We were created By horny doppy long lived messed up aliens , flawed pathetic aliens.... if you check all, the different group of gods around the world, they were all similiar and flawed and all bases on the same Small group of assholes down through time... whether is East Indian god or greek god...Egyption... Norse etc! All of its a real bad soap opera... everybody sleeps with each other and their sister or kills each other in wars, just the Names changed over time .... Seed of Aliens and a great ape species were combined to make humans, and we were created as slaves to mine gold from the earth, because the gods were much to lazy to do it themselves. Gold was needed to save the atmosphere of their own home planet!
So if you wonder where you got all your bad habits from.... the godZ!
They made us in their image, decided we were beautiful and then screwed us totally.
Then they left us, when their long life spans, started to deminish and returned to their home planet, supposedly to come back some day, hope not, there goes the neighbor hood, personally I hope a great Icy comet took out their great big planet long ago and thus save us all the trouble of their return! I perfer the dinasaur to come back first or Godzella to really exist, than all those doppy horny assholes... we refer to as godz! They're just trouble or worse!
Then one of the flawed Gods decided he was going to corner the market on the name god... ergo the one god theory... thou shall have no other gods before me!
Yeah Bullshit there was so many fake so-called gods on earth, at one time or other, you couldn't help but trip on them!
There only one real perfect god/ the creator/ eternal the almighty and that is the Universe itself and his word is the big bang, from dust an nothingness to us and back to nothingness again over and over! Pulsing on and off over and over until you WANT SCREAM or come! Sound fun don't it!
Make up your own compasionate god, it's better than following a fake one that belongs to someone else! Cal
PS So if you want to get down to it "the Bible is the first Sci-fi novel ever written" Can you dig it, yeah I knew that you could!