "What the "F" am I doing!" Cal

  20. Becca dear, put more cloths on your avaitor, and maybe we wouldn't tempted to kill you so much, flaunting your charms. Cal
  21. Squally, I didn't kill you once today, but I was tempted several times. But I made a promise that I wouldn't... now sugar butt stop temping me. Cal
  22. Hey LauryLoo,

    Aren't going to respond to my Ukeroth Post. I don't bite much!


  23. Calanthee


    The only kink I have... is that I lie about having kinks. Really normal people never have naughty Kinks. I don't have any naughty kinks I am completely normal, truly I say it is so! So what, I fantasize about beautiful young men [bishies] with very long shiny hair, [special silver-haired ones with a big long sword or the beautiful father Abel, Vampyre blood sucking nanite infested winged angel], I love all that hair hanging way below their perfect round bottoms and beyond. No I must not tell you, what I would like to do to all that lovely Hair......! I tell you... YEAH, I am completely NoRmAl.... nORmaL...! NORMAL Sincerely, Cal PS There is a slight possiblity, that I might have a hair fetish though!
  24. Go for it! Whatever... everyone has off day... even silvered-haired Sephy... maybe the man's tired of being in control and wants someone to make all the sexual decisions for once, just to see what it feels like? Of course you'll have the pleasure of writing another scene... when Sephy goes back to this same person who thought a he's the top, and our beautiful, supermodel on steriods and "dominant psycho"... takes his real top position back in spades. Or your unknown Seducer could simply catch Sephy drunk-out-the-ass...or sick[poisoned], wounded, or sleeping and molest him before he has a chance to react, just make sure "the Masamune" out of reach...I just thought of another fun Idea...YOUr Seducer, could abduct the Most Precious Sword Masamune and threaten to destroy it, unless Sephiroth passively submits to his advances...rape etc. Then you'd have fun writing the emotional end of such situation. But of course I wouldn't give your seducer, one chance in hell of surviving very long after our Sephy got his sword back! Just a few thoughts, hope they were helpful? Luv, Cal the Killer, and part time writer
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