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Everything posted by DemonGoddess

  1. Quick search on title got me these two-- Death of a Soul which is a one shot, and The Death of a Soul which is multichapter
  2. If the account was deleted, the user was either under age at the time, or a plagiarist. If a plagiarist, and we find that person again, you can be sure that person will be deleted again. Once someone plagiarises, we do not allow returns. If a minor, that person is allowed to return after he or she turns 18, and not before. Very simple, really.
  3. Have you tried browsing these?
  4. Updated archive menus to include "adopt a story" , "dribs, drabs and doggy tales", and the story code list.

  5. I searched staff documents back through end of April, we did not take down "Candied Love", that I can find. Of course, without a user NAME, I can't be more specific than that. It happens that sometimes users feel they don't have to follow certain rules and whatnot that everyone else does, and then pulls stories because of it. It also happens that users pull a story for a rewrite. Without further information, that's as much as I can tell you. Those instances are nothing to do with staff, and all to do with user choice. The only reference I found to the other story, was something in celeb, where the user had a bad email address and was deleted as a result.
  6. Looking Out My Back Door -CCR
  7. yep, and it's toast
  8. I can adjust it so it's not like that anymore, yes. Unfortunately, as the ratings are totally anonymous, this does happen from time to time. The only thing that can be done, is the user informs me, as you've done, gives me data to work with (as you've also done), and then I fix it for you. Most commonly, this is done because of a pair that you're writing, or story content. --- fixed
  9. added (double check to make sure I got it right pls)
  10. nah, I'm used to questions like this after I move many many stories around
  11. Overtagging bugs me. Undertagging does as well. After all, the purpose of the tag is to let the readers know what they're in for. This way, if it's something I don't like, I know not to click.
  12. If you have difficulties, do let me know!
  13. Well, checking the story by ID, it's not there at all. I know I didn't delete it, and that would be me that does the story deletions. The other mods simply note that there is an issue. I also checked in the misplaced forum, to see if someone had reported it as that, and that perhaps it had been deleted for that reason. Nothing there either. Checked my emails as well, to be sure I didn't process direct from an email, and no joy there. Best I can tell you at this point, is to go ahead and repost it. Sorry I couldn't be of more help.
  14. We've already installed a much better search engine core, which will enable the new search function that is under development to make it so that searches and filtering is much better than now. But you see, that's the thing. Under development. Installing the engine was only the START of what needs to be done to eliminate the old search which is quite limited. So, just be patient, it is being worked on.
  15. She requested some time ago that I delete her account, as she was stepping away for awhile. She created a new login 2 days ago.
  16. If it was taken down recently, it was most likely due to something such as author being underaged at the time of posting. Without the author name though, I can't tell you for certain.
  17. animehead came back the 30th.
  18. someone nuked it
  19. :D Is now done with moving everything in the cartoon subdomain, that's staying in the subdomain
    1. JayDee


      If you used an Acme brand mover, it'll all bounce back with a WAH WAH Waaaah noise.

    2. DemonGoddess


      LOLOL. nah, no Acme brand, just mind numbing work.

  20. Anything having to do with passing around work which DOES NOT BELONG TO YOU, do it offsite. If you don't have permission to do so, and you're passing around this person's work, and they pulled it? Very disrespectful to the author.
  21. Final sort and story movement complete for Danny Phantom, Invader Zim and Kim Possible Story movement out of the subdomain - in progess. These are the stories in zAdmin/Misplaced. Reminders- I expect that I will have unlimited levels of subcategories as an option within the next month to six weeks. At that time, you will see further structural changes, and where I have subcategories which don't QUITE qualify for top level status, they will then be able to be further subdivided by specific pair. As I am still limited by having ONLY 3 category levels, and only 2 of them posting levels, this is why the current structure is set up the way it is. I am in the process of moving DC and Marvel based titles to comics (DC) and xmen (Marvel) subdomains, so any NEW story loads for these should go to those subdomains, not this one. If a category does not yet exist for your fandom in either subdomain, please post the request here- http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/forum/733-archive-category-requests/ In the forum like that is "in your face" for me, which means I'm going to see it more often, and get it done within a day or two of the request being posted. Thanks again for your continued patience
  22. By the way, as we do not allow multiple uploads of a story, you'll have to choose which version stays once you're ready. The original version, or the fanfiction.
  23. Danny Phantom-sort finalized, stories moved Invader Zim-final sort and story movement in progress Kim Possible - final sort and story movement in progress
  24. Underagers Inconclusive -399 Returning minors -57 Confirmed adults -542 OLD minors being processed -638 OLD minors, processing completed - 323 Deleted, now 18 and able to return - 468 Users posting for minors -16 First time deletions -270 Being processed-1 Taken over (posting for minors, minors who keep coming back) -9 Total number of members looked at -2723 Trolls/Flamers/Spammers Processing completed -226 Accounts taken over -9 Being processed - None at present Total members looked at - 235 Plagiarism Resolved - 120 (there were some duplicates last month, so the count is down for that reason) Permissions confirmed - 41 Co-authored stories (confirmed) - 22 <--not plagiarism, simply record keeping Citation corrections - 60 Citations needed - 26 Unsubstantiated -42 Being processed -7 (this includes users we know about who may or may not be here yet, but have plagiarised elsewhere, where we monitor) Accounts taken over - 34 Total members looked at -352 Other TOS Violations Being processed -4 Resolved -313 Total issues looked at -317 Invalid emails Being processed - 3 Processing complete - 257 (this is deletions for no contact with working email, or corrections with working email) Total members looked at -260 Duplicate Accounts Merged in to one account- 407 KNOWN shared and allowed additional accounts - 26 Being processed -6 Total members looked at -439 *This number does NOT include the total accounts per user merged. Number is also subject to change depending upon age verification. If they are minors, they're not merged, they're deleted. This will also apply in other areas where it turns out the member in question isn't so much what they were being reported as (i.e. troll), but actually underage. Something else to remember, is that this can affect an author's review board as well. When I delete a minor, for example, I also delete their reviews. Same for trolls, plagiarists, and etc. I delete ALL their content.
  25. Actually, what it means is this is the time of year for the annual minor infestation to get out of control
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